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Lessons 10-12I. 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)remind everywhere tell discuss look for 1. He _ me about his school life yesterday.2. Be sure to _ her of the meeting she has to attend.3. There are lots of flowers _ in the park.4. She is _ her lost child.5. Lets have a _ of the problem.II. 单项选择。( ) 1. Could you _ me where is bank?A. say B. ask C. speak D. tell( ) 2. Please tell him _ for a few minutes, please.A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited ( ) 3. I _ him everywhere, but found nothing.A. looked after B. looked up C. looked like D. looked for( ) 4. What you said just now _ me of that famous singer.A. mentioned B. thought C. reminded D. wanted( ) 5. The man made his son _ books the whole day.A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading( ) 6. She cant find her pen. _ she puts the pen in the bag. A. May be B. Maybe C. Must be D. May III. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 我找不到我的手表了,它可能在你的口袋里。I cant find my watch. It _ _ in your pocket.2. 我在到处找我的钢笔。I am _ _ my pen _.3. 请告诉孩子们保持安静。Tell the kids _ _ _, please.4. 这张照片总是让我回忆起那个假期。The picture always _ _ _ that holiday.( “答案角”)第1012课重点知识练习:I. 1. told 2. remind 3. everywhere 4. looking for 5. discussion II. 16 DCDCAB III. 1. may be 2. looking for, everywhere 3. to be quite 4. reminds me of
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