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PEP小学英语五年级上册期中试题一、写出下列单词的反义词5分old_ tall_ thin _quiet_ big _二、完成句子8分1. _ your new English teacher? Miss Ye.2. _ he like? Hes young and strong.3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? Yes, _.4. Whos that young man? _ is your P.E. teacher.三、根据提示填入单词,完成句子。10分 1My father is (和蔼可亲的) 2My mother is (严格的) 3My Chinese teacher is (老的) 4My English teacher is (活泼的) 5My math teacher is (聪明的)四、将选择的选项的序号写在括号里。20分( )1. your art teacher ? A . Who B . Whos C . Whose ( )2. Is young ? No, shes old . A . she B . he C . it ( )3. he like ? A . What B . Whos C . Whats ( )4. Whats she like ? Shes . (年轻漂亮的) A . young and active B. short and pretty C. young and pretty( )5 your math teacher ? AWho BWhoses CWhos DWhats ( )6Is she university student? Aa B the Can D( )7Is your brother tall and strong? AYes,he isnt BNo,he is CYes,she is DYes,he is( )8My mother is strict but 。 Akind Bkinds Cold Dfunny( )9Mr Chen is a good teacherWe all like Ahim Bhe Chis Dher( )10He is a new teacher class is so much fun AHis BHe CHim DHer五、把问题和答语对应起来。10分1. ( )Whos that man? A. Hes from China.2. ( ) Whats he like? B. Hes my teacher.3. ( ) Wheres he from? C. No, she is old.4. ( ) Is Miss Wang young? D. Hes short and thin.5. ( ) Is Mr Wang young? E. No, he is old.六、连词成句10分1. what he like is ? 2. smart funny is and he . 3. she is strict old and ? 4. is not no he . 5. teachers I new two have . 七、你能将它们连成一个完整的对话么?开始吧! 10分 ( )Really ? Whats he like ?( )His class is so much fun .( )Is he active ? ( 1 )I have a new science teacher .( )Yes , he is .( )Hes young and strong .八、看图指出描述该图人物的句子是否与图一致。如一致,请打“”,否则打“X”。12分 1Our PEteacher is very strong ( ) 2Your uncle is an art teacher ( ) 3Miss Liang is an English teacher ( ) 4My grandpa is old and short ( ) 5The woman is young ( ) 6This young man is a student ( )九、阅读并判断,用“”或“X”表示。10分 Hello ! Im John . Im 12 .I have two new teachers now . They are an English teacher and an art teacher . The English teacher is Mr. Carter . Hes from Canada . Hes tall and strong . Hes very funny . And he is my friend Tims father . Mr. Zhang is the art teacher .He is a university student . He is 24 .He is tall and strong ,too .And he is very active . We like our new teachers very much . 1 .( ) John has a new art teacher now .2 .( ) Mr. Carter is Johns new English teacher . He is from America.3 .( ) The two new teachers are all very tall and strong .4 .( ) John is a university student .5 .( ) John likes the new teachers very much .十、写作。写一篇介绍你最欢的老师的文章。不少于5句话。5分_
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