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Unit 3 OLD TOM THE KILLER WHALEI was 16 I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station. I hadheard of the killers that every year helped whalers catch huge whales. I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed with my owneyes many times.On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was I sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise (come) from the bay. We ran down tothe shore in time (see) an enormous animal opposite us(throw)itself out of the water and then crashing down again. It was black and white and fish-(shape). But I knew it wasnt a fish.Thats Old Tom, the killer, one of the whalers, George, called out to me.He (tell) us theres a whale out there for us.Another whaler yelled out, Rush-oo .rush-oo.This was the call thatannounced there was about to be a whale hunt.Come on, Clancy. To the boat, George said he ran ahead of me. Ihad already heard that George didnt like (keep, wait), so eventhough I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and (head) out into the bay. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tomswimming by the boat, (show) us the way. A few minutes later, therewas no Tom, so George started (beat) the water with his oar and therewas Tom, (cirle) back to the boat, (lead) us to the huntagain. (use) a telescope we could see that something was happening. As we drew closer, I could see a whale (attack) by a pack of about sixother killers.Whatre they doing I asked George.Well, its teamwork - the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it (breathe). And those others arestopping it diving or (flee) out to sea, George told me, (point) towards the hunt. And just at that moment, the most extraordinary thing happened. The killers started racing between our boat and the whale just like a pack of (excite) dogs.Then the harpoon was ready and theman in the bow of the boat aimedit at thewhale. He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. badly (wound),the whale soon died. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the (deep) of the sea. The menstarted turning the boat around to go home.Whats happened I asked. we (lose) the whaleOh no, Jack replied. Well return tomorrow (bring) in the body.It wont float up to the surface for around 24 hours.In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue, (add) Red, laughing.Man overboard! Turn the boat around! urged George, (shout)loudly.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat. The waves were carrying James further and further away from us. From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of (abandon) by us. Then suddenly I saw a shark.Look, theres a shark out there, I screamed.Dont worry, Old Tom wont let it near, Red replied.It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I saw James firmly (hold) up in the water by Old Tom. I couldntbelieve my eyes.There were shouts of Well done, Old Tom and Thank God as we pulled James back into the boat. And then Old Tomwas off and back to the hunt the otherkillers were still attacking the whale.A NEW DIMENSION OF LIFE19th January1 月 19 日Imsitting in the warmnight air with a cold drink in my hand and (reflect) on the day - a day of pure magic! I went(snork)on the reefoffshore this morning and it was the most (fantancy) thing I have everdone. (see) such extraordinary beauty, I think every cell in my body wokeup. It was like (discover) a whole new dimension of life.The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours (surround) me- purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. The corals were fantastic - they were shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, the branches of trees and the horns of deer. And all kinds of small, neat and elegant fish were swimming in and around the corals.The fish didnt seem to mind me(swim) amongthem. I especially lovedthe little orange and white fish that hid in the (wave) long thin seaweed.And I also loved the small fish that clean the bodies of larger fish - I even saw them get inside their mouths and clean their teeth! It seemed there was a surprise (wait) for me around every corner as I explored small caves, shelvesand narrow passages with my underwater flashlight:the yellow and green parrotfishwas hanging upside down, and sucking tiny plants off the coral with its hard bird-like mouth; a yellow-(spot) red sea-slug was slidi ng by a bluesea-star; a large wise-(look) turtle was pass ing so close to me thatI could have touched it.There were other creatures that I did nt want to get too close to - an eel with its strong sharp teeth, with only its head showing from a hole, (wat
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