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中考专题复习四-数词 考点1、基数词1).基数词的读法与写法个位和十位之间加连字符“-”,十或个位与前面的数之间加,每隔三位加一个单位数词,从后向前数,分别thousand,million,billion为,每个单位数词之间加一个逗号。25: twenty-five 107:one hundred and seven3,782:three thousand,seven hundred and eighty-two4,750,000,000 :four billion,seven hundred and fifty million2).hundred,thousand,million.billion的用法(1)当hundred,thousand,million.billion前面有基数词表示具体的数量或与several,some,many等连用时,要用单数形式。Five hundred people live here .several million trees(2)当表示笼统、不具体的数量时,用复数,其后加介词of。hundreds of students thousands of factoriesmillions of birds考点2、基数词位于another后,位于 more之前I need another ten pencils. = I need ten more pencils. 我还需要10支铅笔。考点3、序数词1).基数词变为序数词的方法一、二、三要全变,其余后加th,加th时有例外,八去t,九去e,字母f代ve,ty变成tie.2).21-99等数,十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,而且十位和个位之间加连字符“-”。twenty-first eighty-ninth3)序数词前一般加the,但表示“再一,又一”时要加a。The seventh lesson is difficult to understand.Would you like a second try?4).若序数词前已有物主代词或名词所有格时,其前不加the。Tomorrow is his twentieth birthday.考点4、分数1).分数表示法分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母序数词加s。 1/2 one second 1/3 one third 2/3 two thirds 3/4 three fourths2).带分数的表示法:基数词+and+分子基数词+分母序数词 three and one second four and two thirds3).分数的用法当分数+of+名词/代词时,谓语动词要根据名词/代词的单复数,或可、不可数名词来决定。One third of the students in our class are girl students.Three quarters of them are party members.Two fifths of money is spent on books.考点5、百分数 表示百分数用基数词Thirty percent of them is water. 它们当中有30%的水。考点6、小数 表示带有小数的词用基数词。小数点前的整数按基数词的规则表示,小数点写作point,小数点后的数字应按数字直接表示出来。18.38 可写成 eighteen point three eight. 15.43 fifteen point four three考点7、年、月、日表示法1).数字表示的年份通常分成两半来说。1074: ten seventy-four 1880:eighteen eighty但要注意下列这些年份的读法:1902:nineteen O two nineteen hundred and two1900: nineteen hundred 2000:two thousand2008:two thousand and eight20世纪80年代-1980s/1980s, nineteen eighties2).月、日的表示月在前,日在后,日要用序数词或读序数词。May23(rd)读作May(the)twenty-third或the twenty-third of May.考点8、时刻的表示法1).用基数词,按顺序读。6:00 six (oclock) 3:45 three forty-five2).在半小时内,包括半小时(半小时用half表示,一刻钟用a quarter表示),可以用介词past。past之前为分钟数,之后为钟点数。6:15 fifteen(a quarter) past six 12:30 half past twelve3).在半小时以上,不包括半小时,可以用介词to,to之前为分钟数,之后为下一个钟点数,表示“差几分到几点”。7:45 a quarter to eight 10:50 ten to eleven考点9、编号表示法1).用序数词表示,the+序数词+名词。第五页the fifth page 第十二课the twelfth lesson第二次世界大战the Second World War2).用基数词表示,名词+基数词(第一个字母要大写)202房间Room 202 第十页Page Ten第一课Lesson One 第十六中学the No.16 Middle School考点10、其他特殊表达法1).基数词前加every,表示“每一段时间或每一段”每10天/每隔9天 every ten days/every tenth day每四周/每隔3周every four weeks/every fourth week2).表示年代或岁数时,用逢十的基数词的复数形式。This took place in the 1960s.这件事发生在20世纪60年代He is in his early twenties.他有20出头。 in the 30s(thirties)在30年代注意:“十几岁”要用 in ones teens . 3).表示比例可用 in ,out ofone in ten十个中的一个 one in a thousand千万次中的一次易混点I.基数词变序数词助记歌基变序,有规律,末尾加上th;一、二、三特殊记,八加h,九去e,ve要用f替;以y结尾变ie,后跟th莫忘记。若想表示几十几,只要个位就可以。特殊:one first, two second, three third, five fifth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth, forty fortieth, eighty-nine eighty-ninth (four-fourth)II.概数(略数)表示法数词+hundred / thousand / million / billion+名词复数hundred / thousands / millions / billions +of+名词复数III.数词和冠词的关系1. 序数词前要加定冠词the;但基数词前不加冠词。Sunday is the first day of a week.2. a / an+序数词,表示“又一、再一”。He failed twice, but he tried it a third time.3. of the +基数词,表示“范围”。She is the most beautiful girl of the three.Jim is the taller of the two.IV.数词的读法从后往前数,每隔三位加一逗号;第一个逗号前读thousand,第二个逗号前读million,第三个逗号前读billion。年代的读法是两位两位地读。V.钟点表达法 1. 先点后分,顺读法。如:8:53 eight fifty-three 2. 先分后点,倒读法。前半小时用“分钟数+past+已过钟点数”;后半小时用“(60-分钟数)+to+下一个钟点数”;正好半点用“half past+已过钟点数”;一刻钟用“quarter”。如:7:20 twenty past seven; 6:35 twenty-five to seven; 1:58 two to two; 8:30 half past eight; 9:15 a quarter past nine; 9:45 a quarter to ten.VI.序数词和定冠词 1. 序数词一般和定冠词the连用。如:the second student. 2. 当序数词为表达名次的名词时,不和定冠词连用。如:Lily came second in the race.VII.几个半的表达: 1. 一个半小时:one and a half hours an hour and a half 2.三年半: three and a half years three years and a half 基本型用适当的数词完成下列句子:1. One h_ years is a century. _2. Thursday is the f_ day of the week. _3. Autumn is the t_ season of the year. _4. Christmas is on December the t_ each year. _5. Letter H is the e_ letter in the alphabet(字母表). _6. There are t_ months in a year. _7.My brother is just 20. Today is his _(20岁) birthday. _ 8. _ (三分之二)of the fish have been sold out. _ 提高型 选择最佳答案。( )1.What date is it? -Its _. A. the May fourth B. the fourth of May C. fourth May D. May four( )2.My good friend Zhangying studies at _ Middle School. A. 16 B. the 16 C. 16th No. D. No.16( )3.Hi
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