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上海牛津小学英语五年级第一学期期中听力专项试卷测试时间:0分钟lass _ r r Name _ r No_r Scoe _Part 1h h isteng00一、ten anchose.(听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或内容。)7%( ) A. / /u/C. /:/( ) A. /bg/ B. bt/C. /i:t( ) 3/k/. / en/( ) 4.A. /B./f:/C./fu:d二、 Listen anmber. (听录音,用数字给下图片或文字编号。)2%()c r Tayc isc r Monda.crddiecrdoesc hisc r hewrkc ra r ac rquarerc r toc rnie()c Therec is c rfoall r mthc n Vc r in r ec r ornig.()c Hec retc r a r haurercr ad r c r Bigacc r forc r lunc.()cr Hec r lkesc rcrwi,c fyc acr kit r d ridcr ac r hrse()cr ec r eedsc r tencr mintec o oc rtocr hec r ark三、 iste adcooe. (根据听到的句子,选出最相符的单词或内容。)7( ) 1A sos bB. sus b shots b () 2.A. twlths l B. twentiethsl C twenty l ( ) .A.pats B posts ( ) 4. rsss f B. rssings f ( ) .A. gradpas p B grnmas () 6.A wells B weres C. ear ( ) 7. tnks j B. hicksj C. icks j ( ) 8.A. forths B. noths Z souths Z ()9.A uys d 29th B us d 9C unes d 19th ( ) 10.A. writ n bok. writes leters C. rites ne-mails四、 Lise nd choose (听录音,选出反义词。)14%().sadB happy.woy( ) .A. reeB saC. bu () A. late earyC ler ( ) .Asad. ang C.hp ( ) 5.Asa butC shape ( ) 6.AsomeB.dferentC. () 7.A. ifcut B diferntC. easy( ) 8.ws B. eat th五、 Listn n choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的句子。)7%( ).A. ear you ha. B. Trs yorht.hereyour hat? ( ) 2A Thaksa lt B. Thank us uch C. Tnk u ry muc. () .A. Hes onthor abut iftee iuts ( ) 3.B. He says on the bus fr iftenminus. ( )3. He stays on he busfor about fifeen inutes.( ) 4.A Iwant tobe a word ravellr.( ) . Int t bea rvel inthe wod.( )4.C.I nt t tvl around he ord.( )5.A heyet tgherand hveome fu( ) .B. Tey get gehrand he go tme.( )5.They are oeter and ave go tie. ( ) 6. e ometimesep old poplecross t stret.( ) . We tmes elp old opl tcros thesteet.().C. W someimehelpeple tcrss theteet() 7A.Insprin, tey fy to thenrth. ( )7.B. n pring,efto t wt.( )7.C. I wnter, they fly t the sot. ( ) 8. he areth mmer f thebakbal cb. ( ) 8. They e h meers the football cl. ( ) 8.C. Thy a the ebers f the voleyball cub( ) 9.A. On tisy, pepl g tse teir arnts ( ) 9B.On that a, opleo t ee theiprnts. ( ) . n tis da, pelego to see thrganaets.( )1.A. Thelittle by ar sing eabou zebs( )0.B The little bo is aking e aboutpaa( )1.C Thelttleoy is aking me about zera. 六、 Litan se he corectrespns.(听录音,选出适合的答句或问句。)%( )1.A.l rght. B. ank ou. C. No, yo cat.( ) 2.A.Te July9th. B Onth nnth of JuC. On he ninet f June () 3A. We n share ae. BNo, doest C Yes, we do.( ) 4A. Is on hefifth ofay. B. Its hes of May.C. Its on ayFirt. ()5.A. Tabeennis teni. ( ) 5.B.I lelayin cs.( ) . es, i an tnnis.( ) 6.A. Oce in ot. BOne inamotC. Oncea onh. ( ) 7.A. Its i anice.() 7.B. cause its bind nce.( )7C.Because its oo big and ice.( ) 8A. Im a achr. . ant tbetacher Ye, a techer.( ) .A. eause itsuie. B.Ilike t ro. Th oundsnc.( ) 0. es, they . ( ).B s, webo like fotbll ( ) 10.C. Yes,weall like ftball.( )1A. Iam layin ces with him. ( ) 11B. ply aintnwth im.( ) 11.H e to teciem.( ) 1.A Your study. B. No,Idot C. Ye, Ido.七、 Listenandcompete he setence. (听录音,将下列句子或段落补充完整。)%Tsk i s i thek i _ timekiIk ak going itok i ak i party. iImk i sok i excite!k i fterk i bang,k I i pukonk i m i _k i drss i qicklkandk i maekupk iyse.k i Im i _k i witk msefk i ii thk imirok i Then k i gra i kinchk i of _,ki ndi _ ihok i ati hk i pst i sik i Ik olyi aks
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