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7AUnit3 Welcome to our school! (Task)学习目标:1、知识目标:( 1)会用本课时的四会单词。 (2)词组 a few, far away from, on foot, all the best(3) 句型 We only have a few classrooms. I live far away from the school. I go to school on foot every day. 【课前预习】一.根据句意及提示完成单词1. There are 26_in English, such as A,B,C and so on.2. There are 60 minutes in an_.3. There are_(少数的,几乎没有) people in the room.4. Millie isnt in. She is_(离开) from home.5. Look! This dog has only three_(脚).二用所给单词的适当形式填空/real much basketballs kind library/1. There are two_in my school. I often read books there.2. There are all_of toys in the toy shop.3. The teachers in my school are_great!4. Yi Jianlian is a famous_player in China.5. You can see_tall and modern buildings in our town.【课堂交流展示】Step1 :Free talk.Step II 范文学习1. Please read the letters and answer my question: What does Liu Yi write about in this letter?2. Please ask and answer the following questions in pairs .3. Please read the article in Part A after the tape. 4.Dear students, please tell me how to organize information in an article ? 5. Please read Liu Yis letter again.Step III 活动1 教师组织学生四人小组开展活动。借鉴B部分中的问题及范文中涉及的细节信息,帮助学生熟练运用 Useful expressions中的句型表达。2 对有能力的学生,教师鼓励他们提出更多的问题,如 What do you often do at /in?Step IV 写作Step v 家庭作业1. 熟读今天所学内容。2. 朗读并背诵范文3. 完成作文:请以王波的身份给Simon 写封信,介绍学校的情况。(1) 就读于Sunflower Middle School, 学校很大,有许多学生和老师。(2) 有三幢教学楼和一个新的图书馆。(3) 很喜欢绘画,所以经常放学后去美术教室每天骑车上学。要花半个小时【课堂检测】一用所给单词的适当形式填空 /good I way friend/1. John and Bill are good_.2. Let_tell you about our school playground.3. I cant hear my grandpa_on the phone.4. It is a long_ from Jims home to his school.二用所给动词的适当形式填空 /be thank read walk learn/1. Do you want_more about the world?2. It takes Millie about ten minutes_ to school every morning.3. Their school library_not very big.4. Are there any_rooms in this building?5. _very much for your help.三选择( )1.Millie usually goes to school_.A.by bike B.by a bike C.on bike D.ride a bike( )2.Jane,your bedroom is so dirty. Sorry,Ill_.A.clean up it B.clean it up C.clean them up D.clean up them( )3.Do you have a music room or an art room? -_.A.Yes,we do B.No,we dont C.Yes,we dont D.We have an art room( )4.Their playground is_the classroom building.A.in front B.in front of C.in the front of D.front of( )5.What time do you usually_school in the morning? -At about 6:45 a.m. A.get B.come C.get to D.have to四句型转换1.Our teachers are all very nice to us. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ very nice to_?2.I read some books in the reading room. (同上) _ _ _ _ books in the reading room?3.Our school hall is big. (同义句) Our school hall is_ _.4.It takes Kate about twenty minutes to walk to school every day. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ it_ Kate to walk to school every day?五根据文意及首字母提示补全短文Millie is a schoolgirl.She is 12 years old.She s_1_at Sunshine Middle School.She g_2_up at six every day.She r_3_English and Chinese in the morning and then goes to school b_4_bike at seven.Millies f_5_class begins at eight.She has four c_6_in the morning and three in the afternoon.After school,she always plays volleyball w_7_her friends.In the evening,Millie does h_8_.She doesnt like w_9_TV,but she loves listening to the radio very much.She can s_10_many English songs.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ _
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