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考点跟踪突破14 八年级(下)Un its 910一、单项选择。1. Xi Jinping , our _C_ preside nt, paid a visit to Harbin last mon th.How encouraging ! (2016,哈尔滨)A. 63 years oldB. 63 years oldC. 63-year - old2. Is that a new coat?No, I _C_ it for a long time.(2016,威海)A. bought B . have boughtC. have had3. Its nice to see you agai n.We _C each other si nee 2014.(2016,北京)A. wont see B . dont seeC. have nt see n D . did nt see4. John is such a ( n) B man that we can always believe him.(2016,包头)A. friendlyB. honestC. careless D. foolish5. The fridge does nt work.Why not con sider _D_ a new one?A. buy B . bought C . to buy D . buying6 . I have bought a new house , but I dont want to _C_ my old one.(导学号:38122075)(2016,重庆模拟)A. live in B . stay withC. part with D . leave for7. Be careful whe n you are drivi ng, _C in a rain storm like this.Thanks.l will.(2016,十堰模拟)A. seriously B . exactly C . especially D . probably8 . Would you like to go to the Water Park with me?Sorry , I _ D_ there many times.(导学号:38122076)(2017,预测)A. have gone B . have gone toC. have bee n to D . have bee n二、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(2016,陕西)A: Hi, B: I have been to Beijing.A: What did you do there?B: 10.GA: Really ? How did you perform?B: 11.DA: Congratulations! Youre always the best.Whose poem did you choose?B: I chose Li Bais.He is my favourite poet.A: I love his poems , F_B: Fantastic.Youknow, our Chinese ancient poemsare really great.We should learnmore.A: 13.B Its our duty to keep and spread our traditi onal culture.B: Thats right.A. Whydid you go there?B. I agree with you.C. Where have you been?D. I won the first prize .E. Do you like Li Bai?F. And what do you think of the competition?G I took part in the FirstChinese Ancient PoemReading Competition .三、完形填空。(导学号:38122077)(2016,朝阳模拟)I did nt leave myhometow n un til Iwas sixtee n years old.My hometow n has leftlotsof sweet _14. YesterdayI returnedto my hometown.l have been away forthreeyears , so many things have _15_ there.Before I left ,there was a small pond16 my house, but now people havefilledthispond and havebuilt a largeshoppingmall.The things in it are good andcheap,_17= there are many people every day.There was a baseball court in my hometow n in the past.We used to play baseball there ,18_ on weekends.Now a new stand (看台)has bee n _19so that more people can sit there to watch games .It looks 20than before.The street in front of my house looks just as it used to be.People have built a public _21in the n ext street.Every day quite a few people read books andmagaz ines in it.Besides , people have built a beautiful park .In it gree n trees and fresh flowers can be seen _22 . It is really a wonderful place for people to _23 . I really hope our hometow n will become more and more beautiful.(B)14.A.foodB. memories C . voiceD. songs(A)15. A.cha ngedB . heldC. introduced D.researched(D)16.A.i nside B.across C . over D .opposite(B)17.A.though B.so C . but D . or(D)18.A.simply B. mostly C . recen tly D.especially(A)19. A.added B.moved C . repaired D.led(C)20.A.worse B.stra nger C . better D.older(B)21. A.toilet B.library C . hospital D . museum(D)22. A.a ny whereB . somewhereC. no where D .everywhere(B)23.A.work B.relax C . discuss D .sweep四、阅读理解。(导学号:38122078)(2016,孝感)Dear mum and dad ,rm writingthis letter to you from the center of Australia.At the moment werestaying near Uluruthats the aboriginal ( 土著)name for Ayers Rock.On the firstday, we took a balloon tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was:3.6 kilometers long and 384 meters high.The colors of the rock are fantastic, andat different times of the day, they change from purple to red.The Aborigines arethe first people of Australia, and the ancient aboriginal stories describe thespirits that created the world.Uluru is a cen ter of Aborig inal culture.The Australia nshave many British relatives.Thats why theyre like us in manyways.Their family life is similar to ours , and they enjoy the same food and hobbies.The food and drink that most Australia ns like are grapes, lamb , ham andespecially wi ne that they make in the south of the coun try.They love all sports,but football is the most popular.Most Australia ns live n ear the coast , so they also love going to the beach , swimming and surfing.Although its December , its summer over here.The sunshine is very bright,and near the coast the countryside is very green.There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills , but the outback (澳洲内陆)is more like a desert , full of rocksand sand.The next day after we arrived at Uluru , we went on a camel (骆驼)ride.The camel that I rode had a bad temper . Whenl sat on its back, it became very angry and refused me.So every one else thought it was ver
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