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Oxford English 2B Module 4 Unit 1 Activities 教案Topic: ActivitiesSub-topic:Period 1: Super Dad Period 2: Super me一、语言知识:1. 在语境中新授play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, play cards.2. 在语境中学习句型Can he/she ? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant. ; He/She can very well.二语言技能与使用1. 能听懂文本对话内容,理解文本。2. 能熟练使用新授单词及词组。3. 能用所学句型来描述他人的兴趣所在。三情感态度1. 能通过文本对话内容,知道不同人的擅长和兴趣的不同。每个人都有自己的特长,来发挥自己的特长。单课时教学目标:课时语言知识语言技能与使用情感态度学习策略第一课时1、在语境中,初步感知新授词组:play football, play basketball,play ping-pong,play cards2、 初步使用句型Can he/she .?Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.1、能初步听懂核心词汇、句型和文本。2、能初步准确掌握单词和句子的发音。通过故事让学生体验故事主人公Danny和Kitty父亲的过人之处,感受每个人的爸爸都是Super和伟大的。在听的基础上习得说的本领,以对话的形式展开教学,在聆听问题的前提下积极动脑,展开讨论,最后在与同学的对话中以巩固目标语句。第二课时1、 能熟练使用第一课时所学核心词组和句型。2、 能使用句型:He/She can very well.1、能听懂核心词汇、句型和文本。2、能使用新旧知识,来描述他人的兴趣和水平。通过学习,引导学生感悟到知道不同人的擅长和兴趣的不同。每个人都有自己的特长,来发挥自己的特长。融入情景,将词汇、句型和文本结合,完成学习任务。教学过程设计(1st period)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI.Pre-taskWarming-up1. Say a rhyme.活跃课堂气氛,使学生快速进入英语的学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。II.While-task1. To elicit the story2. To teach: swim well3. To teach: play football Can he.? Yes, he can.4. To teach: play cards5. To teach: play basketball No, he cant.8. To teach: play ping-pong1. To elicit the storyT: Listen! What can you hear? It is the music of program Do you like the gram?Ss: Yes.T: Danny and Kitty both think their fathers are super. How super they are? Lets listen.2. Listen and say T: What can Dannys father do? S: He can swim well.1) Look and say2) Role-play3. Listen and learn1) T: Can Dannys father swim?2) Role-play Pair work3) Listen and say T: Can Kittys father play football? Ss: Yes, he can.4. Look and say5. T: Look at the picture. Can Kittys father play basketball? S: No, he cant.1) Ask and answer2) Pair work S1: Can your father play basketball ? S2: No, he cant.8.Listen and learn1) Filling blanks2) Chant Look , look He can play ping-pong. Look , look Kittys father can play ping-pong. Look , look Can he play ping-pong? Yes, yes Yes, he can.听一听学生所熟悉、喜爱的栏目的音乐,引出故事,激发学生学习兴趣。激发学生思路、培养学生思考习惯,通过聆听引出新授词组。通过学生学习过的句型,引出词组和新授句型。学习新知、自编儿歌,通过有节奏、韵律的儿歌来巩固新知。旧知新授结合,融合学过的知识,自然输出语言。激发学生思路、培养学生思考习惯,通过聆听引出新授词组。学习新知、自编儿歌,通过有节奏、韵律的儿歌来巩固新知。III.Post-task1. Enjoy the story again2. Try to do a survey1. Enjoy the story again2. Try to do a survey整体感知故事,在故事的自然推进中,感受每个人的爸爸各有各的不同和Super,领悟Super Dad就在我们身边,自己的爸爸就是Super Dad。IVAssignment(Homework)1. Read the dialogue2. Do a survey On the board 2B M4U1 Super Dad Dannys father Kittys father swim well play football play football play ping-pong play basketball play cards (2nd period)ProcedureContentMethodPurposePre-task 1. Warming up2. Share the survey3. Ask and answerChants2. Share the surveyQ: What can you do?通过轻松的歌曲和儿歌学生引入课堂,创设英语学习的气氛。复习之前学过的句型,为新句型教授打基础。While-task1. Listen to the dialogue 2.Sentence pattern: Look atCan he?He can very well.New phrases: play basketballplay football1 . Listen to the dialogue 2. According to the dialogue between Miss Fang and Alice to know the activity that Ben can or cant do.通过介绍每个小朋友不同的能力和特长,使学生对今天的话题有所感知并产生兴趣。通过对话新授词组和句型,用各种儿歌和歌曲在其中穿插活跃课堂学习气氛。3.Review the sentence pattern New phrases:play ping-pongplay cards3. According to the dialogue between Miss Fang and Ben to know the activity that Alice can or cant do.通过介绍Alice会和不会的活动来操练新授的句型。Post-task 1.A match game1. According to the boarding to finish the activity he/ she can do individually.完成一个配对,再次操练句型。 在学习对话后,通过更多的图片提示来扩展文本内容来达到学以致用。Homework1. Review the expressions on P39 2. Read the dialogueBlackboard design2B M4U1 Activities (Period 2)Super meBen play basketball play football Alice play ping-pong play cards Kitty swim Can he/she? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant. He/ She can very well.
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