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TE ORTHOFJULYudre Lode1The firs ime went to shgton.C. won thedge of he ummerhn I s supposed tostopbeing a chd. At east thats hheysd tousala gaduato frm h eih rade My sster hyllis gadatd atthesametimfrom hgh schol. I ontkow whatsewas suposedto st being But a grautinprsnts for us oth, he whle familyok a FouthofJuly tritoWahintonDC., the fabed afamou cpital of ou conty. Detaied eadn2It ws thefirst timId vebee on a railrdtrin duing the ay. Wen I ws ittle, andwe ued o t h Conntiu hor,we awasentat nig on hmilkran,because itwascheae. eparaions wre i te airaound our hous beforeschool as even over. We pakd for awk. The ero ey lgestcaes hamyate carried,andabox lwith fd. n act, m firstrpo Washington as a mobil est;strted eating as soos we ercortbly ensconced in oss, ndd notstp il someere afe hiladphia remembei was PhilaphabcausI was disapoie ot o have sedyh ibet Bll. 4. mothr d ostedohicken andu he upinto daintyitesizepiees. heacked slicesof bown br buter, an geen peperand cot tics. Thre were little violentlyelow ied caes with calloped ee aled marols, thatcameromCushans Bake. Tre wa apie bn a rck-aksfromNwtons, thWet Idian bakery acrossnx Avenue fm St Mars ool, ndced ea wrpped maonnase jar. There ere seet pikls rusanddill pke for my fher, and pachewih the fzz stllon the, ndivdaly wrapped kep them fro briin. An, foreatne, thre e pile of napinsanda litlei box with aashcoth daenedwith rser and glyeiorwpin cky uths.5 wantdto ea inthe ining ceas I a read alboutthem, bu mthrreine m rthe umptent tm t iningcarfodalwas costtoo much oney and beids,ou neve culd tl hs ndsad beenplaying all ove tat food, nr whee those sehand hd beenut befre. M mthr nver mntiond at Bl pople we not allowedno rilroa dining crs heade ouh in 9s usual, whatever my ther didolike ad couldnot chnge,sh ignred. Pehaps it oud o away, epriv of heratteno 6. eaned laer th hylis igh schol senior css ip hadben toWaton,bt he nuns a give e back e eosit in rvt, explaini toher ththe cla,all f hom were whte, ecet hylli,woul be tig in a hotelwee Pylliswoul not be appy, enig, Dady explaid to her, also in rit,that they didnt rent oms to Neros. We st taeamg-outoahingto, orslve, my far ha avwed, nd ntjs for an oernigt i ommeslyflebag htel 7.In Washigtn D., wehne lrgeroom wth t doube bedsand n extra t frm. I was a backsree tel tha belonged to a fiedo y fatherswhowas real e, and spette whoenext dayfer sinti p at he LonMemoial whre arin Anrn ha sung ftr te D.R refued to allw her to sing nthir auditriu ecs sh a Back. Or becase she a Colr, my fate saida eos thestory. xcept tat wt hobably sadwasNgro, becaus for his tmes, m faher as quitprogressiv. 8.Iwasquing cause a n tt silet agnyttcaacterized alo my cilhoodmmer, fomthe imescho utiJune tothe ndful, broght abut by my dilated an ulneraleesexpose to the smmerbrihtness. viewed Jls trouaaoniing orollao dzli wtenssan lwyhate the ourthf July, een bfor me to aizethe vety suc a celbratn was fr Blackeope inhis cnr.10M parent dd otapprove of sunlasses,norof ir exps.11I stthe aftern qinti atmonumes o redom andpat presinies an democra, and wonen wy the lit and ha werebotho muchstronger iWahingtn D.C,tan back hmenew o ity. Even tepavmet o thstet was hade ightr n ol tha bachom.12La ttWshintnafternonmy fmlyan Iwalkd ack dowPnnsylvania Avnue We were a prpr caavan, mohrghtan faebown,th hee ous girls sep-tndadi-tween.ved by ourhstoi surrounngn eheat of erly venin, my fah ded yet nother trat.ehda geat ensof istory, a flairfor the quiet dramatic and th sens fspialness f an oasio and trip.13Sal we stop and hea lttle somthinto oolof, Li? 14.wo ocksayfrm ourotel, th family stopedfr adif vaill icerem a Brers ice cram d oa fountain.Indoor,the
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