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PEP四年级上册英语教案主备人: 授课时间:课 题 Unit1 My classroom课 型新授课 单词教学研讨主题任务分层实现学生全面发展教学目标1.通过观看视频、游戏等活动,能够听、说、读、写本节课主要单词computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor,并能在实际情境中运用。2. 能够听懂,会说This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is green.3. 能够在老师的引导下完成Bingo游戏。重点难点1.教学重点:通过观看视频掌握能够听,说,读、写computer、teachers desk fan,wall, floor.2.教学难点: 难点是Computer的读法。2.能够简单描述本教室中物品的颜色。教学准备教具:课件、词卡、单词图片.学具:单词图片(每组一套)教学过程教师与学生活动个性化设计Step 1 Get ReadyWarming up 1.Greeting: Good morning. How are you?2.Game:Listen and Colour.课前发给学生带有图案的纸条,让他们给纸条上的图案涂颜色。E.g. Colour the apple red看谁图的最准确?从而帮助学生复习学过的关于颜色的单词。 Free talk:T: What can you see in the classroom?S1: I can see a door ,many desks,T: What else?.S2: windows, chairs, lights, pictures.让学生来复习A部分所学的单词。Step 2 PresentationLead-inlook at the video , listen and answer the question: What can you see in the picture,too?让学生用英语回答,答不全的,顺势在听一遍录音。look at the video again, answer the questions. What else?Step 3 PracticeLearn to say(据学生所答显示新词)1. I can see a fan .(指向电扇,教学生读音。) 四线三格板书,在板书之前在黑板上写man,让学生认读,然后再板书fan,电扇。帮助学生记忆。指令point to the fan,让学生做动作,记忆单词。2.利用教师中的实物来教授其他单词(用以旧带新的方法)ballwall ;doorfloor (方法同上) 3教师指着讲桌问:Whats this?学生可能回答desk ,然后教师说teachers desk ,teacher + desk teachers desk。注意teachers和teacher is的区别4Computer的读法分音节来教。Com/pu/terDrill 1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.依次找好中待三种层次的学生约7人试读,正音。Meaningful practice 1.教师分别指着教室中的讲台桌,地面,墙,风扇和计算机,问:Whats this? 让学生回答:Its 教师可做适当提示。2.学生小组练习,记忆单词。一生说汉语,一生说英语,拼写。3.listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1) What colour is the wall? 2) What colour is the floor?3听录音跟读,纠正发音。4. 找学生读课文。5. 让同学们画出自己的教室,并涂上颜色。然后介绍教室。 Look! This is my classroom. The wall is white. The floor is greenConsolidating 1 .Game: 拿出词卡,折起一部分字母,让学生做猜词游戏。2. 游戏(Bingo)Step 4:Production观察教师,然后编个chant . 用所学的单词。(computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor) Step 5 Ending一完成下列单词c_mp_ter fl_ _ w_llf_ _ t_ _chers desk二连词成句1.is This classroom my2.The is white wall_3.floor green is The_SummaryT: How do you feel in this class? Why?S7:I feel Because I know/can(引导学生从知识、方法和情感等方面谈收获)板书设计 Unit 1.B. lets learnManfan ballwalldoorfloor teacher+desk teachers deskComputer The wall is white.教学反思Unit 1 My classroom?主备人: 授课时间:课 题Unit 1 Part B My classroom?(第五课时)课 型新授课 对话教学研讨主题学生认读单词能力的训练教学目标1.通过观看视频的活动,学生能听懂会说句型 Lets 和Let me及其表示赞同的回答:Good idea.和All right. 2. 通过意义操练,学生能够听懂,会说词组clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the board 3教育学生热爱班集体,爱劳动。 重点难点教学重点:学生能够听懂,会说句型 Lets 和Let me。 教学难点: Lets的全写let us,Lets 和Let me的区别。教学准备教具:课件、词卡、录音机、磁带、学具:文具等教学过程教师与学生活动个性化设计Step 1 Get Readywarming up 与学生一起做Lets do. (4页第二部分,观看视频,边看边做动作两遍。)Step 2 PresentationLead-in教师边做动作边说:教师做游戏,引出新知。教师边做动作,边说英语clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the board,clean the window.让学生用英语说一说教师做的动作。说的不全的其他学生补充。学生看词卡说这几个词组并做动作。师渗透“Good job!” Step 3 PracticeLearn to say clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the boardclean the window.(板书 ) (让学生边说边做动作。) 试读句子,然后正音。Drill 找好种差三种层次的学生约6人试说短语。 Meaningful practice 采用各种形式练习说这几个词组。1.找学生到前边来表演老师要求的动作,其他同学猜。“Lets play”2.师生共同做动作,学习“lets clean the classroom”3.让学生用lets自己说几个句子ConsolidatingStep 4:Production 1.学生带问题听录音Question:1、Who cleans the window? 2、Who cleans the board? 3、当你的同伴提出一种建议,你赞同这一建议时,应该用英语怎样回答?2.听录音,跟读。3.生读对话,画出不理解的地方。 Lets, let me的区别。谁能用Let me造个句子?让学生自己说几个句子。4.四人一组分角色练读对话5.小组展示读或表演对话。4.老师打乱顺序念,学生标号。 Step 5 EndingFeedback 1、英汉词组互译 1)擦窗子 2) 擦桌椅 3) clean the classroom 4)Look at the picture 2、单项选择1)当你的同伴提出Lets clean the classroom,你同意他的建议时,你会怎样用英语回答?A Excuse me! B. Thank you. C All right.2)对话中老师是怎样表扬她的学生的?A Good idea. B Good job! C Goodbye!3)在对话的第一幅图片中,吴一凡提出的建议是怎样用英语表达的?A Lets clean the classroom.B Let me clean the classroom.C Lets clean the desks and chairs.4)“我来擦黑板”用英语怎样说?A Let me clean the board . B Lets clean the window.C Lets clean the board.SummaryT: In this class,Are you happy? Why ?你有什么想说的么?S7:I m happy. Because I know/can(引导学生从知识、方法和情感等方面谈收获)板书设计Unit 1.B. lets talkclean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the window, clean the boardLets clean the classroom。让我们Let me clean the classroom.让我Let me clean the board .课后反思Unit1 My classroom主备人: 授课时间:课 题 Unit1 My classroom(第六课时)课 型新授课 字母教学研讨主题任务分层实现学生全面发展教学目标 1.通过观看视频、游戏等活动,能听,说,认读并书写字母F 到 I 的大小写。
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