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读后续写的常用写作技巧 一读后续写的错误反思:1. 原材料理解有偏差2. 给出的两个首句理解有误,导致情节偏差3. 主旨偏差/挖掘不够/结尾不精彩4. 情节详略不得当5. 随意添加人物6. 对话过多7. 动词时态错8. 谓语非谓语错9. 缺时间衔接,动作衔接10. 句式简单,未使用从句/非谓语/with/无灵主语/独立主格/倒装句/强调句11. 缺必要的动作描写,心理描写12. 字数不足13. 书写不工整二Tips:1. 每段先设计好三个微情节,这样续写时才能够详略得当,避免某个细节着墨太多。2. 分析给出的两个首句,确定接下来的人物、地点、情节走向。三读后续写的常用写作技巧2学科网(北京)股份有限公司1. 现在/过去分词作状语2. 形容词(短语)做状语3. with+n.做方式状语4. 独立主格结构做状语5. 无灵主语6. 动作链7. 动作+情绪描写8. 时间/动作衔接9. 非限定从补充说明10. 叙事节奏11. 强调句型12. 倒装句13. 思想+行动+(预期的)结果14. 以同理心来设计人物的语言、动作、表情15. 哲理感悟式/定格动作式/景色画面式结尾6学科网(北京)股份有限公司1) 现在/过去分词作状语l 她难过地跑回了房间。Overwhelmed with a sense of sorrow, she ran back to her room in tears.l 注意到一个陌生的家庭看起来焦虑和无助,她走近我们,问她能做什么。Noticing a strange family looking anxious and helpless, she approached us and asked if there was anything she could do.2) 形容词(短语)做状语He smiled 不情愿地笑了He forced an unwilling smile.She came back + hungry and exhausted又饿又累地3) with+n.做方式状语本心有余悸地说道。Ben said with a scare still in her voice4) 无灵主语father caught sight of the messy kitchen The messy kitchen came into his sightFather felt worried. Thousands of thoughts flooded into the worried fathers mind.I was shocked by the newsThe news shot me like a bomb, leaving my brain blank and limbs frozen.5) 动作链She patted me on the shoulder She felt my sorrow and patted ./ Feeling my sorrow, she patted me on the shoulder and said in a gentle voice.6) 角色切换,多角度叙事david哭了,我同情他. david的眼泪.Davids tears triggered a sense of sympathy from the bottom of my heart.我对于david的哭泣感到.I felt sympathetic to Davids sadness and sorry for my ignorance.7) 动作+情绪描写jack向妈妈道歉 悔恨的泪水从jack脸颊落下,jack拉住妈妈的手,低声一遍又一遍地说对不起Regretful tears rolling down his cheeks, Jack held mothers hands tightly and mumbled his apologies repeatedly.8) 时间/动作衔接Searching the road for stones, my eyes landed upon a brown beef burger/object. + No sooner had I caught sight of that than an idea flashed through my mind.9) 每段的对话尽量不超过一处 “Thank you. Thank you very much” the old man said The old man expressed his thanks repeatedly. “why didnt you tell me earlier?”“I just didnt want you to worry” Figuring out what had happened, he felt himself the luckiestone in the world to possess such understanding children/ parents/ friends.10) 非限定从补充说明What came next, as I expected, was that the animal approached the burger, paying little attention to the boy in front, which, therefore, providedBen with enough time to climb up and return to a safe place with us.11) 思想+行动+(预期的)结果u 思想 No sooner had I caught sight of that than an idea flashed through my mind. (动作衔接,无灵主语) “Why not use it to attract the shepherd?” A voice whispered in my ears. (无灵主语)u 行动 Soon I picked the burger up, shook it at the dog and flung it.(时间衔接,动作链)u 结果 What came next, as I expected, was that the animal approached the burger, paying little attention to the boy in front, which, therefore, providedBen with enough time to climb up and return to a safe place with us.(时间衔接、现在分词作状语,which定从)12) 哲理感悟式/定格动作式/景色画面式结尾金色的阳光,从车窗里涌进来,温暖着我们,提醒着我们,世界上确实存在着善良。Golden sunlight, flooding in through the car windows, warmed us and reminded us goodness does exist in the world.这段经历就像我记忆中的一朵永恒的花,总是提醒我,通过持续的努力,任何障碍都可以克服。The experience was like an ever-lasting flower in the river of my memory, always reminding me that with consistent effort, any obstacle could be conquered. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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