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课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Unit 7 Inventions Make Life Better 授课教师授课内容Warming Up & Listening and Speaking授课班级课 时第1课时授课时间单 元 主 题 分 析本单元的主题范围是“人与社会”,涉及的主题内容是科技发明与创造。本单元包括科技展览、校园科技节、科技发展、发明创造等学习内容,旨在使学生感受科技的迅猛发展,引导学生思考科技发展对日常生活的影响,并发挥创造力和想象力,畅想未来生活。此外,本单元还介绍了日益兴起的新科技,如物联网、人工智能、云计算等,旨在提升学生兴趣、拓宽学生视野。教 学 内 容 分 析“导入”板块由两个活动组成,旨在激活学生已掌握的有关科技发明与创造的语言知识和背景知识,为整个单元的学习活动做好铺垫和预热。活动一通过词语、音频和图片呈现了两组发明台式电话机和手机、纸质书和电子书,引导学生初步感知科技的进步。活动二介绍了中国古代四大发明,并引导学生列举中国现代发明创造,使学生了解中国古代灿烂的科技成就和现代领先的科技发展,激发学生的文化自信和民族自豪感,同时引入主题。“听说”板块包括两段听力对话。第一段对话发生在周博和琳恩之间,双方谈论琳恩在科技博物馆的参观情况;第二段对话发生在吴琳和乔之间,双方谈论校园科技节中的创意发明。本板块旨在培养学生在真实语境中获取关键信息、用简单的英语进行交流的能力。学 习 目 标1 学生通过看图片、听录音、做匹配练习,能够初步感知科技的进步。2 学生通过对比中国古代和现代的科技成就,能够激发文化自信和民族自豪感。3 学生通过听录音,能够获取展览信息、创意发明功能等关键信息,并完成听力任务。4 学生能够结合真实语境,仿照听力脚本编演对话,谈论参观科技展览的情况。5 学生能够列举一些重大发明,并描述其对人类生活的影响。6 思政目标:能够认识到科技发展令生活更加美好;能够了解中国古代四大发明,坚定文化自信,培养创新精神。学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. 能听懂与信息技术、科学发明、科技展览节相关的词句表达,如invention, science, technology, exhibition, solar lamp, handy, eco-friendly, anti-shaking, filter等。2. 能运用目标词句谈论日常应用技术的特征和功能。学习难点能联系自身实际,列举一些重大发明,恰当运用所学的目标词句谈论其对人类生活的影响。资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教 学 活 动 设 计设计意图Step 1OrganizationGreet the students and divide them into four groups. Good morning, boys and girls. Its nice to see you again. How are you doing today ?通过问候,尽快让学生进入课堂。Step 2Lead - in1 Ss learn the new words and play game.2 T lists a group of pictures (pay in cash V.S. Alipay, Nokia V.S. iphone, carriage V.S. car) and asks Ss to think about some contrastive inventions as many as possible. T helps with more invention words which Ss have difficulty expressing in English. 复习单词。从学生日常生活中的科技发明入手,调动学生参与的积极性。Step 3New LessonPre-listening1 Ss listen to the recording and catch the words theyve listened. Match pictures in Activity One with correct words.2 Based on the recording examples, Ss are required to compare the advantages and disadvantages between the telephone and the mobile phone & between the printed books and the e-books .3 T puts forward the concept of “Four Inventions in Ancient China” and asks Ss what they are. Ss are required to work in groups to discuss the “Four Inventions in Modern China” in Activity Two and T provides samples.While-listening1 T presents a picture of Lyn visiting the Science and Technology Museum and asks Ss to predict what will happen next. 2 Ss listen to the main idea of the dialogue and choose the right answer.3 Ss listen to the main idea of the dialogue and finish the task in Activity One.4 Ss watch the video of the dialogue between Zhou Bo and Lyn and complete the blanks in Activity Two. 5 T shows the dialogue script. Ss read and underline the key words and sentences to check answers. 6 According to the script, Ss work in pairs to role play on Zhou Bo and Lyn. Ss retell the dialogue.7 Based on the dialogue and given information, T shows the exhibition contents on the 1st and 2nd floors with pictures and Ss tries to figure out new words. Ss work in pairs to act out the dialogues in Activity Three.8 T shows a picture of the School Science and Technology Festival. Ss discuss the activities and some inventions during the festival. 9 T introduces Wu Lin and Joe to Ss and asks Ss to listen to the dialogue between them for the main idea.10 Ss watch the video of the dialogue and take down notes by using key words, marks or incomplete words. Ss try to complete Activity Four.11 T shows the dialogue and asks Ss to read it. Through the teachers explanation of language points and the word-formation method (prefix or suffix), Ss sort out the difficult words and underline the key sentences.通过图、词、音、义的对应,帮助学生回顾日常生活中的一些常用媒介。通过课本上的组图对比,加深学生对科技进步的认知,激活与主题相关的背景知识。引导学生中国古代四大发明并列举中国现代发明创造,培养学生比较、分析的能力,感知中国制造的技术进步和发展,引出“科技改变生活”主题。结合图片引导,对听力主题有大致了解并做笔记,为后续的听力练习做铺垫。通过视听任务,结合笔记,训练学生把握大意、理解细节的听力策略。反复精听材料内容,夯实重点词句,加深文本理解,为后续的语言输出铺垫。遵循语言能力的发展规律,搭建适当的语言支架,从对话复述过渡到语境交际,实现语言的控制性输出。结合校内科技节的图片,激活学生对科技节活动和相关发明的英文表达的兴趣,为对话学习做好铺垫。结合视听任务,培养学生理解细节的听力策略,通过有效的记笔记策略,提升学生信息判断和关键信息的提取能力。通过学习构词法可以有效扩大学生词汇量,同时可以培养学生的自主学习能力。Step 4Practice1 T lists some important inventions and describes their functions in daily life with sentence patterns. T directs Ss to follow the two examples and think about a third one.2 Ss work in pairs to discuss the effects of important inventions on our lives. Ss are encouraged to talk with the help of the sentence patterns provided by T. Based on that, Ss finish the task in Activity Five. 3 T holds a sharing session on “The effects of inventions on our lives”. Some groups are invited to share their ideas . 通过搭
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