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Unit8. Why dont you get her a scarf?教 学 课 例 铜川市第五中学 仝娟一 设计思路1、教材分析本课时主要围绕Giving gift开展听说读写一系列教学活动,主要是学习如何给别人提建议,并对他人提供的建议作出合理的评价。2、学情分析学生已经学习并掌握了一些有关礼物的单词和句型。本课时的话题是日常生活中学生既熟悉又感兴趣的,学生对此有一定的生活经验,有利于知识范围的延伸,在对话中,学生可以发散思维,表达他们已有的不同的生活阅历。 3、指导思想本单元的教学目标是如何询问对方意见,如何提出建议,如何就别人的建议发表看法。本节课是第一课时,首先通过猜礼物的游戏引出本节课的课题Why dont you get her a scarf? 利用多媒体,采用任务型教学法,通过讨论等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生自主掌握教学目标。4、设计理念面向全体学生,在教师的引导下,通过多媒体设计各种图片及情景帮助学生加深对所学语言的理解,激发学生用英语进行交流的热情,通过猜谜等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,注重过程评价,促进学生发展。形成一定的综合语言应用能力。二 教学目标1、语言知识目标1)Vocabulary: comment , album , personal , special.2)Sentences: Compare qualities:I think its/ theyre +形容词Giving advice:Why dont you do ?Why not do?How about +doing/名词?What about +doing/名词? Giving comments(Negative comments)Thats/ Theyre too expensive/ cheap/ boring/ personal.Thats/ Theyre not special/ creative/ interesting enough.(Positive comments)Thats a good idea.That sounds good.He/ She ll like it/ them/ that.2、语言技能目标1) 让学生学会对比物体品质,能够给别人提出合理的建议,并给出适当的评价。2)培养学生的听说读写能力。3、情感态度目标1)培养学生给予的艺术。2)通过谈论如何为亲人和朋友准备合适的礼物,增进学生的亲情和友情, 激发学生感恩父母,朋友及社会的情感。4、学习方法与途径利用多媒体课件,采用合作学习,自主探究的教学方法,让学生在用中学,在学中用,充分发挥学生的主人翁地位,教师只做适当的指导与评价。让学生在体验成功的同时更加乐学,好学,变被动学习为主动学习。三 教学重点与难点1、教学重点1)掌握询问对方意见的句型:What should I get my mom for her birthday ?What / How about doing ?Why dont you do ?Why not do ?2)掌握评价意见的句型 :Thats boring.Thats too personal.Thats a good idea.That sounds good.Thats not creative enough.2、教学难点能够根据情景灵活运用所学知识给他人提供建议并对他人所提出的建议作出评价四 教学准备本次教学主要运用多媒体,听力mp3及一些有关礼物的物品(例如一副眼镜,一块手表等)。运用多媒体课件创设会话情景,直观展示教学内容。运用实物让学生现场发挥,灵活运用所学知识讨论母亲节礼物,结合生活,学以致用。五 教学过程Step1. Greeting.Step2. Warming up T:Today is very special. Because I prepare a gift for you. And I want to send it to one of you. Who wants to have it?Show a gift box. Send it to a boy. Let all the students guess the gift. (a dress for a doll) Ask the boy:Do you like it? What other gift do you want to have? Show a picture of a scarf. And say, I want to have a scarf. Lead in the title.(通过送礼物,猜礼物的游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的参与性,引出本节课的话题,启动学习的发生。)Step3. Free talkShow a flashcard. There are four pictures about gifts on it. Teach these new words . And talk about them one by one. Practice how to give comments.(在学习关于礼物的新单词的同时,练习如何对一个物品进行评价。初步对学生进行语言输入。)Step4. Discussion Show a photo of their Chinese teacher. And say: Her birthday is coming. Let the students talk about the gift for their teacher. Practice how to give suggestions and comments at the same time.(采用代课教师的照片,充分调动学生参与活动的积极性。将所学知识与现实生活送生日礼物相结合,达到学以致用。再次对学生进行语言输入,练习如何给别人提出意见,并能给出自己的评价。)Step5. Pairwork Show a conversation that isnt finished. Let the students work in pairs and finish it. Then ask some pairs to show their work.(通过补全对话的方式两人一组练习,让学生初步尝试运用所学知识讨论给朋友或亲人送什么礼物,让学生体验成功。)Step6. Listening Play the tape. Listen and finish the exercise in 1b, 2a and 2b. Check the answers together at last.(通过听力练习,进一步巩固所学知识,对学生再次进行语言输入。)Step7. Show time T: Mothers Day is coming. Its on the second Sunday in May. What should you get your mother for Mothers Day? Here I have some gifts. You should use some of them in your conversation.Take out the gifts and talk about them one by one. Put the gifts on the teachers desk. Let the students make conversations in groups. After five minutes. Ask some groups role play their conversations in front of all the class.(通过使用教师所提供的道具,灵活运用所学知识合作讨论应该在母亲节给母亲送什么礼物。该环节通过合作探究可让学生展示自我,拓宽运用英语的能力,把所学的知识在实际交流中进行运用,实现新课程倡导的“为用而学, 在用中学,学了就用”,从而提高学生综合运用英语的能力。)Step8. A guessing game. Show a flashcard. There is a gift that is covered. Let the students guess what gift I will send my mother. Tell them my gift is very special and creative. ( a kiss ) (让学生猜测我给妈妈准备的礼物。搞笑的图片既可活跃课堂气氛,又可与导课前后呼应。)Step9. Love education. T: Mother gives us life. She does everything for us. Mother is great. Please love your mother and say “I you” to your mother.(通过母亲节给母亲送礼的活动,及时给学生进行感恩教育,并告诉学生Gift cant be everything, everything can be a gift.使学生的情感得到升华。)Step10. Sum up Sum up what we have learned today. Let the students look at the title on the blackboard, try to use different ways to say the title.(通过总结本节课所学的知识,对课题进行同义句改写,完成板书的同时进一步巩固所本节课的重点。)Step11. Homework Let the students write a passage about the gift for their mothers birthday. After they finished, ask two students read their articles to us.(让学生运用所学知识写一篇短文,既是将本课时的重点语言项目从口头到笔头的落实,也是通过不同的方式巩固目标语言。)Step12. Blackboard design Unit8. Why dont you get her a scarf? Why not get her a scarf?How about a scarf?What about a scarf?六 教学反思通过本节课,我体会到要上好一节课必须要有充分的课前准备和明确的教学设计思路。应在结合学生实际情况的基础上,灵活运用各种教学方法,让学生在合作探究中完成各项任务。在体验成功的同时能够做到学以致用。同时应该能够处理教学中的突发事件,能够根据学生的反应及知识掌握情况及时调整教学方法和策略。在homework这一环节中,本想让学生在课后完成这篇作文,但由于学生对所学知识掌握较好,因此在课堂上及时调整教学方案,让学生在课堂上完成。既是对所学内容的综合运用,也是对所学知识的一个成果展示。本节课的不足在于新单词的练习
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