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2024年高考英语备考指南真题风向标高三加油仪式精选模拟优题,拓展写作主题内容,积累相关词组搭配,不局限于写作,同时能拓展相关主题的阅读词汇搭配知识面!假如你是高二学生李华,你校学生会近期要为即将参加高考的高三学子举行加油仪式(a pep rally),现征集活动创意。请你给学生会写一封信表达对于活动的建议,内容包括:1写信目的;2活动建议;3期待和祝福。注意:1写作词数应为80左右;2请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。To whom it may concern,_Yours,Li Hua【任务一】模板套句:开头:1. As preparations are underway for the upcoming pep rally to boost the morale of our senior students, I am writing to offer some suggestions to make the event memorable and impactful.(随着即将到来的加油仪式为提振我们高三学生的士气做准备,我写信提出一些建议,以使活动既难忘又有影响力。)2. Its with great enthusiasm that I offer suggestions for the pep rally aimed at uplifting the spirits of our high school seniors as they prepare for the crucial upcoming exams.(我怀着极大的热情提出加油仪式的建议,旨在鼓舞我们高中毕业班学生的士气,因为他们正在为即将到来的关键考试做准备。)中间行文:1. One suggestion is to organize a series of motivational speeches delivered by successful alumni or renowned figures in various fields, providing our seniors with valuable insights and encouragement.(一个建议是组织一系列由成功的校友或各领域知名人士发表的激励演讲,为我们的毕业班学生提供宝贵的见解和鼓励。)2. Additionally, incorporating interactive activities such as team-building games or talent showcases can foster a sense of camaraderie and boost morale among our senior students.(此外,加入互动活动,如团队建设游戏或才艺展示,可以培养同学间的友爱感,提高毕业班学生的士气。)3. It would also be impactful to organize a symbolic gesture, such as releasing balloons with well wishes written by fellow students, to signify unity and support within the school community.(组织象征性的活动也将具有影响力,比如放飞气球,上面写着同学们的祝福,以示学校社区的团结和支持。)结尾:1. In conclusion, I am confident that these suggestions will contribute to creating a memorable and uplifting pep rally for our senior students, preparing them for the challenges ahead with renewed vigor and determination.(总之,我相信这些建议将有助于为我们的毕业班学生打造一场难忘而激励人心的加油仪式,以新的活力和决心迎接未来的挑战。)2. With these ideas in mind, I look forward to seeing a successful pep rally that not only boosts the morale of our senior students but also fosters a sense of unity and support within our school community.(怀着这些想法,我期待着看到一场成功的加油仪式,不仅能提振我们的毕业班学生的士气,还能在我们的学校社区内培养团结和支持的意识。)3. Lets work together to make this pep rally a memorable and impactful event that leaves a lasting impression on our senior students, inspiring them to face the challenges of the future with confidence and resilience.(让我们共同努力,使这次加油仪式成为一场难忘而有影响力的活动,给我们的毕业班学生留下深刻的印象,激励他们以自信和韧性面对未来的挑战。)【任务二】To whom it may concern, As preparations are underway for the upcoming pep rally to boost the morale of our senior students, I am writing to offer some suggestions to make the event memorable and impactful. One suggestion is to organize a series of motivational speeches delivered by successful alumni or renowned figures in various fields, providing our seniors with valuable insights and encouragement. Additionally, incorporating interactive activities such as team-building games or talent showcases can foster a sense of camaraderie and boost morale among our senior students. It would also be impactful to organize a symbolic gesture, such as releasing balloons with well wishes written by fellow students, to signify unity and support within the school community. In conclusion, I am confident that these suggestions will contribute to creating a memorable and uplifting pep rally for our senior students, preparing them for the challenges ahead with renewed vigor and determination.Yours sincerely,Li Hua学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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