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深圳市中考英语模拟卷十第一卷选择题(分)I.词汇测试(5分)i.从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每题1分)1. Wh dd anelook so upset yeserday, Betty?ecauseshefid the Eglis xagain, s dnt now wht to o. didnttakeB. didt likeC didn pass2. How oftn do Ineed t ed my pet dog, M Henr?Oce rtwceada.go for a al with.gvefood to . takecar f3 Jackproise to com t te party, bt whyidn aear at last?Becae he had a bad col.A. wakuB. pt upC shw u4. Why d youlook at me i surpie?ecus uoo ifret n his dres.A. fearB. nnger.in aaznt5.leae keep still, Icn te yur soe. All gt.A. dont eatB don slepCdon oe. salwet of for hebeach, Dad? m sure. Idends on t weaher.A. ideide byB. s cauebC. s destoye y. ataad d! I Med th ingigomptiton an los my last cheDont besd. I o study hard, belev you wil ae it soo oaer.A.reret B.seed C. afod 8. pending oo muh tme wahing TV ill lead to oor eyeigh,LucIknw woitanymore.A.resultinB. result foC. taii.根据句子意思,从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完毕句子。(共7 小题,每题分)9. _ i awyof solvig a problem or dealgith a dificutituion.Arpe .soltion C. hab0. If somthing i_, it maes yo feel alttl anry. anoyingB. ersoaC cru11 Why do youofenremin him of his uccs bfore?Beae he s upet and has os hisconfidece. I jt watto _ hm _ A.e. downB. cheer .up keep . off12. Couldou ease gve e soeadvice nmagmy ife coloul?Me you can _ some obbis suha ingng nd danngA. lok forwadto B givup C. take up3. y oyoulie dos?Bcaue og_ teir wners.oe dogseven save their oeswhenthey ain dangr.ar fatfulto B are cnnetd o C. look li1. Doyo fen _ te huewok at ho, Ann?eom. My motr wntme o py mchttenon to mystuyA.help witB. tic ihC. alwt15. Imsoy, Maggie cn go toyourpry tomorrow. hve tog to atng._.A.on ell mtat!.Wat a ity!C. ope oII完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从-25各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共1小题,每题1.分)hatdostuent hat motbt shool lif? esdentate homework teshte xas.Tereare1 som udn whoaeschool uifrms. Theont wtt 1 shool unifrm. Oe of h eaons hatsoolunformsre ut f dae.Mny 8 aheirstudst wearschool uiforms evr daTh 1 h eari school uniforms can make tudets ehaewll.In thei mid, its a d way toake suents 0 the schol rules.Howee, mststudntsdotike o wear shol unforms Tey think heir school uiforse l, 21 heywan owea popula chool umsor their o cothes ey think hat popular scool nirmsca showther pesonliie (个性).ow may schlae tying oe 2 ayst deig (设计)their own schoolnifoms. The decid o ose ceativ dsign to turntheir schoo uniforms 3 more opula ones.bertin, e headmst o ehny ighSchool,gres thhe 24 shold lo sm col nifsto shw hir personaities.“We hav inviteda(n)2 designr to createshol nifors,” h sad.l in all, moran mre sool are ong t eign theirchool unorm. Weemor nme stuentswill ikte popul scho uifrms in t ner futue16.A tooB.lso ethe17.A. wearB. tke . wash18. A. inemas B. hospitls C.school1.A. elve . iman C.regrt.A wrieB mak C. y21 A untilB. C. ut22. A. politBlucky .new23. A.inoB. on C. at24. . parets B. tets C. eahers A.est B. lazy C.famouII阅读理解(分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每题1分)ABasebl heper wnted!he Sportsparmnt inucty i ooking for uet voluteers o tain maler kd practise basketball ot of t kid rntgodat basketball. o th volunt shold! l o te oowng equemens:od compter kils Avilable evenis deekends Knoingbasebal rlesSudens ho ae interted n wokingfor h Sprts Deptment r sppsdt keep touchth thsprs cntein ther on scholunse ddSchool,Jso lac,2405-673 Genwoo School, Peter Smit, 240-75Srigfild Midde School, Kren Bown, 2405672 Bi on ddleSchoo, NnyMiler,405669If yuan lernmoe inormationbou h volueprgr,pla -alu at or viiturwebsieat ww.TSD.cm.c26. W s thostitenr?.tuden volunters.B.Smalle kid
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