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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 2023年教师公开招聘小学英语考试全真模拟易错、难点汇编第五期(含答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共35题)1.【填空题】小学英语语言技能一级的读写目标,除了能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语和能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事之外,还有一条是_。正确答案: 能正确书写字母和单词2.【单选题】Im eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So _?A.She s older than me.B.Shes taller than me.C.Im two years older.正确答案:C3.【单选题】Thinking helps people control their own destinies. Those who avoid thinking run therisk of _.A.victimizingB.being victimizedC.having victimizedD.having been victimized正确答案:B4.【判断题】备课就是写教案。正确答案: 错误5.【单选题】It is suggested that you use specific strategies _ your way of learning.A.getting overB.making forC.turning intoD.fitting into正确答案:D6.【填空题】英语课程标准采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照_设为九个级别。正确答案: 能力水平7.【单选题】学生常通过调查、采访、研究等 _活动获取信息。A.信息收集B.信息交流C.信息转换D.信息推理正确答案:A8.【单选题】Body language is a powerful communication system, _ it can signal verydifferent things.A.butB.soC.forD.then正确答案:C9.【填空题】英语课程标准采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照_设为九个级别。正确答案: 能力水平10.【单选题】If it _ rain heavily, the city would have great trouble because of its poordrainage system.A.shouldB.wouldC.couldD.might正确答案:A11.【单选题】Keep your life _ so that things dont get you down.A.in disbeliefB.in preparationC.in disguiseD.in proportion正确答案:D12.【单选题】_ a long way ahead of you if you want to be a good English teacher.A.It wasB.It hasC.There seemsD.There seems to be正确答案:D13.【填空题】小学英语语言技能一级的读写目标,除了能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语和能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的小故事之外,还有一条是_。正确答案: 能正确书写字母和单词14.【单选题】One of the main reasons is that making furniture _ vast quantities of trees.A.requireB.requiresC.requiredD.requiring正确答案:B15.【单选题】最初提出 “交际能力 ”这一概念的是 _。A.海姆斯B.克拉申C.乔姆斯基D.帕默正确答案:A16.【单选题】I can play _ football. My sister can play _ piano.A.不填 , theB.the, 不填C.the, the正确答案:A17.【判断题】临沂市小学英语教学策略读写课的第三环节是阅读中活动。正确答案: 正确18.【单选题】The English language teaching business will become the victim of its own success,_ may be astonishing to you.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.as正确答案:A19.【判断题】市小学英语教学策略词汇课中呈现新知是情景导入和听音正音。正确答案: 错误20.【单选题】 What s he like ? _. A. He likes beef.B.He s Mr CarterC. He s short.正确答案:C21.【判断题】老师说: Draw a circle. 学生画一个 circle,这就属于课程标准里面谈到的用语言来做事情。正确答案: 正确22.【单选题】-What_ Amy _? -Shes writing an e-mail to her pen- friend. A.did B.isdo doingC.is going to do正确答案:B23.【填空题】我们平常说的英语“双基 ”教学是指_和 _。正确答案: 英语基础知识、听说读写(基本)技能24.【单选题】-Would you like _ tea? - Yes, just _. A.some, littleB.any, a littleC.some, a little正确答案:C25.【填空题】我们平常说的英语“双基 ”教学是指_和_。正确答案: 英语基础知识、听说读写(基本)技能26.【单选题】How _is the cinema from here?A.muchB.manyC.far正确答案:C27.【单选题】The play Pygmalion later adapted to the musical comedy My Fair Lady was written by _.A.Charles DickensB.Jack LondonC.Mark TwainD.Bernard Shaw正确答案:D28.【判断题】教学设计的好,教学就一定能成功。正确答案: 错误29.【单选题】An advertisement as a whole may be misleading though each sentence separately is_ true.A.literallyB.partlyC.ambiguouslyD.apparently正确答案:A30.【单选题】Binbin gets up _ about 8:30 _ Saturdays.A.on, atB.in , onC.at, on正确答案:B31.【单选题】When youre reading a document, underlining may help to keep your mind _on the material.A.focusB.focusedC.to focusD.having focused正确答案:B32.【单选题】英语课程资源的核心部分是 _。A.广播影视B.报刊杂志C.英语教材D.教具和食物正确答案:C33.【单选题】Previewing is a technique of allowing your eyes to travel rapidly _ a page,stopping here and there to register the main idea.A.atB.viaC.overD.with正确答案:C34.【单选题】Should I hand in form right now? No. _. And when you finish it, call me please. A.t doesnt matterB.Take your timeC.Take it easyD.Never mind正确答案:B35.【单选题】Id like_ Kate soon.A.to writeB.to write toC.to writing to正确答案:C
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