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原文链接:翻译: zoeThe End of The Era of Dogma for Earth and Mankind地球和人类教条时代的终结The Great Central Sun and The One SourceAugust 1, 2001through Karen Danrich Mila大中央太阳和全一之源通过Karen Danrich Mila2001 年8月1日传递The One Source would like to give our readership a better understanding of what these Great CentralSun Transmissions are and entail on the part of our channel to bring through for other humans to understand. Earth and each species compiles records of data that is transmitted to the Great Central Sunon a monthly basis that summarizes the experience of ascension upon Earth. Such records include not only karmic records but also energetic solutions to compression of energy due to the distortion that Earth has entered.全一之源想给我们的读者们一个更好的了解,这些大中央太阳的传授是我们通道带给其他人类来了解的必需部份。地球和每一物种每个月都编辑数据记录传送给大中央太阳,概述地球上的提升体验。这些记录所包括的不仅是业力记录,也有对地球进入的扭曲所导致的能量压缩的能量解决方案。All ascending stars within the Great Central Sun, which number seven in total from dimensions 3 through144 carefully digest such transmissions thereby uncovering parallel problems in their own fields or matching unknown karmic experiences. Not all ascending stars have human life, but five of the seventhat are ascending do. Therefore the human records are important to human counterparts upon dimensions 12, 18, 36, 72 and 144 that are also ascending at this time in history.大中央太阳内所有的提升恒星,其数量从第3 维到 144 维总计有七个,它们仔细地消化了这些传送,从而发现了在它们自己能量场内类似的问题或匹配的未知业力体验。不是所有提升恒星都有人类生命,七个正提升的恒星中有五个有。因此人类记录对第12 、18 、 36 、72 和 144 维上在历史上的今天也正提升的人类配对物来说是重要的。Some of these dimensions much like Earth have fallen into a period of reign of false gods that were not a part of the original expansion of your creation. Most of the distortion of in particular dimensions 12, 18 and 36 have originated with slave races of humans with paired down genetics and imported souls and sources to oversee them. Such souls and sources overran the souls and governance in existence from the original expansion of your Great Central Sun causing great distortion in their misunderstanding.这些维度中的一些就象地球一样已跌进一个“虚假神”即不是你们造物最初扩展的一部份的统治时期。尤其是第 12 、18 和 36 维上的绝大多数扭曲都起始于带着成对下降基因的人类奴隶族和监督他们的外来灵魂及源头。这些灵魂和源头越过自你们大中央太阳最初扩展以来所存在的灵魂们和管理层,它们的错误导致了巨大的扭曲。Our last transmission (see Great Central Sun Transmission #4 ) delved into the false gods that have beenremoved from Earth under the jurisdiction of Sananda and the 3rdDimensionalSpiritual HierarchyofEarth. Additional records have now been uncovered as to how the being Sanat Kumara and his HigherSelf Vyuamus came into dominion over earth and contributed to the distortion that has plagued her. In ashort time, all of such karma shall be released and both global level Sanat Kumara and Vyuamus shall bereturned to their creation of origin, and this is anticipated to occur no later than mid-September as Earthcompletes Initiation 2500 in the physical and Initiation 3000 in the nonphysical.我们上一篇传授 (请阅大中央太阳传授第四篇文章)深入研究了 Sananda 司法下及地球第三维灵性阶层下已被移出地球的虚假神。 就存有 Sanat Kumara 和他的高我 Vyuamus对地球的统治及促进已折磨了地球的扭曲之另外的记录现在已被发现。在这短时期内,所有此类业力会被释放,全球层面的Sanat Kumara和Vyuamus 会被送返至他们起源的造物,而这被预期在地球物质层面完成2500 股提升及非物质层面完成3000 股提升时的九月中旬之前发生。These records are transcribed from the recordsshared with the Great CentralSun and all ascendingstars therein at this time in history. Mila acts as the transcriber and to the best of her ability shares whathas been relayed. What is not shared are the energetic solutions that accompany such changes, as thisis so complex it would cause this article to be ten times longer in length to attempt to include.这些记录被抄录,与大中央太阳及在历史上的此时那里所有提升中的恒星一起分享。Mila 担当了抄录员的角色,且分享已被转播的是她最好的能力。没有被分享的是伴随这些变化的能量解决方案,因为这是如此复杂,尝试去含括会使这篇文章冗长上十倍。THE FALSE INTERVENTION虚假干涉Long ago, the Riza Soul Group began to investigate a group of souls that had opened a gateway into the5th dimension by extending themselves down the space between your creation and a neighboring creation. The beings formed a star and claimed themselves to be a part of an intervention of All That Is. Ithas been subsequently determined that these beings are not from your All That Is, but have been tracedto a parallel All That Is that had an incomplete ascension long ago. These beings are now being determined by the One Source to be responsible for the destruction of 8 All That Is that neighbor the AllThat Is that Earth is associated with. This is the 9th All That Is that this particular set of beings have entered and subsequently caused fall after fall in consciousness therein.很久以前, Riza 灵魂团队开始调查一个沿你们造物和一个邻近造物的间隔空间延展自己来打开通往第五维的通路的灵魂团队。存有们组成一颗恒星并声称他们自己是一切万有的一个干涉的一部份。后来确定这些存有们不来自于你们的一切万有,但被追踪到很久以前一个不完全提升的、平行的一切万有。这些存有们现在被全一之源确定为要对地球相关的一切万有所邻近的8 个一切万有的毁灭负责。这套特殊的存有们已进入并其后导致那里的意识一
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