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课题Unit5: It was here just now第4课时课型新 授学习目标1. Review and consolidate the past tense of be verb was were used2. Review the key concepts in this unit from finish the tasks of Part C.3. Improve the students sharing sense by act the story on P30.重难点1. Finish the tasks of Part C.2. Improve the students sharing sense.导学准备The video and the pictures of the story.导学过程 Step1: Warming up.1. Greeting.2. Revision and leading in. T: Where is your English book?Ss: It is on my desk.T: Was it on the desk an hour ago?S1:No.Step2: Presentation.1. Look at the picture with“ Whats this / that? What is it? say place names2. Listen to the tape and finish the exercises .3. check the answers .4. Students according to answer say the sentences .Eg: Kitty was at the cinema yesterday. Colin was in the library.Part C Order and act1. Independently complete the exercises .2 .Act out the dialogue . 4. Translate the dialogue. 5. Listen and repeat.Step3: Practice. Part B: Look and say 1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.What can you see in the picture? ( a little girl , a dog and a cat,.) Step4: Homework. 1. Act the story in groups.2. Finish the Exercise Book.备注教学反思 2
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