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广州四中聚贤中学公开课教案科目英语时间2011年3月31日主讲教师陈敏茹职称中二班级初三(2)班课题Waste sorting课型Reading and writing学习内容本课题主要围绕垃圾分类的话题展开,通过阅读相关文章,从字、词、句、篇章结构的层次,进行递进练习,学会根据写作要求完成一篇呼吁人们要分类垃圾的演讲稿,锻炼书面表达能力。教学目标知识与技能:学会有关垃圾分类和保护环境的表达,掌握演讲稿的体裁和如何运用句型并组建成有逻辑性的篇章。过程与方法:通过小组讨论、抢答等方式巩固阅读和提取文章中的词汇表达,为写作部分做好铺垫。情感、态度与价值观:利用读图、匹配信息的练习掌握正确的垃圾分类方法,借此运用到实际生活中,形成垃圾分类、使用可循环垃圾等有益于环保的行为。重点难点重点:正确掌握有关垃圾分类的词汇表述并能熟练运用解决措施:从词到句到篇章递进,降低难度难点:如何把各个句子连接成用逻辑性的文章解决措施:掌握阅读文章的结构(总分总),理清写作思路教法学法任务型教学手段运用多媒体进度安排一课时 课堂教学实施设计 Step1: Warming-upStudents will watch a video to get known about the topic of this lesson-waste sorting.Step2: Group work: choose the right kind of waste into the rubbish binStep3: readingTask 1: scan the passage and finish exercise 1. From April 1st 2011, the order of waste sorting will be carried out. Citizens are called for to place different kinds of waste into four different colored bins. They need to dispose their waste in a right way. The purpose is to help them develop the habit of sorting rubbish and using recycling things. They are hoped to start out small to protect the environment.Exercise 1: please match the meanings to the underlined words.1. call for a. deal with2. dispose b. ask for, need3. recycling things c. do from little things4. start out small d. things that can be used againTask 2: read the passage and finish exercise 2 and 3.The implement of waste sorting not only is good for the health of people, but also does good to our environment. Waste sorting is of great importance.First, waste will be dealt with properly. Recycling waste like paper or shoes can be used again. At the same time, harmful waste can be treated in a right way so that people can live healthily.Second, fewer landfills will be used. Lands can be used to plant trees. The more trees there are, the fresher air there is.Finally, the living environment will be improved. When people get used to placing their waste into the right bin, they will form the habit of protecting the environment. They wont throw harmful waste and food waste everywhere. In short, citizens in Guangzhou believe that this action is worth taking. They will start out small to make our environment clean.Exercise 2: please choose the right chart according to the structure of passage. Tips: CP: Central Point P: Point C: Conclusion A B CCPP1P2P3CCPP1P2P3CCPP1P2C Exercise 3: please find out useful words and expressions. Words and phrases:1. 被恰当处理 _/_2. 以致,使 _3. 被用来 _4. 生存环境 _5. 把垃圾放入正确的垃圾桶 _6. 从小事做起让环境干净 _Expressions:垃圾分类有很大的重要性。_Step 4: writingTask 3: writing假如你成为了某住宅小区的环保小使者,请你按照提示信息完成一篇演讲稿。提示信息如下:题目Waste sorting-lets do it!目的希望人们参与垃圾分类,尽最大的努力从小事做起保护环境重要性1. 垃圾能被适当处理,例如2. 用土地种多点树木,使空气更清新3. 生存环境变得更加好做法我们要把不同的垃圾放入不同颜色的垃圾桶你的总结注意:1. 演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入字数。字数在80字左右。 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等个人信息。Ladies and Gentlemen:Today, my topic is Waste sorting-lets do it!_Thats all. Thank you. 听课情况记载参听教师参评教师评议时间主持人谢李莉评议意见本课型重点训练学生的读写双技能。整体设计合理,时间分配恰当。引入和热身活动直奔主题,能引起学生的兴趣。带着认知的欲望,进行相关练习。阅读部分训练了略读和精读两种技巧,通过读图理解文章结构,理清写作思路。设计的练习层次感强,由浅入深,词语的提炼均能为写作部分作铺垫,帮学生扫清了写作中可能遇到的障碍。学生能在限定时间内完成有信息提示要求的写作,实效性强。教师在上课中注重情景的设置,对阅读的文章进行了重新编辑和筛选,对写作帮助很打。建议教师注意训练阅读的文体和写作文体的一致性,避免文体不对应而造成写作用辞的不准确。评议等次主讲人意见 签名: 课组长意见 签名:
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