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教学过程:Book 8 Module 8 Unit 1 New York is in the east.America:1. one ,two, three,Are you ready? Now, lets begin our class. Hello, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher,Miss wang.I like you very much. Do you like me? I live in Daqing.Do you know Daqing? Daqing is an oil city.Its in the west of Heilongjiang. Here is your hometown, Harbin. Its in the west of Heilongjiang, too. (图片联播)2. I live in Daqing, but last summer, I went to a place. Can you guess? Where did I go?(神秘)(出示六幅图)Good try! Maybe! Now lets see. Where is it ? I went to America. (出示美国地图,领读单词) 3. Do you know America? There are so many cities in America. Which cities do you know?4. Lead in :Oh,you know America very well. In America, I met a friend. He also want to come to China. But he doesnt know China well. After well, you all will have a chance to help him. Our friends Daming and Sam are talking about America,too. Now,listen .Which cities are they talking about?(放音,找词)New York Los Angeles:1. OK, yes, New York. (出示单词卡)领读New Y-or-k York New york 粘到黑板上 Los Angeles 2. Where is New York? And where is Los Angeles? This time , open your books, read and circle the answers.3. 词: East,west: T: Where is Los Angeles? S: Los Angeles is in the west of America. T: (板书) in the west of . west, What does it mean? Look at this coordinate. W is west.(出示单词卡) wet: how to read? W-e-t (加入s)How about this one? how to read? W-e-s-t (齐读) T: Where is New York? S: New York is in the east of America. T:(板书)in the east of. East, what does it mean?4. 句子: Read after me. Los Angeles is in the west of America.(1遍) Whats meaning? New York is in the east of America. Whats meaning?再读几遍 Read it together.5. Now lets listen and repeat .6. 扩充南北。Or-nor-th-north中国地图:1. You did a good job! Oh! Do you remember my friend, he is in China now. He wants to go to Beijing;Xinjiang;Qinghai; Jiangsu; Hunan.(出示地名)But he doesnt know where they are. Now,work in groups, then help him later.汉语解释。我们的好朋友马上就要来了,但他不知道这些城市的位置,让我们抓紧时间先练一练,用英语说一说这些城市的位置。2. Look, my friend is coming. Hello (出示手偶并和几名同学打招呼) . Who can help me? Could you help me? Can you show me, please? (叫一组学生到前面展示)Hello, excuse me. I want to go to . Where is it?(学生一齐回答3个地点,边说边指)Oh,I see . / Oh , Yes, I find it. Thank you ! 奖励,黑龙江地图:(转过身)Thank you very much! Im in Harbin now . So I want to know Heilongjiang. Would you like to help me? Now , choose cities you like,and introduce to your partner. Then tell me. Ok? 汉语解释 (黑龙江地图)Who can help me? 结束语(情感渗透)1. You all did a good job! Thank, Thank you very much. But now, I have to go.I will miss you for ever. I have to say Bye bye!2. (指后边)Just now, my friend told me , he loves America, and he loves China,too. Do you love China? (Ss:Yes) So study hard , then your dream will come true. (汉语) 既然爱我们的祖国,我们就要好好学习,这样,将来我们就有机会去游览祖国的大好河山,也有机会去了解世界的文化。OK,Classes over.Good bye , boys and girls.
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