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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题A family squabble for one of Ashs greatest fortunes ( )yesterday as lawmakers and relatives of Stanley Ho, the Macao casino tycoon, argued over the validity of a controversial share transfer.问题1选项A.burst openB.burst out openC.burst into openD.burst into the open【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配burst into “突然进入”,选项A和B可排除,into后接一个名词,the open作名词形式。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题Americans have a profound longing for heroes - now perhaps more than ever. On some level, we still ( ) the myth of the man in the white hat.问题1选项A.succeed toB.subscribe toC.succeed againstD.subside into【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。succeed to “继承,接着发生”;subscribe to “同意,赞成”;succeed against “成功应对”;subside into “逐渐衰退”。句意:美国人对英雄有一种深厚的渴望-现在活着比以往更加渴望。在某种程度上,我们仍然相信戴白帽子人的神话。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题On May 3, 1989, committal proceedings began in respect of six officers who were charged with conspiracy to ( )the course of justice.问题1选项A.pervertB.perturbC.preventD.profane【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。pervert “使堕落,滥用”;perturb “扰乱,使不安”;prevent “预防,阻止”;profane “亵渎,玷污”。句意:1989年5月3日,拘押进程开始于六名官员,他们被控告共谋扰乱司法公正。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题The “Cuban incident” could have developed into a full-fledged crisis between the two superpowers, but preventative diplomacy ( ) it.问题1选项A.shortenedB.acceleratedC.absorbedD.aborted【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。shorten “缩短”;accelerate “加速”;absorb “吸收”;abort “使终止”。句意:“古巴事件”差点成为两个超级大国之间的全面危机,但预防性的外交却使危机终止。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题( ) whether the loan proposal is made by a government, state enterprise or private corporation, an appraisal of the economic and political situation of the borrowers country must be made to assess the risk involved.问题1选项A.Depending onB.NotwithstandingC.irrespective ofD.On account of【答案】C【解析】从属连词词义辨析。depending on“取决于”;notwithstanding“尽管”;irrespective of “不论,不顾”;on account of “由于,因为”。句意:不管是由政府提出的贷款,国有企业还是私营企业的贷款,必须对借款国的经济和政治情况进行评估,以预估所涉的风险。选项C符合题意。6. 单选题After Sunday nights concert, Steve and Otis had a loud argument with the band director, which ( ) first Otiss departure, then Steves.问题1选项A.contributedB.highlightedC.procrastinatedD.precipitated【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。contribute “贡献”;highlight “突出,强调”;procrastinate “耽搁”;precipitate “使坏事等突然发生”。句意:星期天晚上的音乐会之后,史蒂夫和奥蒂斯与乐队指挥大吵了一架,最终使史蒂夫和奥蒂斯突然离开。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题For its first London tour, Moscows Sovrenmennik theater company ( ) off with the play it was first allowed to stage after censorship was eased in the country.问题1选项A.turnedB.kickedC.madeD.switched【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。turn off “关闭”;kick off “开始干某事”;made off “逃走”;switch off “关掉”。句意:在审查制度放松后,第一次伦敦巡演,莫斯科苏维瑞门尼克剧院第一次开始被允许在舞台上表演。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题In a world food system that they have described in the book, food ( ) transported at reasonable cost and produced anywhere in the world is actually or potentially available to any person with the means to purchase it.问题1选项A.can beB.to beC.that can beD.being【答案】C【解析】语法题。根据题意,句子的主语是food,谓语动词是is,所以空格部分应该填入非谓语动词或从句。选项A可排除。动词不定式表将来,-ing分词表现在进行。空格中填入的动词形式体现一般现在时态即可。所以that 引导定语从句,从句构成被动语态。选项C符合题意。9. 单选题Max Weber proposed a complex approach to inequality which expressly takes account of non-economic dimensions of ranking and inequality. Against Marx, Weber maintains that the operation of power in societies is yet more fundamental than their economic basis. Power(1)the capacity of individuals or groups to realize their will even (2) the opposition of others. This yields three categories fundamental to the analysis of inequality: class, status and party. Inequality may be located in economically defined(3)but could also be founded in status groups and political parties. In this elaboration he sought to refine the measurement of inequality and to show the potential singularity of his criteria (4) their connectedness. For example, power is often linked to class-based wealth but it can be separated in situations (5) power is linked to knowledge. Status refers to style of life. It also refers to social esteem, the respect and admiration (6) a person according to his or her social position and this can be local (7)structural and take account of interpersonal subjectivities. Marxs stress on structural relationships and on the duplicitous nature of culture tends to be replaced by a view of classes as ranked hierarchies of fixed groupings(8)individuals may be mobile. While the categories are fixed and classes are bounded, individuals may, (9), change their class position. (10), Webers discussion emphasizes how both class and status distinction can affect peoples life chances, that is, the chances that an individual has to share in the economic and cultural goods of a society. Material and cultural goods are often (11)distributed and class and status rankings will ensure that people will have(12)access to these goods. These features of Webe
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