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Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?Section B 3a-4 一、单元整体分析本单元是围绕“Things around the house”展开教学活动的,这就要求学生掌握表示物品的单词,同时也要掌握物品摆放位置的表达方式;即能用 “Where is/are?”提问并用方位介词on, in, under, near, behind来回答,熟悉where引导的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句及回答;继而学习is, are与名词单复数的关系。在日常生活当中,能用本单元的目标语言描述房间,写便条,使英语学习生活化,英语的交际功能得到充分的发挥。本单元话题是学生日常生活中熟悉的话题,因此学生有表达的欲望。这就要充分利用教材的听力材料,训练和提高学生的听、说能力。在听说的基础上创设语言情景,加强读写能力的训练。同时,要充分利用课本插图来启发学生,引起学生的学习欲望,提高学生听、说、读、写的综合能力。同时渗透学生的情感教育,引导他们养成爱干净、爱整洁的好习惯。二、单元知识结构1. 词汇:名词:thing, table, bed, sofa, dresser, bookcase, chair, drawer, floor, room,desk, plant, bag, alarm clock, video tape, hat动词:need, take, bring介词:in, on, under 3. 句型: Where is/are? -Its/Theyre Is my computer game on the table? -Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are my books on the bookcase? -Yes, they are./No, they arent.4. 语法:Where questions; prepositions.三、单元总体目标1. Master the vocabulary2. Master and use:where的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。3.帮助学生养成干净整洁的好习惯。单元教学重难点一览重点难点1. The vocabulary2. Where is/are?Its/Theyre3.Is/Are? -Yes,/No,Use the language to talk about the things in ones room.Write a note.四、单元学情分析学生在小学及Starter Unit2已经学习过一些有关物品的名词, 并接触过一些介词和where句型。在此基础上,通过本单元的学习,学生可以进一步地谈论物品及其摆放的位置,进行更深入的交流和运用。本单元话题源于实际生活,是学生乐意交谈的话题,能够激发学生说英语的欲望。五、课时安排:本单元共5课时:Section A(1a-1c)第1课时Section A(2a-4) 第2课时Section B(1a-2b)第3课时Section B (3a-4) 第4课时 Self check 第5课时六、第四课时Section B (3a-4)分析Teaching contentUnit4 Wheres my backpack? Section B (3a-4)Teaching AimsImportant points1. Ss are able to use the words (about things and prepositions) and where questions to talk about ones room.2. Some Ss are able to tell the differences between “take” and “bring”.3. Ss are able to get the structure and information by reading. 4. Ss are able to write a note.5. Some Ss will be able to realize the importance of keeping a good habit in their life.1. Words: Prepositions: in, on, under, near, behindVerbs: need, take, bring2. Where questions and answers.3. The difference between take and bring.4. Get the structure and information by reading.5.Write a note.Difficult pointsHelp Ss use the prepositions and where questions to talk about ones room.Make Ss understand the differences between “take” and “bring”.Help Ss improve their reading skill.Enable Ss to write a note.Teaching AidsPPT, a tapeTeaching Procedures Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesI. Revision and presentation. (Groupwork)1. Show the “on, in, under” song.2.Do the action “Follow me”. Revise “in, on, under, near, behind”.3. Group work. Ask Ss to help Miss Lin design her new room and present the new words: need, take, bring.1. Listen to the song.2. Follow the teacher.3.Do the groupwork to revise words and learn the new words: need, take, bring.通过听英文歌曲,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且唤起了学生对介词的回忆。通过做动作,再一次复习了介词,并且对学生来说,也是一个很好的热身活动和道德熏陶。然后通过小组活动去完成帮Miss Lin布置房间这个任务,自然地复习和呈现了词汇,句型。II. Reading, 3a.1. Let Ss look at the picture and describe Linglings room.2. Let Ss pay attention to the beginning and the ending, answer the questions “Whos the note from? Whos the note to?”3. Let Ss read the note and fill in the chart.4. Let Ss add the missing things in the picture together.5. Let Ss describe Linglings room in pairs.1. Look at the picture and describe Linglings room.2. Answer the questions.3. Read the note and fill in the chart.4. Add the missing things together.5.Describe Linglings room in pairs.通过谈论图片,感知和熟悉阅读内容。再通过阅读填表,进一步巩固目标语言和了解如何写便条。然后让学生两人一起帮Lingling布置她的房间并作报告,这是阅读后的拓展与延伸,既操练了目标语言,也是对学生一次有益的德育教育。最后通过跟读录音,培养学生的语音语调,再一次让学生感受阅读内容。III. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks, 3b. 1. Let Ss look at the picture and read the note in 3b, fill in the chart.2. Let Ss look at the picture and fill in the blanks.1. Fill in the chart, according to the picture and the note in 3b.2.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.先通过填表,为完成3b作一个铺垫。通过这一环节,学生完成了半开放性的写作。IV. Write a note.1. Make a summary about “how to write a note”.2. Show Ss a task and ask them to write a note. Ask two Ss to write on the blackboard.3. Check the notes together. Let them realize the importance of handwriting.1. Learn how to write a note.2. Write a notes to finish the task.3. Check the notes.先总结如何写note, 再放在一个真实的任务中,让学生写note,最后一起改note。完成了从说到读,再从读到写这一过程,从而达到以读带写的目的。V. Homework1. Draw and describe your ideal room to your classmate.2. Review Unit4.让学生描述自己理想的房间,既是对本单元的一个概括和总结,也具有实际意义。The Design of the blackboard: Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? Section B(3a-4)need A note Dear , Can you? I need is/arebring Thanks/Yours,take 1. Grou
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