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Technology and Investment, 2013, 4, 76-84 :/dx.doi.org/10.4236/ti.2013.42009 Published Online May 2013 ( :/ scirp.org/journal/ti)Case Study on the Lean Six Sigma Management forInformation Technology Service Management Projectof G Commercial Bank*Yongmei Xu , Fan Zhang , Xiaowen Ye1 2,3 4Department of Business Administration, School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou, ChinaSchool of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, ChinaThe Party School of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, Guangzhou, ChinaSchool of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou, ChinaEmail: txuym126 , shermon163 1234Received December 10, 2012; revised March 29, 2013; accepted April 6, 2013Copyright 2013 Yongmei Xu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.ABSTRACTBased on the literature review which concludes the Lean Six Sigma management theory, Information Technology Infra-structure Library (ITIL) and the key success factors of Information Technology service management (ITSM), this paperanalyzes the present situation of information system in G bank and also the challenge it is facing. Furthermore, this pa-per puts forward a process optimization scheme for the production changes of G banks ITSM with the Lean Six Sigmamanagement theory. Whats more, the paper dissects the production changes of G banks ITSM by means of DMAICmethod in order to achieve these four goals: Firstly, optimizing the process and improving the internal work efficiencyalso. Secondly, reducing the variation and the error rate and also improving the system availability. Thirdly, strengthenthe business interaction in order that the IT value could be reflected preferably. The last but not least, cutting the over-time is to improve employee satisfaction. But improving the ITSM of the banking industry is our ultimate aim.Keywords: Information Systems; Information Technology Infrastructure Library; Information Technology ServiceManagement; Six Sigma; Critical Success Factors; Commercial Bank1. IntroductionITIL 3.0.This paper is organized in the following: Section 2 is aInformation Technology service management (ITSM)based on Information Technology Infrastructure Library(ITIL), which integrates the best practices of global ITmanagement and forms the normative truth standard toreduce effectively cost and improve the quality of service,is applied widely in the world 1. The whole frameworkof ITIL is illustrated in Figure 1. ITIL, which was de-veloped by the Central Computer and Telecommunica-tions Agency (CCTA, merged with the OGC) of the UKgovernment in the middle of 1980s, is a set of servicemanagement standard library which focuses on IT indus-try. In the past 20 years, the content of ITIL has beenupdated and renewed. Today the OGC has enacted theliterature review, including Six Sigma Process Improve-ment, ITSM and their critical success factors (CSF). Sec-tion 3 is the introduction information systems of GCommercial Bank. Section 4 is ITSM project preparationof G Commercial Bank. Section 5 is ITSM project im-plementation of G Commercial Bank ITSM project. Fi-nally, Section 6 is conclusion.2. Literature Review2.1. The Improvement of Six Sigma Process The Six Sigma process improvement initiative originatedin 1986 from Motorolas drive toward reducing defectsby minimizing variation in processes, which in turn re-quired explicit measurement of solid metrics 2. Appli-cations of the Six Sigma project execution methodologyhave since expanded to include more explorative objec-tives, such as increasing customer satisfaction, or devel-*This paper is supported by key items of the soft science project in Guangdong provincial department of science and technology (Item Number: 2011A070102001) and the high-tech office in Guangdong provincial department of science and technology (Item Number:2011B010100031), and also the significant science and technology special project in Guangdong provincial department of science and technology (Item Number: 2012A010800032).Copyright 2013 SciRes.TI Y. M. XUETAL.77The champion: AF general manager The project leader: QDY manager The deputy leader: CGW assistant manager The assistant foreman: OZX The Support department: Yang A The intermediate department: Chen G The system department: Gui C The self-service machine department: Qiu Y, Wu C, Wu H, Hu W The operating department: Li Q,
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