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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版Function: Describing a scene Recycling: Present continuous tense Language: Im sending some photos. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Vocabulary: shine, everyone, out of, wrong Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing an English song. 2. Review some verbs. Step 2 Introduction 1. Teacher draws a picture and asking the students some questions. 2. What are the birds doing? What are the ducks doing? Step 3 Presentation 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue between them. 2. Play the cassette and circle the new words. 3. Play the cassette and ask some questions. 4. Teach the new words in different ways. 5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 6. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue. Step 4 Finish a Task 1. Collecting some pictures about news.2. Introduce ones collecting.Step 5 Homework 1. Read the text in role. 2. Finish task 5.附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版Function: Talking about something is happening. Language: Im looking out of the window. A man is wearing a big hat and raincoat. Vocabulary: train, window, raining, shining, playing, ing etc. Poem: The sun is shining on the sea. Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Review Unit 1. 2 Ask and answer between the teacher and the children at random. Step 2 Introduction 1. The teacher shows some pictures. 2. Tell them that these postcards were posted from good friends. Step 3 Presentation 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children several questions. 3. Write down four skill words and teach. 4. Play the cassette and repeat. 4. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs. Step 4 Poem 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together. Step 5 Homework 1. Read the poem 2. Finish activity 5: Have you got?
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