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高一英语(必修三)期末测试题第一部分:听力(3分)I. 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一种小题从题中所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应的位置,听完每段对话后,你均有十秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一种小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1 Whereithe woman? A. On abus. B, Ina libary C. In boksore.Wh attede heeddin? . nlyhilip B. Phi whoe familttened it3at does the a say abu his obile phone? . Het t to a frien B. e eft it in a axi. C. He nt i o the epsho4. Wts the manwant th on o o?A. To be caefl, fr acar s cominB. Tohave a ok atthe ar.C. To lisen o im aeuy5. Why ct teman goto gve fod to he y. I.听下面四段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几种小题,从题中所给的、D三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应的位置,听完每段对话或独白前,你均有时间阅读各个小题,每题五分钟;听完后,各小题给出五秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答67题。6. Whe did Bo et isduaon?. At t colee. B.At nihtschoo C. At college ndig scol7. Wy ddnt hebecomea door? A. t ae to ln B. s o expnsive C His a asans听第七段材料,回答810题。8 Why di tman borowmoney frmhsrien? He er-sent hsmone B Tey avn otpaid ytD. is wlletwassolen.9. Wy did he rrylot o csh ithim al th t? He is nuts . ecan pay easi C. wasnt hinkng10 Whatdoes e seond speake hi of his frendfo teaccident? .It own fau. B. Bearflnext tie. .es folis.听第八段材料,回答11-13题。11. at d the little girl do? . She cugta uterfly. B. Se set a butefy ee. C She chand a buterfy into iry.2. htse eward or thegirl kiness?A. e buterfly let her have any whshe wuld ike.B. he butterfl lt he goawheres woul lke to.C. he btterfly mdherch13 hat does tesory tell us? A How to hpoths. B. e serlifof a youn gir. Ce rue manng f hapins.听第九段材料,回答4-16题。1Wat kindfprss acoorbid person? . He lways ees ackn white. B. He can only seehe colo f yelow lu. CHe s nly blin o some f he colors.15.hy is it danger fo a coor-blind person o pass byth aic ig? A. Han seethe rafic lght. B Hantshe s.D. ecant tl red fro green.16. Wich othe follownis rueaccordingt e passag?A. If on makshi eyesto tied, he ilbeceorblnd.B. Docos noave noieabot e reason f cobn.C. eople ave bun to fio the eso f color-bind.II. 听下面短文,并根据你所听到的内容在空白处填上对的的单词。短文读两遍。( pits) An ntwasdrinng at a smll ie and 17 n. she tred hrest o reac the side,t she oulnt mov t al.Thtantgot v 18 bt st hr best wen a bi brsaw hr. Te brd rew a piecof wood t of 19 .With it,e ant reah t bak again. Whil she was resing nd ying esl n the gass, she w omig up.He was walkng 20 shoes o his fe adarryng agun in his hnd. s soona he sa the bd, he 1 t kil her ad he wouldcetinlyos.u the nt thm oof hi fet. The rd fleway 22 . thughthe a was muchweker an smaler than te brd, saved te bis ie.第二部分 笔试 (共20分)IV Choose the bestnswer.(15 mark)23.- mas,swellas telphon,_. is laying B. haveplaed C. epaing lay.We wereanxious abouyou. You _ h withut _u .shot leave; ell B. usnleave; tll C shouldthave left; teling D.cant ave lft; telig25. I wa in the ab_wataken harg of by M.Lu _they id he xeiment . whih; where B who;tht . that;tat D.wich; tt26_sheik best _ eis hacer hr o traelarond e wod A That; what Wht;wat C Ta;tht DWhat; hat27. Theex moing foudte hole worldi overed _ snow nd it loked_it wee a hte worl A. by;as if B. with;stuh C. it; thoug D wth; ee hoh8. fr _ in the she far last night but_oo A brkeot; pt ot . was breot; w put out C broke out; was ptot D. was rke out; put ot29 Thewoma in the vilae were not_ alonenthe cuntry n th 110s A llowig gong ut Bllowedgoing ot C. aowed o ou d. allwing o go ot.Th naught by_to hs moterthatthe es ere _b te c. A. l; lay Bled; lad . l;lad D.ay; lay. Lisa wa _ i Mngs _bhavios A amaed at; amad B. mazedat; aing . amaze at; mae D amznga; ming2 Th businssmenwee boutto_the areement _ a
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