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解读桥式起重机运行机构的驱动方式Interpretation of the bridge crane operation way of driving 起重量是起重机安全工作所允许起吊的最大质量,称为额定起重量,单位为kg或t表示,是衡量起重机工作能力的一个重要参数。起重量不包括吊钩、动滑轮组及钢丝绳等基本吊具的重量,但抓斗、起重电磁铁等吊具的重量包括在内。 Lifting weight is allowed by the lifting crane safety work of the largest mass, known as the rated lifting weight, the unit is kg or t says, is an important measure of crane working ability. Lifting weight does not include the hook, movable pulley and steel wire rope sling basic set of weight, but the weight of the grab, lifting electromagnet spreader is included. 起重量较大的起重机一般都有两个起升机构,起重能力大的叫主起升机构,俗称主钩。起重量较小的是副起升机构,俗称副钩。副钩的起升速度大于主钩,这样可以提高装卸轻货的工作效率。主副钩的起重量用分数形式表示,例如205,分子表示主钩起重量为20吨,分母表示副钩起重量为5吨。 The weight of the larger crane usually have two lifting mechanism, lifting capacity big main lifting mechanism, commonly known as the main hook. Is a pair of hoisting mechanism of lifting weight smaller, commonly known as vice hook. Vice hook lifting speed is greater than the main hook, so can improve the work efficiency of light loading and unloading cargo. Main hook up the weight in the form of a fraction, 20/5, for example, molecular said the main hook load of 20 tons, the denominator said vice hook load is 5 tons. 工作类型也称工作制度,是表明起重机工作繁重程度的参数,它关系到起重机金属结构、机构的零部件、电动机和电气设备的选型,主要体现在繁忙程度和载荷变化程度两个方面。 Type of work is also called the working system, it is showed that the crane work hard degree of parameters, it relates to the crane metal structure, components, motor and electrical equipment selection, mainly reflected in the busy degree and degree of load change two aspects. 工作繁忙程度。对起重机整体来说,就是指一年时间内,起重机实际运转时数与总时数之比。对机构来说,则是指某一机构在一年时间内运转时数与总时数之比。在起重机的一个工作循环中,机构运转时间所占的百分比,称为该机构的负载持续率,用汉语拼音的两个字母JC表示。 Job is busy. The crane as a whole, is refers to one year time, crane the ratio of the actual working hours and hours. For institutions, is a particular institution running hours in a year time and the ratio of the total hours. In one work cycle crane, the percentage of working time, called the duty cycle of the agency, expressed in the two Chinese phonetic alphabet JC %. 载荷变化程度。按额定起重量设计的门、桥式起重机实际作业中,起重机所起吊的载荷往往小于额定起重量,这种载荷的变化程度用起重量利用系数KQ均Q额表示。Q均起重机在全年实际起重量的平均值,Q额起重机的额定起重量。 根据门、桥式起重机的工作繁忙程度和载荷变化程度,把起重机的工作类型划分为:轻级、中级、重级和特重级四种级别。Load changes. The door is designed according to the rated lifting weight, bridge crane in practical operation, the crane load is often less than the rated lifting weight, lifting by the degree of the change of the load with lifting weight utilization coefficient K = Q/Q forehead said. Q - all crane in the average of the actual weight for the whole year, Q - crane rated lifting weight. According to the door, the degree of bridge crane busy work and load changes, the crane work types are divided into: light level, intermediate level, heavy and heavy four levels. 桥式重起机的种类很多,按其主梁的数量,可分为单梁和双梁两大类。 桥式通用起重机是最常见的一类起重机。它的用途广泛适用于一般性的吊运工作。 Many different kinds of bridge type reboot the machine, according to the number of the main girder, can be divided into two types: single and double beam. Gm bridge crane is the most common type of crane. It is widely used in general lifting work. 桥式起重机是桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行,构成一矩形的工作范围,就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。Bridge crane is a bridge in high orbit a bridge type crane, also known as the crown. Bridge crane bridge along the laid on on both sides of the elevated rail longitudinal operation, lifting trolley along the bridge is laid on the orbits of the horizontal run, a rectangular scope of work, can make full use of bridge the space below the lifting materials, from the ground equipment obstacles. 桥式起重机广泛地应用在室内外仓库、厂房、码头和露天贮料场等处。桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易粱桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机三种。Bridge crane is widely used in indoor and outdoor warehouses, factories, docks and outdoor storage yard, etc. Bridge crane can be divided into general bridge crane, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical special bridge crane 3 kinds. 普通桥式起重机一般由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架三部分组成。General bridge crane by lifting the car, general bridge operation, the structure of the bridge metal composition. Lifting trolley and running institutions by the lifting mechanism, the car and the car frame of three parts. 起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器,带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重物。小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架,通常为焊接结构。Lifting mechanism including motor, brake, reducer, drum and pulley. Motor through the gear reducer, drive the drum rotation, make wound reel or wire rope from the reel down, in order to lift heavy things. The car frame is bracket and install the lifting mechanism and the car running parts, such as organization frame, usually in the form of welding structure. 起重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类:一类为集中驱动,即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱动两边的主动车轮;另一类为分别驱动、即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动。中、小型桥式起重机较多采用制动器、减速器和电动机组合成一体的“三合一”驱动方式,大起重量的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整,驱动装置常采用万向联轴器。Crane operation of drive mode can be divided into two br
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