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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Hope helps. It keeps us going in bleak times and amid ( ) news. But hope has more credibility when we can point to the reason for it.问题1选项A.disheartenedB.dishearteningC.enlighteningD.enlightened【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。disheartening “使沮丧”;disheartened“沮丧的”;enlightening“使人领悟的” ;enlightened“被启发的”。根据题意,空格中的形容词用来形容news,形容物体用-ing形式的形容词,选项A,D可排除。句意:希望是有帮助的。在暗淡的时光和令人沮丧的消息中,能够保持继续前进。但是希望更让人信服,当我们有理由去相信的时候。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题The core spirit was that businesses should always be permitted to develop any area ( ) profits could be found, and ( ) this was the most efficient use of resources for an economy.问题1选项A.when . whatB.that. whichC.where . thatD.for which . where【答案】C【解析】语法题。根据句子结构,可知第一个空格引导定语从句,修饰前面的名字area,所以应该填入关系副词where,表示“在这个领域”,选项A、B和D可排除。第二个空格引导的表语从句和前面的表语从句形成并列关系,所以也应该由引导词that引导。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题The accusations we bring against others should be ( ) ourselves; we should not complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct.问题1选项A.denigration of excludeB.instructions to. equateC.parodies of. satirizeD.warnings to. justify【答案】D【解析】固定搭配和动词词义辨析。denigration of “低毁”;exclude “排除”;instructions “指令,说明”;equate “使相等”;parodies of “效仿”;satirize “讽刺,挖苦”; warnings to “警告”;justify “证明是正当的”。句意:我们对他人的指责应该是对自己的一种警告;我们不应该自满,也不应该对我们自己的道德行为轻易地做出判断。选项D符合题意。4. 单选题There is no doubt that dishonest or ( )acquisition of information is usually overwhelming evidence that information was confidential and not part of the defendants skill and knowledge.问题1选项A.blatantB.surreptitiousC.suspiciousD.conspicuous【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。blatant “喧嚣的,炫耀的”;surreptitious “秘密的”;suspicious “可疑的”;conspicuous “显而易见的”。句意:毫无疑问,不诚实或秘密获取的信息通常是压倒性的证据,表明这种信息是机密的,不属于辩护人员技能和知识的一部分。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题The term folk custom is very broad, but it has been used by folklorists to refer to those shared patterns of behaviors in a particular folk group. Those patterns of behaviors are regarded as the traditional and established ways of members of the particular folk group. Folk custom is transmitted by Word of mouth, demonstration or imitation. The folklore and folk customs of England are rich and varied. Many customs are ancient, and passed down generation after generation from our Germanic and Celtic ancestors. Others are more modem creations.One of the greatest problems in assessing most accounts of folk customs is that they tend to give only the antiquarys point of view. After all, to most observers, the people they were looking at were simple and illiterate, unmindful of the true significance of the customs they had preserved. Why question them at length if they didnt understand the essential nature of what they were doing? So a folklorist is likely to emphasize aspects of a tradition which reflect his or her own interests or which fit in with preconceived ideas, while possibly ignoring or giving only passing mention to aspects which may, in fact, be of equal importance.One aspect which generally gets left out of accounts is the viewpoint of the participants themselves: for instance, why they indulge in a particular activity at a particular time of year or of their lives and what feelings they experience while doing so. And now, ideas deriving from folklore studies ate so -widespread that they may easily have become an integral part of the attitude of the participants in a custom. So the folklorist is rather like a man staring at a scene in a mirror who must be aware, to fully understand that scene, that his own reflection is a major part of what he is looking at.It is, however, also true to say that many contemporary students of folklore arc fully aware of the problems which beset their enquiries. Like true scientists they draw their conclusions by looking at available evidence, rather-than selecting evidence which fits in with existing theories. Some have also looked away from the obviously ancient and turned their attention to folklore where it thrives, in the social life of modern cities, in industry and sport, etc. They may, for example, end up looking at the lore of the motor car, or of popular music, and at customs which, though they have no hints of paganism, nevertheless have much in common with the older activities which do.Many folklorists have gradually come to the conclusion that folklore is not necessarily a thing of the past, a relic of ancient and outmoded ways of thinking, but the means by which people try to make sense of the world (or to confront its lack of sense) and try to alleviate boredom and suffering.1.The best title for the passage is probably ( ).2.The early accounts of folk customs are unreliable because ( ).3.The reason why studying folklore is difficult today is that ( ).4.What is new about folklorists today?5.What does participation in folk customs mean to people?问题1选项A.Folkl
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