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高一英语总复习UNIT1friendship13.calm down平静下来 14.be crazy about对狂热 like crazy=very hard努力地 15. get along (with)与.相处, .进展 16. on purpose 故意17. trust信任 18. suffer 遭受19communicate 交流20. It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其它部分Words使心烦_ 2. 不理睬_ 3. 理由_ 4. 感觉_ 5. 连续_ 6. 目的_7. 力量_ 8. 依照_ 9. 信任_ 10. 遭受_ 11. 忠告_ 12. ;情形_ 13.交际_ 14. 习惯_1. Let Harry play with your toys too, Clare-you must learn to s_. 2. As teenagers, you shouldnt get into the h_ of smoking. 3. The hotline helps many t_ who are growing up. 4. We had to keep i_ all week by bad weather. 5. The villagers s_ huge losses in the big fire. 6. Dont be so u_; your mother will be all right soon.7. He c_ in the exam so 8.The children went _(疯狂)when they met the famous player Liu Xiang. 9. Give me your _(理由)for not walking the dog today. 10. You cant _(相信)what the papers say. Not everything is true in the papers. 11. The villagers _(遭受)a lot after the flood, for example they had no homes to live in. 12. Could you please give me some _(建议)on how to learn Yoga?13. There is a lot of air in the _(松的)snow. It can keep you warm. 14. The Jews had to hide away in such a difficult _(形势). 1.把加起来 2.总计共达 3.增加把加到里 4. 不得不,必须 5. 经历 / 经受;穿过;浏览_ 6. 躲 / 藏起来 7. 一连串 / 一系列的 8. 写下 / 记下 9. 遭受(痛苦疾病损失 10. 和某人(很好地)相处 11. 爱上某人 / 某物 12. 对着迷 13. 彼此信任 14. 按照,根据15. 参加 16. 与某人交流 17. 面对面 18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事)19.平静 / 镇静下来 20.关心 / 挂念(某人 / 某事)21.本应该做某事(但实际没做) 22.改变情形,状况 23.给某人一些建议 24. 忽视某人的情感 25.在考试中作弊Sentences:1.我跟班里的同学相处得很好.(get along with)_2.他经历过两次世界大战.(go through)_3.他故意使你生气.(on purpose)_4.依据法律, 他必须被判处死刑.(according to)_5.每个人都必须关心他人,而不是只顾自己.(be concerned about)_Unit2 English around the world even if 尽管= communicate with与.交流 actually be based on以为基础 make use of利用 believe it or not 信不信由你 play a part/role in Includebecause of come up被提出 such as例如 request 要求 recognize 认出 A number of许多&the number of.的数量如果句中使用了all, both, every, everyone, everybody, everything再使用否定词not, 无论not出现在河处, 该句都为部分否定句.Every student didnt pass the exam.= Not every student passed the exam.Words:1.包括 _ 2.国际的_3.本地人_4.公寓住宅_5.现代的_ 6.文化,文明_7.实际上_8.现在的,出席的_9.使用,用法_10.政府_11.迅速地_12.命令,指令_13.有礼貌的_14.东南方的_ 15.辨认出_16.口音,重音_17.方向,指导_ 18.地铁_1. In American English, an e_ is a device(装置) that carries people up and down. 2. He failed in the English exam because of his poor English v_. 3. The g_ is/ are planning new tax increase. 4. If you c_ someone to do sth, you order them to do it. 5. M_ technology such as IT has greatly changed our way of life. 6. Most people, myself i_, arent happy about it. 7. An i_ card is a card with a persons name, photograph, date of birth, and other information about them on it. 8. He comes not from the s_ part of this city, but form the northern part. 9. Follow the d_ for the use of the medicine. 10.When she saw me, she _(认得)me at once. 11. The villagers were all _(出席)at the meeting that night. 12. They made a request for _(国际的)aid. 13. She says its a good film, though she hasnt _(实际)seen it. 14. The text is asked to be _(复述) in your own words. 15. He speaks English with a strong German _(口音).1.起着重要的作用 2一个国际性的组织3.在现代 4 中国的文化 5 .目前的形势 6身份证 7想要做某事 8.意味着 9 母语10 即使 ,尽管 11.标准英语 12 .在莎士比亚时代13问路,问方向 14.辨别出某人的声音 15出席 16.基于,以为基础 17 一个讲英语的国家18.走近,上来 19.正要接近于 20.好好利用 21.大量的,许多 22.的数目 23. 例如 24. 信不信由你 25. 玩得开心 26. 作出一个请求27. 命令某人做某事 28. 单词与短语29. 29 比较A与BIII. Sentences:1.教育在人们的生活中起着重要的作用.( plays a role/part in)_2. 这本书是以一个发生在193
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