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课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Unit 4 We re Ready to Help. 授课教师授课内容Warming Up & Listening and Speaking授课班级课 时第1课时授课时间单 元 主 题 分 析本单元的主题范围是“人与社会”,涉及的主题内容是志愿服务。本单元包括志愿活动、志愿者招募等学习内容,旨在使学生意识到志愿服务的重要性,引导学生思考志愿活动的重要意义,并通过介绍有关社区服务的社团和活动,引导学生思考如何运用所学技能服务社区发展。此外,本单元还介绍了两个国际志愿者项目,以拓宽学生的国际视野。教 学 内 容 分 析“导入”板块由两个活动组成,旨在激活学生已掌握的有关志愿服务的语言知识和背景知识,为整个单元的学习活动做好铺垫和预热。活动一通过词语、音频和图片呈现了一些志愿活动。活动二列举了一些公益组织的英文名称,引导学生查找并讨论相关信息。“听说”板块包括两段听力对话。第一段对话发生在吴琳和乔之间,双方谈论乔周六要参加的志愿活动:第二段对话发生在周博和琳恩之间,双方谈论会议志愿者招募的相关信息。本板块旨在培养学生在真实语境中获取关键信息、用简单的英语进行交流的能力。学 习 目 标1 学生通过看图片、听录音、做匹配练习,能够介绍一些常见的志愿活动。2 学生能够通过多种渠道查找信息,了解一些公益组织。3 学生通过听录音,能够获取有关志愿活动的对话主题及大意。4 学生通过听录音,能够获取志愿活动的时间、地点和内容等关键信息,并完成听力任务。5 学生能够结合真实语境,仿照听力脚本编演对话,谈论志愿活动。6 学生能够掌握描述志愿活动的常用句型,并口头分享志愿者应具备的素质。7 思政目标:能够了解志愿活动和公益组织的多样性,学习志愿者身上的优秀品质,主动帮助弱势群体,为社会和谐做出贡献。学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. 能听懂与志愿活动相关的词句表达,如donate, clean up, charity, association, fund, help out, flyer, noticeboard, reception, attendee等。2. 能运用目标词句谈论志愿活动与志愿者应具备的素质。学习难点1. 能结合专业所学,联系自身实际,恰当运用目标词汇和短语描述志愿活动和志愿者应具备的素质。 资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教 学 活 动 设 计设计意图Step 1Organization1. Greet the students and divide them into four groups. Good morning, boys and girls. Its nice to see you again. How are you doing today ?通过问候,尽快让学生进入课堂。Step 2Lead - inT shows the picture on title page of a girl who is picking up roadside litters and talks with Ss about the following 3 questions:(1) What is the girl doing?(2) Have you ever been a volunteer?*(3) What volunteer work do you know? 从单元主题图片入手,引出志愿者主题,并引导学生联系自己的志愿经历,调动学生参与的积极性。Step 3New LessonPre-listening1. Ss listen to the recording and catch the volunteer activity phrases they have listened. Match pictures with certain volunteer activity phrases.2. Based on the four volunteer activities, T asks Ss: Which volunteer activity do you like to do most? Why? 3. T shows some logos of volunteer organizations and asks what they are. Ss say the names of them in English and pick out the right expressions in Activity Two. While-listening1. Based on Chinese Young Volunteer Association and its logo, Ss get to know volunteer work can be done in many places when it is needed and think about the places and the time. 2. Ss listen to the dialogue between Wu Lin and Joe and choose the type of the activities in Activity One.What kind of activity does the dialogue talk about?A. Family activities.B. Leisure activities.C. Volunteer activities.3. Ss listen to the dialogue and choose T or F.1) Joe wants to go shopping this Saturday.(x)2) Wu Lin wont join Joe because she will go shopping.(x)3) Joe usually helps out at a nursing home.(X)4) They hold different activities to make the children feel happy.()4. Ss listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Wu Lin wants to invite Joe to go _ _ her, but Joe are not free. He will do _ work instead. Joe usually helps out at a _ _ . He as well as other volunteers _ different activities there , such as teaching children _ _ draw,playing games with them, _ _ various shows. This Saturday, they are going to hold a pup- pet show. Eventually, Wu Lin decides to _ them.5. Ss listen again and complete the blanks in Activity Two. 6. T shows the dialogue text. T plays the recording for the third time and Ss underline the key words to check answers. 7. According to the given text, Ss work in pairs to role play the dialogue between Wu Lin and Joe.8. Based on the dialogue and given information, Ss work in pairs to act out the dialogues in Activity Three. T asks some pairs to show.9. T shows two pictures of G20 Summit and its volunteers, and asks Ss what they should do. 10.Ss listen to the dialogue and write down the key information about the following two questions:What will the volunteers do? Are there any requirements for the volunteers?11.The students listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.The dialogue is about _ .Receptionist wantedVolunteers wantedTour guides wanted12. Ss listen again and choose the right answer.(1) Where is the poster put up?A. On the school gatesB. On the noticeboardC. In the classroom(2) Its said that the volunteers are wanted for _ .A. A students fashion showB. An international job fairC. An international meeting(3) The volunteers are not responsible for _ .A. Greeting attendeesB. Giving directions for attendeesC. Showing attendees around the city(4) The volunteers are required to _ .A. Communicate with others wellB. Speak fluent FrenchC. Have a driving license13. Ss listen again and fill in the blanks. The poster on the _ says that _ are needed for a large international _ . They are needed to
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