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2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Farming is still the worlds greatest industry. On average, over half of the population spend their lives ploughing the soil, planting seeds, harvesting crops, and raising animals which provide us with meat, milk, eggs, wool, leather, and many other products. Traditional farming, in which most of the hard work on the farm is done by manual labor and animals, is still practiced in many countries. But traditional methods cannot produce enough food to cope with the great explosion in population.Only with modern methods of farmingusing machines to replace men and animals, artificial fertilizers to enrich the soil, and chemicals to keep weeds and diseases under control, can man hope to avoid a catastrophic world food shortage. Forming methods are well advanced in most parts of Europe and North America, and farmers elsewhere are being helped by such organizations as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to modernize as quickly as possible.Machinery has brought about the greatest revolution in farming. By far the most important machine is the tractor, which is used for pulling many kinds of implementsploughs to break up the soil, drills to sow the seeds, trailers to carry manure, and soon. In this respect it does the same kind of work as teams of horses, or oxen once did. But a tractor does more than just pull. It also provides power to drive other machinery, such as mowing machines, and potato harvesters.The standard type of tractor has two massive wheels at the rear and two small ones at the front, but those designed for traveling over heavy ground or for pulling heavy loads have caterpillar or crawler tracks. Tractors supply power to drive other machinery either through a pulley wheel driven by the engine or by means of what is called power take-off (p.t.o). In p.t.o. drive, the moving part of the machine the tractor is pulling, such as the knife blade of a mower, is turned directly by a shaft driven by the engine.Among the many other farm machines, combine harvesters are probably the most important. They are so called because they combine the actions of reaping and threshing. Cereals are the main, but not the only crops that are harvested with the combine. Peas and beans can also be harvested with it.Growing plants take their nourishment from the soil. They need certain essential elements, particularly calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, if they are to grow well. It stands to reason that after every crop there will be less of these elements remaining in the soil for a subsequent crop. To ensure a good crop every time, farmers apply fertilizers to the soil before planting to replace the essential elements the previous crop removed.The farmers traditional fertilizer is farm-yard manure, a rotted mixture of dung and straw. It improves the texture of the soil as well. But there is not enough manure to supply the needs of a modern farmer, and artificial fertilizers are widely used instead. There are a variety of artificial fertilizers, each supplying certain of the essential elements. Sulphate of ammonia supplies nitrogen, super phosphate of lime supplies phosphorus, bone meal supplies both nitrogen and phosphorus, sulphate of potash supplies potassium, and there are many, many more. Super phosphate is probably one of the most widely used of all the fertilizers. Lime is also added to the soil on a large scale. It is valuable not only as a fertilizer but also as a soil conditioner.Of course, stimulating crops into better growth makes the weeds grow better, too! Fortunately the chemist has come to the aid of farmers and developed selective weed-killers, properly called herbicides, for use with their crops. Herbicides have a selective action in that they kill the weeds but leave the crop unharmed. They are used particularly with the cereal crops. Chemists have also developed a wide range of fungicides to kill fungus diseases, such as potato blight or rust n wheat, which could devastate the crops. Farmers wage continual war against insects, too. Maggots, beetles, and weevils can do untold damage if they are not checked. Again, modern science has produced powerful insecticides to protect crops against insect attack.1.What is the symbol of traditional farming?2.According to the author, tractor( ) .3.To supply the needs of modern farming ( ) .4.It can be inferred from the passage that( ) .5.The word revolution in line 1 of paragraph 3 can be best replaced by( ) .6.The word they in line 2 of paragraph 5 refers to ( ) .7.The phrase “come to the aid of” in line 2 of the last paragraph most probably means ( ) .问题1选项A.Ploughing the soil, planting seeds, harvesting crops and raising animals.B.Enriching the soil with artificial fertilizers.C.Hard farm work is done by manual labor and animalsD.Ploughing the soil with tractors.问题2选项A.does the same kind of work as
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