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班级姓名学号第一学期二年级英语期中考察Part1 Listning(听力部分)45% Litnan circle(听录音,圈出听到的字母组合或单词)10%1 BCD C 2. J IJ 3. j ji4. hed hnd 5. hi here 6. 7 8977. ie night bal boy . ana . Mr Mss in and choose(听录音,选出听到的句子,把编号写在括号内):0%( ) 1A.mer well B. m very all( ) 2 A. Harryhas aninect. B. Sallyhas aplte.( ) 3A.My ouh bigan m hairis shrt.B. ymth isml and my hairis log.( ) 4. A. Supegirl ca ru an swm. B. Suegirl canride skip.( ) 5. A. Is Sandyour friend? B.Is Sndy yur classmate?( ) 6 Ay grandmotr iskid. B y grnaher i old.( ) 7. . Shehs plae iherhand. . Se haa pencl inher bag.( ). A. s i a dg?Yes, itsado. B.Is it a at?N, is dog.( )9 A.Goodit . Goo veng.( )1. A.Is thatyr frid? B.Is thyor brther?.Lstnnd number(按听到的顺序用数字1-6给下图片编号) 61. 2. 3( ) ( ) ( )4. 5 6. ( ) ( ) ( ). iten ad juge(判断图片与听到的内容与否一致,用T表达对的,用F表达错误) %( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ist nd chose(听问句,选答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): 8%( ) 1 A. I a five. B.am in( ) 2. A. Gooafernoon Good even.( )3. . Se cn fl. B. Yes, shecnfly.( )4. . Yes, m. B. Ye, I can( ) 5. A.Ys, he i. B. , se is( ) A Hes y brothr B. hesmysser.( ) A Im Tm. . Youre To( ) . A Yes, I am sen. No, I m seven.VI. isten nd ick(听录音,在相应的表格内打“”) 6NmsevenintlthnswikiflyMarEddieart2 Redg nd itig(笔试部分)55. Readandwite(写出相邻的字母)6%_ b _ _ i _ _f _ _ _ _G_ _ _.R ad rite (对的抄写下列内容) 4% Suprgirl Be sp roe at . eandchoos(选出单词的反义词,把字母序号写在括号里):6A. short B. old C. big D. thin ( ) tall ( )smal ( )nw( )oung ( )ft ( )long. Ra and cicl(圈出不同类的词):7% 1. youn all nect 2. nght eenn ood . s ca e4. hand ead . seven ne ine 6. swim biccl id . big ba ook e and coose (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):10( ) 1 I _lice. Yu _ Kitty. A. are m B. am / r ( )2.Ca yo _ a ro? Asi B.pla ( ) 3.Ca yura, Supegirl? _.No, shecant B es, I an.( ) 4 Youreaboy. _ hai isshor. A. u B. Your( ) .Ca o see _ insect? It i smal. A.a B. an( ) I see ive_. A. an elephant B.elphs( ) 7. o am I? _ Youre ity. B. Ktty.() . Ihea a _ “Wo,Woof”. A bir B. dog( )9.y e_rud,and my eye _ i. . i / are B re is( )10. brocan ru ,_ he cant rnfst. . n . bt ead and hoos(看图,选出对的的图片):6%( ) 1. AIs e ld? e, h is. B Isheong? Yes, he is( ) 2. . My hr isshort. B. My air s ng.( ) . I a ee two jar. B. I can se two plates.( ) 4. Cman sin wih e. B. Cm and u wit m( ) . .G nit. . od afteroon.( ) 6. e canpyfootbl. He can rde a icyce( ) 7. Hw oldae you? a tn. BHow old are you? Inn.VI.ead n matc (读一读,给下列问答句配对) %( ) . Wos she? .Yes,I m.( ) 2.h ? B She i Aice.( ) 3 e youSam? C. our Alce.() 4.Whatan yudo? D. N, cn sin.( ) 5. anoudrw? E Yes, she s.( )
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