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人教PEP版六年级下学期英语阅读理解专项提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据短文内容,判断正误。The students of Grade One are going to have a winter camp. They are going to live together for a week. No one is going to help them. They must go shopping and do the cooking and washing themselves. On the first two days, they are going to stay in the camp. They can watch videos and play computer games and get everything ready for the next five days. On the third day, they are going to visit a modem car factory. On the fourth or fifth day, they are going to have a picni C. On the sixth day, they are going to get up early and watch the sunrise. They are going to come back on the seventh day. Some of them are coming home by train and some of them are coming back by bus.( )(1)The students are going to have a winter camp.( )(2)The students going to live together for a week.( )(3)The students are going to watch the sunrise on the seventh day.( )(4)The students are going to come back on the sixth day.( )(5)Some of the students are coming back by train and some of them are coming back by car.2. 阅读理解。根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。Im Peter. Im from the UK. I have a brother. His name is Jim. He is taller than me, but I am older than him. We are helpful. We often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend. He likes playing computer games. I like playing computer games, too. But he plays better than me. He also likes reading. He often goes the bookstore and the library. After dinner, we usually read books. Sometimes we go for a walk. We always have a good time together. Do you have a brother or sister? Can you tell me about him/her?( )(1)Peter is from the UK.( )(2)Jim is taller than Peter, but Peter is older than Jim.( )(3)They often clean the room and wash the clothes on the weekend.( )(4)Jim doesnt like reading.( )(5)Peter and Jim usually read books after dinner.3. 根据短文内容,回答问题。TheCrow(乌鸦)andtheFoxAcrowissittinginabigtree.Shehasabigpieceofmeatinhermouth.Mybabieswillhaveanicebreakfast,shethinks.Anoldfoxislookingfor(寻找)his breakfast. Heseesthecrow and the meat. How can I get that piece of meat? he thinks.Goodmorning,MrsCrow,saysthefoxverysweetly.How areyou?,Butthecrowdoesntsayaword.Youareverynicebabies,MrsCrow,saysthefoxverysweetly.Howarethey?MayIseethem?Still(仍然),thecrowdoesntsayaword.Youareverybeautiful,MrsCrow.Andyouhaveabeautifulvoice(声音)too, says the fox very, very sweetly. Will you sing a song for me?MrsCrowthinks,HowniceMrFoxis!Imustsinghimasong.Sosheopenshermouth,Caw!Caw!(乌鸦的叫声)Downdrops(掉下)themeatintothefoxsmouth.Questions:1.Whatdoesthecrowhaveinhermouth?2.Whatistheoldfoxlookingfor?3.ThefoxsaysGoodmorningtothecrow.Doesthecrowsayanything?4.Whydoesthecrowopenhermouth?5.Whogetsthemeatatlast(最后)?4. 阅读短文,回答问题。Today is our first day in Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city in the southeast of China. In the morning, we visited Shanghai Science Museum. We saw many interesting things there. In the afternoon, we went to Nanjing Road. It was really a busy street. We went along the street and enjoyed everything there.(1)What did they visit in the morning?(2)What did they visit in the afternoon?(3)Where is Shanghai?5. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 This is my home. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator. The vegetables and fruit are in the refrigerator. The juice is in it, too. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a chair and a computer. Now Im watching TV in the living room. Mum is cooking in the kitchen. My sister is taking a shower in the bathroom. Our cat is under my bed.1We have two bedrooms.(_)2There is a computer in my bedroom.(_)3My sister is watching TV in the living room.(_)4Mum is cooking in the kitchen.(_)5Our cat is on my bed.(_)6. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。There are four people in Mr Clark s family. The Clarks get up early every day. In the morning, Mr Clark goes to work. Sandy and Sue go to school. Their mother stays at home to do housework. At noon, Sandy and Sue have their lunch at school. In the afternoon, Sandy and Sue go back home. They usually get home at about 4 oclock. In the evening, they do their homework. Mr Clark often reads newspapers. Mrs Clark cooks for them. After dinner, they watch TV and eat some fruit.(1)_ get up early every morning.A. Three of them B. Two of them C. All of them(2)Mr Clark _ in the morning.A. goes to school B. goes to work C. goes shopping(3)Sandy and Sue are _.A. students B. friends C. workers(4)Mrs Clark stays at home to _.A. play B. do homework C. do housework(5)After dinner, the Clarks _.A
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