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数 码 表NUMERICAL LISTS整理为word格式解剖学注:在类目C00到C80.9中,肿瘤应分类 到包括肿瘤起源部位的亚目中。一个assigned to the subcategory that includes the point交搭跨越到两个或多个亚目边缘,而of origin of the tumor. A tumor that overlaps the又不能确定其起源部位的肿瘤应该分boundaries of two or more subcategories and whose类到亚目“.8”。例如, 颈胸段食管肿point of origin cannot be determined should be 瘤应分类到C15.8。classifed to subcategory “.8”. For example, aneoplasm of cervicothoracic esophagus should beassigned to C15.8.C00-C14 唇、口腔和咽部C00-C14 LIP, ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNXC00 唇 (不包括唇皮肤 C44.0)C00 LIP (excludes skin of lip C44.0)C00.0外上唇C00.0External upper lip上唇红缘Vermilion border of upper lip上唇,NOS (不包括上唇皮肤C44.0)Upper lip, NOS (excludes skin of upper lip C44.0)C00.1外下唇C00.1External lower lip下唇红缘Vermilion border of lower lip下唇,NOS (不包括下唇皮肤C44.0)Lower lip, NOS (excludes skin of lower lip C44.0)C00.2外唇,NOSC00.2External lip, NOS唇红缘,NOSVermilion border of lip, NOSC00.3上唇粘膜C00.3Mucosa of upper lip上唇内面Inner aspect of upper lip上唇系带Frenulum of upper lipC00.4下唇粘膜C00.4Mucosa of lower lip下唇内面Inner aspect of lower lip下唇系带Frenulum of lower lipC00.5唇粘膜,NOSC00.5Mucosa of lip, NOS唇内面,NOSInner aspect of lip, NOS内唇,NOSInternal lip, NOS唇系带,NOSFrenulum of lip, NOS唇系带,NOSFrenulum of labii, NOSC00.6唇联合C00.6Commissure of lip唇联合Labial commissureC00.8唇交搭跨越的损害C00.8Overlapping lesion of lip(见38页注)(see note page 38)C00.9唇,NOS (不包括唇皮肤 C44.0)C00.9Lip, NOS (excludes skin of lip C44.0)整理为word格式C01 舌底部C01 BASE OF TONGUEC01.9舌底部,NOSC01.9Base of tongue, NOS舌底背面Dorsal surface of base of tongue舌后三分之一Posterior third of tongue舌后,NOSPosterior tongue, NOS舌根Root of tongueC02 舌的其他和未特指部位C02 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF TONGUEC02.0舌背面,NOSC02.0Dorsal surface of tongue, NOS舌前三分之二,背面Anterior 2/3 of tongue, dorsal surface舌中线Midline of tongue舌前背面Dorsal surface of anterior tongueC02.1舌缘C02.1Border of tongue舌尖Tip of tongueC02.2舌腹面,NOSC02.2Ventral surface of tongue, NOS舌前三分之二,腹面Anterior 2/3 of tongue, ventral surface舌系带Frenulum linguae舌前腹面,NOSVentral surface of anterior tongue, NOSC02.3舌前三分之二,NOSC02.3Anterior 2/3 of tongue, NOS舌前,NOSAnterior tongue, NOSC02.4舌扁桃体C02.4Lingual tonsilC02.8舌交搭跨越的损害C02.8Overlapping lesion of tongue(见38页注)(see note page 38)舌连接区Junctional zone of tongueC02.9舌,NOSC02.9Tongue, NOS舌,NOSLingual, NOSC03 牙龈C03 GUMC03.0上牙龈C03.0Upper gum上颌牙龈Maxillary gingiva上牙槽粘膜Upper alveolar mucosa上牙槽嵴粘膜Upper alveolar ridge mucosa上牙槽Upper alveolus上牙龈Upper gingivaC03.1下牙龈C03.1Lower gum下颌牙龈Mandibular gingiva下牙槽粘膜Lower alveolar mucosa下牙槽嵴粘膜Lower alveolar ridge mucosa下牙槽Lower alveolus下牙龈Lower gingiva整理为word格式C03.9牙龈,未特指C03.9Gum, unspecified牙龈,NOSGingiva, NOS牙槽粘膜,NOSAlveolar mucosa, NOS牙槽嵴粘膜,NOSAlveolar ridge mucosa, NOS牙槽,NOSAlveolus, NOS牙周组织Periodontal tissue牙槽齿窝Tooth socketC04 口底C04 FLOOR OF MOUTHC04.0口底前部C04.0Anterior floor of mouthC04.1口底侧部C04.1Lateral floor of mouthC04.8口底交搭跨越的损害C04.8Overlapping lesion of floor of mouth(见第38页注释)(See note page 45)C04.9口底,NOSC04.9Floor of mouth, NOSC05 腭C05 PALATEC05.0硬腭C05.0Hard palateC05.1软腭,NOS(不包括软腭的C05.1Soft palate, NOS (excludes nasopharyngeal surface鼻咽面 C11.3)of soft palate C11.3)C05.2悬雍垂C05.2UvulaC05.8腭交搭跨越的损害C05.8Overlapping lesion of palate(见第38页注释)(See note page 45)硬腭和软腭的交界处Junction of hard and soft palateC05.9腭,NOSC05.9Palate, NOS口顶Roof of mouthC06 口腔的其他和未特指部位C06 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF MOUTHC06.0颊粘膜C06.0Cheek mucosa颊粘膜Buccal mucosa颊内侧面Internal cheekC06.1口前庭C06.1Vestibule of mouth牙槽沟Alveolar sulcus颊粘膜沟Buccal sulcus唇沟Labial sulcusC06.2磨牙后区C06.2Retromolar area磨牙后三角Retromolar triangle磨牙后三角区Retromolar trigoneC06.8口腔的其他和未特指部位交搭跨越C06.8Overlapping lesion of other and unspecified的损害parts of mouth(见第38页注释)(See note page 45)整理为word格式C06.9口腔,NOSC06.9Mouth, NOS颊腔Buccal cavity口腔Oral cavity口腔粘膜Oral mucosa小涎腺,NOSMinor salivary gland, NOS(见C08后面的注释)(See note under C08)C07 腮腺C07 PAROTID GLANDC07.9腮腺C07.9Parotid gland腮腺,NOSParotid, NOS斯滕森管Stensen duct腮腺管Parotid gland ductC08 其他和未特指的大涎腺C08 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIEDMAJOR SALIVARY GLANDS注:小涎腺肿瘤应按其解剖部位分类;Note: Neoplasms of minor salivary glands should be 如果部位未特指,则分入C06.9。classified according to their anatomical site; if location is not specified, classify to C06.9.C08.0下颌下腺C08.0Submandibular gland颌下腺Submaxillary gland下颌下腺管Wharton duct颌下腺管Submaxillary gland ductC08.1舌下腺C08.1Subli
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