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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题His( )directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.问题1选项A.ambiguousB.complicatedC.arbitraryD.intricate【答案】A【解析】句意:他模棱两可的指示把我们弄糊涂了;我们不知道该走哪条路。考查形容词辨析。ambiguous 引起歧义的;模糊的;complicated 难懂的;复杂的;arbitrary 任意的;武断的;intricate 复杂的;错综的。由后半句句意可知A项正确。2. 单选题There was once an( )idea that the earth was flat and motionless.问题1选项A.absurdB.intrinsicC.eternalD.offensive【答案】A【解析】句意:曾经有一个荒谬的想法:认为地球是平的,静止的。考查形容词辨析。absurd 荒谬的;可笑的;intrinsic 本质的;固有的; eternal 永恒的;不朽的;offensive 攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的。That从句解释说明了idea(想法): 认为地球是平的,静止的。因此A项符合句意。3. 单选题It was a type of urban story that continues to( )big city dwellers forward each day, a tale of hard work and self-starting initiative, of taking matters into ones own hands to make dreams come true.问题1选项A.penetrateB.propelC.baffleD.harness【答案】B【解析】句意:这是一种推动着都市人不断向前的都市故事,讲述的是努力工作、自我奋斗来实现梦想的故事。考查动词辨析。penetrate 渗透;穿过;propel推进,驱使;baffle 困惑,难住; harness 治理,驾驭。这里的选项既要符合句意,又要与后面的forward构成搭配,故选B项。propel sb. forward表示“推动某人向前”。4. 单选题Many tourists were ( ) by the citys complicated traffic system.问题1选项A.degradedB.bewilderedC.evokedD.diverted【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的过去分词形式。A选项degrade“贬低;使丢脸;使降级”;B选项bewilder“使迷惑,使不知所措”;C选项evoke“ 引起,唤起;博得”;D选项divert“ 转移;使欢娱;使转向”。句意:这个城市的复杂交通系统让很多游客感到迷惑。由题干关键词“复杂的交通系统”可知B项正确。5. 单选题Among the many subjects in school, mathematics is probably the most( )one, depending least on a students background and culture.问题1选项A.universalB.abstractC.arbitraryD.concrete【答案】A【解析】句意:在学校的许多科目中,数学可能是最全球化的一门,因为它丝毫不会取决于学生的文化背景。考查形容词辨析。universal 普遍的,通用的,全世界的;abstract 抽象的,纯理论的;arbitrary 任意的,武断的,专制的;concrete 实在的,具体的。根据后面句意 “因为它丝毫不会取决于学生的文化背景”可知这里应该指数学可能是最全球化的一门学科。6. 单选题Love cant conquer all. So, before couples tie the knot, they should know what theyre getting into. The taboo against couples living together before marriage is decreasing, and more and more people are saying “I do” after theyve spent months, or even years, living together.As much as a person loves another, he or she never really knows what happens behind closed doors unless he or she is standing on the other side. While some people view living together before marriage as immoral, couples are actually expanding the boundaries of their relationship by moving in together. For example, the division of household responsibilities can be a major issue for newlyweds. By living together, couples can solve imbalances in the distribution of those responsibilities before someone realizes he or she has married a lazy bum.This may seem like a small point, but how many women and men -are out there who never thought they would be the only ones cooking, washing dishes, vacuuming, hopping, scrubbing, disinfecting, cleaning laundry, dusting, etc.?One of the largest problems in marriages is the “in” word: money. If couples live together before marriage, they learn one anothers saving and spending styles. By baring expenses, people learn not only how each person controls the purse strings but how to discuss finance matters with each other. Its important for couples to figure out budget priorities before they are married, and this is difficult to do unless a person has been sharing expenses with his or her partner. If couples dont have their financial issues in order, they are bound to surface, causing trouble in the marriage.Its also difficult to know someone intimately without living with him or her. A special bond forms between people who share their living space, their personal longings, and their lives together. Some things you just dont know until youve lived with someone.While some people believe living together before marriage is inappropriate, like most everything else in this country, it is a choice that everyone should respect. Living together can be a positive experience that will later reinforce a marriage, but it can also be something that ends a relationship. But if a relationship is going to end its better for people to discover the hard truth before they marry. Even though two people love each other and enjoy spending time together, the real question is, can you live together? People might want to find out before they make the serious decision to marry.1.“Tie the knot”in the first line of the first paragraph means( ).2.According to the author, through living together( ).3.To some people living together before marring is unacceptable because( ).4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?5.An important point the author made in this passage is( ).问题1选项A.getting acquainted with each otherB.dating each otherC.living together before marriageD.getting married问题2选项A.a couple can reinforce their loveB.a couple can learn who is better at doing the houseworkC.a couple can save som
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