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选择性必修第一册 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks阅读词汇会认1glacier n 冰川 2reindeer n 驯鹿 3territory n 领土;版图;领域;地盘 4boundary n 边界;界限;分界线 5cottage n 小屋;(尤指)村舍;小别墅 6teapot n 茶壶 7label vt. 用标签标明;贴标签 n 标签;标记 8cream n 奶油;乳脂;护肤霜 adj. 奶油色的;淡黄色的 9bush n 灌木 10lung n 肺 11corridor n 狭长地带;走廊;过道;通道 12roller coaster 过山车 13pirate n 海盗;盗版者 vt. 盗印;窃用 14enormous adj. 巨大的;极大的 15iron n 铁;铁器;铸铁;熨斗 vt.& vi. (用熨斗)熨;烫平 16superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的 17polar adj. (近)极地的;南极(或北极)的;磁极的 18column n (书、报纸印刷页上的)栏;专栏;柱(形物) 重点词汇会写1 cloth n(一块)布;织物;布料2 valley n谷;山谷;溪谷3 ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n禁令4 accompany vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为伴奏5 adopt vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养6 sour adj.酸的;有酸味的7 sneeze vi.打喷嚏 n喷嚏;喷嚏声8 stretch vi.延伸;延续 vi.& vt.伸展;舒展9 pedal n(自行车等的)脚镫子;踏板 vt.& vi.骑自行车;踩踏板10 fountain n喷泉;人工喷泉;喷水池11 route n路线;路途;途径12 ahead adv.向前;在前面;提前13 theme adj.有特定主题的 n主题;主题思想14 theme park 主题公园;主题乐园15 incredible adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的16 wander n游荡;闲逛;流浪 vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神17 swing vt.& vi.(swung, swung)(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向18 steam n蒸汽;水蒸气;蒸汽动力 vi.蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽19 splendid adj.壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的20 display n展览;陈列;展览品 vt.显示;陈列21 appetite n食欲;胃口;强烈欲望22 buffet vt.连续猛击;打来打去 n自助餐23 edge n边;边缘;边线;刀刃 vt.& vi.(使)徐徐移动;给加边24 vast adj.辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的拓展词汇会变1 visible adj.看得见的;可见的 invisible adj.看不见的 vision n视力;视觉2 bless vt.祝福 blessing n幸事;祝福3 prohibition n禁止;阻止;禁令 prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止4 journalist n新闻记者;新闻工作者 journal n日志;杂志5 rewarding adj.值得做的;有益的 reward vt.报答;酬劳;奖赏6 cycle n自行车;摩托车;循环 vi.骑自行车 cyclist n骑自行车的人7 appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求 appealing adj.有吸引力的;恳求的8 adorable adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的 adore vt.热爱;喜爱9 amusement n娱乐(活动);愉悦 amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐 amusing adj.逗人笑的;有乐趣的 amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的10 fashion n时尚;时兴;流行款式 fashionable adj.时尚的11 rare adj.稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的 rarely adv.罕有;很少12 entertainment n娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目 entertain vt.招待;款待;使欢乐 entertaining adj.使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainer n表演者;艺人运用巩固提能1(2022新课标卷)Neither won the race, but the display (显示,表露) of human kindness won the day.2(2022新高考卷)Emily thinks of her work at the Film Centre rewarding (值得做的)3(2022全国卷)When he looked down, he accidentally slipped and fell over the edge (边缘)4(牛津高阶)Dont spoil your appetite (食欲) by eating between meals.5(2022浙江1月卷)America did not invent the steam (蒸汽动力) engine, but once they grasped its passwords they put it to more uses than anyone else.6(2022全国甲卷)Now, Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route (路线)7(朗文当代)Each bag of seeds is labeled (贴标签) with the growers name.8(剑桥高阶)This substance stretches (伸展) to any shape you want.9(2023全国甲卷)From the age of six, Terri, now 26, accompanied (陪同)Derek to work during her school holidays.10(2022全国卷)We journalists (新闻记者)live in a new age of storytelling, with many new multimedia tools.11(2022新高考卷)After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung (swing) his feet forward.12(2021全国甲卷)When I returned to London in 2004,I found myself wandering (wander)down to Southbank, spending hours there.13As a matter of fact, the appealing book appealed to me instantly I read it.(appeal)14Hence, the rewarding activity will reward us with many benefits.(reward)15Long skirts are out of fashion .That is to say, they are not fashionable . (fashion)16Five cyclists are cycling along a picturesque route at the moment. (cycle)17 Rarely have I seen such a beautiful and rare sunset.(rare)18There are many amusing facilities in the amusement park and children are all amused in the park.(amuse)19I was blessed with a happy childhood and it was a blessing for me. (bless)20Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night.During the time Bob told us many jokes for entertainment ,making it an entertaining night.(entertain)
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