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2022-2023年考博英语-北京航空航天大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Bacteria(细菌), like people, can be divided into friend and foe. 81.Inspired by evidence that the friendly sort may help with a range of ailments(疾病), many people consume bacteria in the form of yogurts and dietary supplements. Such a smattering of artificial additions, however, represents but a drop in the ocean. There are at least 800 types of bacteria living in the human gut. And research by Steven Gill of the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and his colleagues, published in this weeks Science, suggests that the collective genome of these organisms is so large that it contains 100 times as many genes as the human genome itself.Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces (粪便)of two volunteers. 82.Because of the complexity of the samples, they were not able to reconstruct the entire genomes(基因组)of each of the gut bacteria, just the individual genes. But that allowed them to make an estimate of numbers.What all these bacteria are doing is tricky to identifythe bacteria themselves are difficult to cultivate. 83.So the researchers guessed at what they might be up to by comparing the genes they discovered with published databases of genes whose functions are already known.84.This comparison helped Dr Gill identify for the first time the probableenzymatic(酶(性)的)processes by which bacteria help humans to digest the complexcarbohydrates in plants. The bacteria also contain a plentiful supply of genes involved in the synthesis of chemicals essential to human lifeincluding two B vitamins and certain essential amino acidsalthough the team merely showed that these metabolic pathways exist rather than proving that they are used. Nevertheless, the pathways they found leave humans looking more like ruminants: animals such as goats and sheep that use bacteria to break down otherwise indigestible matter in the plants they eat.The broader conclusion Dr Gill draws is that people are superorganisms whose metabolism represents an amalgamation of human and microbial attributes. The notion ofa superorganism has emerged before, as researchers in other fields have come to view humans as having a diverse internal ecosystem. 85.This, suggest some, will be crucial to the success of personalised medicine, as different people will have different responses to drugs, depending on their microbial flora.(微生物群落) Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets.Another area of research is the process by which these helpful bacteria first colonize the digestive tract. Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mothers vaginal and faecal flora. It might not be the most delicious of first meals, but it could well be an important one.Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.【答案】81. 有益菌可以帮助人们治疗多种疾病,受此启发,很多人通过使用酸乳食品和各种补品的办法吸收细菌。然而,这种人为补充细菌的做法是极其肤浅的。82. 由于样本的复杂性,吉尔博士及其研究组人员还不能构建出肠道内细菌的完整基因组,而只能构建出单体基因。不过,这也可以使他们对整体数量作出估算。83. 因此,研究人员只能将发现的基因和那些功能已经研究清楚的基因的公开数据库进行比较,从而猜测可能得到的研究结果。84. 这种比较帮助吉尔博士第一次确定了可能存在的细菌借以帮助人体消化从植物体摄入的复杂碳水化合物的酶催化反应的过程。85. 有人认为,这一点对个性化药物的成功开发是至关重要的,因为不同的人具有不同的微生物群落,对不同的药物有不同的反应。2. 单选题It cannot be denied that the existing resources on earth will be depleted, but scientists are ( )to concede the inevitability of that day, realizing that new energies can be found in the near future.问题1选项A.boundB.unpreparedC.hesitantD.likely【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。句意:毫无疑问,地球上存在的资源将会枯竭。但是科学家认为 在不久的将来会发现新的资源。bound有义务的;unprepared没有准备好的;hesitant有疑虑的;likely可能的。此处,be likely to为固定搭配,意为 “可能做某事”。故选D。3. 单选题Among all the changes resulting from the( )entry of women into the work force, the trans-formation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.问题1选项A.massiveB.quantitativeC.surplusD.formidable【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。句意:在由于 女性进入到劳动大军所造成的改变中, 她们自身的转变是最重要的。massive宏伟的;quantitative定量的;surplus过剩的;formidable强大的,可怕的。因此,D项符合句意。4. 单选题The language barrier made communication difficult, but finally,part of my mes-sage( ).问题1选项A.passed awayB.went overC.came upD.got through【答案】D【解析】短语辨析。passed away去世;went over重温,仔细检查;came up发生,接近;got through使理解,向讲清楚。句意:语言障碍使沟通很困难,但我的一部分想法最终还是被( )了。因此D选项符合句意。5. 单选题The medicine( )his pain but did not cure his illness.问题1选项A.activatedB.alleviatedC.deterioratedD.mediated【答案】B【解析】句意:这种药( )他的疼痛,但不能治愈他的疾病。A选项activated触发;B选项alleviated减轻,缓解;C选项deteriorated使恶化;D选项mediated调解。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题Paperback novels in the 1940s and 1950s often had covers to attract readers attention.问题1选项A.murkyB.luridC.legitimateD.pale【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。句意:20世纪40年代和50年代的平装
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