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考研考博-考博英语-中国艺术研究院模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Presidents come and go, but for more than half a century, the queen has always been the queen. So it was perhaps no surprise that Washington went a little gaga Monday, as Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, began an official two-day visit to the capital.Across the Atlantic, Helen Mirren, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Elizabeth in “The Queen,” shocked the British conscience over the weekend by turning down an invitation to dine at Buckingham Palace. But on the other side of the Atlantic, the queen was making Americans go weak in the knees.The White House was decorated to perfection for an exclusive white-tie dinner on Monday evening, with President George W. Bush and the first lady, Laura Bush, playing host to the royal couple and 130 other A-list guests. But the morning was reserved for the masses or, at least, the masses with the kind of connections that warrant an invitation to the formal arrival ceremony on the South Lawn.It was a day for pomp and circumstance a military color guard, a fife and drum band in white wigs, red jackets and tri-cornered hats punctuated by a presidential slip of the tongue that lightened the moment during Mr. Bushs welcoming remarks. Mr. Bush reminded the 81-year-old queen that she had already dined with 10 American presidents.“You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 ” he went on, stopping to correct himself before 1776 could slip out. The crowd erupted in laughter, and the president and the queen turned to each other for a long, silent gaze. Then, Mr. Bush turned back to the crowd with an explanation. “She gave me a look,” he said, “that only a mother could give a child.”Mr. Bush had been the recipient of such a look once before in the queens presence from his own mother, back in 1991, when the first President and Mrs. Bush played host to their own state dinner for the queen. By several different accounts, including Mr. Bushs own, Barbara Bush told the queen that she had seated her son far away from Her Majesty, for fear he might make a wisecrack.Then, to his mothers horror, he did, telling the queen that he was his familys blacksheep and asking, “Whos yours?” The queen, apparently not amused, replied tartly, “None of your business.”If the queen was not amused on Monday, she did not show it. “Im sure she accepted it for what it was a slip of the tongue,” said her press secretary, Penny Russell-Smith.1. It may be inferred from the passage that( ).2. Helen Mirren shocked the British conscience because she( ).3. What happened at Mr. Bushs welcoming remarks?4. We may infer from the context that the bicentennial of American nation celebration is held in( ).5. We may infer from the context that “blacksheep” (Line 1, Para.7) probably means( ).问题1选项A.U.S. presidents like to come and goB.the queen has always been in powerC.the queen was much esteemed by U.S. peopleD.Queen Elizabeth II began an official visit to the capital问题2选项A.refused to dine at Buckingham Palace with the QueenB.won an Academy Award for her portrayal of ElizabethC.sailed cross the Atlantic aloneD.Her Majesty was making Americans go weak in the knees问题3选项A.He made a serious mistake.B.He made a slip of the tongue.C.He played joke with the Queen.D.He made a laugh stalk himself.问题4选项A.1776B.1876C.1976D.1991问题5选项A.a sheep of black colorB.a very strange personC.a valuable member of the familyD.a worthless member of a respectable group【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一自然段的内容可知,“美国总统一直是换了又换,而大半个世纪以来,英国女王还是英国女王。所以当伊丽莎白二世和她的丈夫菲利普亲王,也就是爱丁堡公爵,于周一开始对美国首都进行为期两天的正式访问时,华盛顿陷入一阵狂热也就不足为奇了。”由此可知,选项D与原文表述一致,所以正确。A选项中的like表述错误;B选项缺少条件“for more than half a century”;C选项中“esteem”在原文中没有体现。所以只有选项D正确。2.细节事实题。根据关键词“Helen Mirren”定位到第二段第一句“Helen Mirren, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Elizabeth in The Queen, shocked the British conscience over the weekend by turning down an invitation to dine at Buckingham Palace. 凭借在女王中扮演伊丽莎白一角而获得奥斯卡奖的Helen Mirren上周末拒绝了邀请她去白金汉宫吃饭的邀请,这让英国人感到震惊。”由此可知,选项A符合原文。3.细节事实题。根据原文第五段第一句“You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 he went on, stopping to correct himself before 1776 could slip out. 在您的帮助下,我们国家庆祝二百周年纪念日,在17他继续说道,在1776年还没说出口之前停下来纠正自己。”以及最后一段的内容“Im sure she accepted it for what it was a slip of the tongue, said her press secretary, Penny Russell-Smith. 她(女王)的新闻秘书Penny Russell-Smith说,我肯定她(女王)接受了这一事实,那只是一时口误。”由此可知,Mr. Bush在欢迎致辞的时候犯了口误,选项B符合原文。4.判断推理题。1776是美国成立的时间,现在庆祝的是美国建国200周年,由此可以推断,时间应该是1976年,所以选项C正确。5.词义推断题。布什总统小的时候跟女王说他是自己家里的“blacksheep”,意为“害群之马,无用的人”,选项D与之意思相近,所以正确。2. 单选题They arrived at some political agreements that facilitated troop withdrawals.问题1选项A.establishedB.maximizedC.guaranteedD.promoted【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意:他们达成了一
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