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Lesson 12词句:1. Excuse me. 翻译:1) 对不起。(没做错事,做错事用Sorry.) 2) 打扰了。3)劳驾。2. this -that 指示代词 these-thosethis handbag these handbags This is my handbag. 3. pardon 再说一遍Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?=I beg your pardon? (.) 不能重复第三遍作业: 1. 整理笔记2. 12 单词 2遍 beg beg beg乞求3. 课文背诵4. 12 练习册考试: 1. shirt 2. skirt 3. book 4. bag 5. dresses 6. car 7. house 8. watches 9. coat 10. :/3: 11. e 12. ts 13. Excuse me!14. Yes, it is. 15. Is this your handbag? 16. Thank you very much. 17. that 18. these 19. those 20. Pardon? 21. I beg your pardon. 词句: 4. Yes. -是的-No.Yes? -什么事? 怎么了?5. watch n. 手表 v. 观看 观察 watch dog 看门狗 pet dog 宠物狗2. house 房子(平房、别墅)a) home 家 family 家庭(抽象)at home 在家go home 回家miss home 想家 building 建筑物楼房room 房间 3. coat goat boat throat 嗓子4. exercise book 练习册notebook 笔记本 English book 英语书语法:句式1. 陈述句:陈述一个事实。 =肯定句+否定句1. 疑问句: 分为一般疑问句 Is this your teacher? 特殊疑问句 When did you come back? 选择疑问句 Do you like a dog or a cat? 反意疑问句 I can run fast, cant you? 否定疑问句Arent you my uncle, Tom? 3. be动词的陈述句和一般疑问句:be- am/is/ are I am=Im You are=YoureHe is=Hes She is=Shes We are=Were They are = Theyre 只要能用人称代词代替的词语,用法与人称代词相同。肯定句:S+ be(不要加原形动词) 主语否定句:S+be not. (不要加原形动词) (am not/ isnt/ arent) 一般疑问句:Be +S +. (不要加原形动词)? 注意:1. 在句型转换中,肯定句中的第一人称必须转换成第二人称。2. 一般疑问句中,主语是this/that-回答时要用it. 主语是these/those-回答时要用they. 例句: 1. This is my handbag.(肯定句)(否)This isnt my handbag. (一般) Is this your handbag?(肯定回答)Yes, it is. (否定回答)No,it isnt. 2. That is my skirt. That isnt my skirt. Is that your skirt? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Thank you very much. (回答) so=Thanks. =Thanks a lot. 回答: 1. Youre welcome. 2. Not at all. 3. Its nothing. /Its OK. 4. Thats all right. 作业:1. 整理笔记 熟记2. 句型 举例(肯 否 一般疑 回答) 3组3. 改写课文 4. 练习册考试:1. It is a nice black bag. (变成否定句) It isnt a nice black bag. (变成一般疑问句)Is it a nice black bag? 2. Is this your ruler? (作出肯定回答)Yes, it is. 3. That is my watch. (变成一般疑问句)Is that your watch? 4. 翻译句子:对不起! 这是你的手提包吗?Excuse me! Is this your handbag?是的。非常感谢。Yes, it is. Thank you very much. 5. Pardon? (同义句) I beg your pardon. /? 6. It is a house. (变成复数句) They are houses. 7. Is that your shirt? (变成复数句) Are those your shirts? 练习册讲解: 1. Whose bag is this? 谁的2. Wheres the bag?在哪里3. Is it yours, Tom?汤姆,它是你的吗?4. I think its Jims. 5. Its mine . 它是我的(东西)。 6. All right. 好的。=OK.7. I cant carry it. 我拿不动。8. Youre welcome. 不客气。9. Let me look. 让我看看。Lesson 34 词句:1. ticket n. 票、牌子fare n. 票 (车票)movie ticket 电影票plane ticket飞机票 train ticket 火车票 Here is my ticket. 这是我的票。2. my-mine 我的 我的(东西) my bag=mine This is my bag.=This bag is mine. 3. number n. 号码 数字number=No.number five =No. 5 count the numbers 数数 4. Sorry. Excuse me! =Im sorry. =Im so sorry.=Im really sorry. -答语:没关系。1. It doesnt matter. 2. Never mind. 3. Thats all right. (Its) 4. Not at all.5. sir n. 先生(长官、上司、顾客)Mr. +姓-还可指老师gentleman (用于正式场合) male 男性(指性别)boy 男孩 man 男人 作业:1. 整理题 2. 作业本上 9句 翻译 单词背3. 练习册4. 整理2课笔记考试: 1. This is her mother. (变一般疑)Is this her mother? (作出否定回答)No,she isnt. (变复数句)These are their mothers. 2.张老师 Mr. Zhang 3. 先生sir/ gentleman 4. 男人 man 5. 男孩boy 6. 飞机票plane ticket/fare 7. 我的票my ticket 8. This is my bag.(变同义句) =This bag is mine. 9. Im really sorry about that.- D A. Not mind. B. Youre welcome.C. Sure. D. Thats all right.10. -Thanks a lot. -_A_A. Its my pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Thats right. D. No, thank you. 11. 我的外套和我的雨伞 my coat and my umbrella 12. 6号(2)number six=No. 6词句: 6. suit n. 套装 a suit 一套衣服mans suit 男士套装womans suit 女士套装swimming suit 游泳衣uniform 制服 校服 a uniform 一套制服7. grandson 孙子 granddaughter 孙女 grandchildren 课文讲解: 1. My coat and my umbrella, please. (省略句) 全句:(Give me) my coat and my umbrella, please. (Show me) your ticket, please. 2. Here is my ticket. 这是我的票。 This is .介绍某物或某人Here be倒装句(强调地点)构成:加名词时 (1) Here be +名词造句:Here is the bus. 车来了。(2) Here 代词+be. 造句:Here it is. 它来了。 注意:就近原则 Here is my ticket. Here is your coat and your umbrella. Here are your coats and your umbrella. 3. Number five. =No. 5. 4. Heres = Here is 5. This is not my umbrella. (否) =isnt 6. Is this your umbrella?(一般疑)7. Is this it? 是它吗? 用来指代上文提到的物体 作业:1 整理笔记 +考试题2 Lesson 4 15图 做本上3 课文默写 1和3 签字4 练习册 Lesson 56 1. Volvo-Swedish 瑞典的Peugeot-French 法国的Mercedes-German 德国的Toyota-Japanese 日本的Daewoo-Korean 韩国的Mini-English 英国的Ford-American 美国的Fiat-Italian 意大利的 作业:1. 读熟单词562. 单词2遍 +词性+翻译+音标
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