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文化翻译:理论与实践(讲义)左 飚一、 翻译是跨文化交际活动,译者是文化中介人。 Translation is intercultural communication and the translator is a cultural mediator.1、翻译是中介人 The Translator as a Mediator- The translator is a bilingual mediating agent between monolingual communication participants in two different language communities. George Steiner (1975)译者是两个不同语言群体的单语交际者之间的双语中介人。- The translator is first and foremost a mediator between two parties for whom mutual communication might otherwise be problematic.Hatim and Mason (1990)译者首先是两方的中介人,没有他,两方的交际会有困难。2、翻译是文化中介人 The Translator as a Cultural Mediator- The translator is a cross-cultural specialist. (跨文化专家)Mary Snell-Hornby (1992) - The translation operator is a cultural operator. Heuson and Martim (1991) (文化运作者)- The translator is a cultural mediator. David Katan (2004)(文化中介人) - In order to play the role of mediator, the translator has to be flexible in switching his cultural orientation. Hence, a cultural mediator will have developed a high degree of intercultural sensitivity. Taft (1981) 译者如果想发挥(文化)中介人的作用,就必须灵活地转换自己的文化取向。所以,文化中介人要培养高度的跨文化敏感性。二、何谓文化翻译?What Is Cultural Translation? -Cultural translation is a translation in which the content of the message is changed to conform to the receptor culture in some way. Nida & Taber 1969 文化翻译是对原文的信息内容加以某种改变使之符合译入语文化的翻译。- Cultural translation refers to any translation which is sensitive to cultural as well as to linguistic factors. Such sensitivity might take the form either of presenting TL recipients with a transparent text which informs them about elements of the source culture, or of finding target items which may in some way be considered to be culturally “equivalent” to the ST items they are translating. Shuttleworth & Cowie 2004 文化翻译是指任何不仅对语言成分而且对文化成分进行敏锐处理的翻译。这种敏锐处理表现为以明白易懂的译文向译入语读者介绍源语文化,或者在译入语中找到在某种程度上文化“对等”的成分。- Cultural translation refers to any translation which handles cultural messages of the original in one way or another. 文化翻译指对原文中的文化信息进行某种处理的任何翻译。- Cultural translation refers to any translation which is conditioned by cultural factors. 文化翻译指受各种文化制约因素影响的任何翻译。文化翻译与翻译文化 Cultural Translation and Translation Culture- 文化翻译是一种翻译,是指对文化信息进行处理或受文化因素制约的任何翻译;Cultural translation is a type of translation. It refers to any translation which handles cultural messages in one or another or is influenced by any cultural factors. - 翻译文化是一种文化,是介于源语文化和译入语文化之间的中介文化。Translation culture is a type of culture. It refers to an interculture in the overlaps of the source culture and target culture.三、翻译中的文化制约因素 Some Culture-bound Factors in Translating 1. Who: the culture-nurtured writer, translator and reader 受某种文化熏陶的作者、译者和读者2. What: the culture-loaded text 承载着文化信息的文本3. How: the culture-determined strategy for translating 由文化决定的翻译策略4. Why: the culture-oriented aim of translating 带文化倾向的翻译目的四、文化翻译实践:红楼梦两个全译本比较Cultural Translation:Exemplified by the Contrast between Two Versions of Hong Lou Meng1、 译者比较 Comparison between the Two TranslatorsName姓名David Hawkes戴维霍克斯Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang杨宪益与戴乃迪Nationality国籍British英Chinese & British中、英Education教育背景Mostly in Britain;3 years in ChinaMostly in China;4 years in BritainOccupation职业Professor,Free-lance translatorProfessor,Professional translatorCultural Orientation文化倾向Western Culture西方文化Predominantly Chinese Culture中国文化为主2、译文比较 Comparison between Two Versions (Summary)富含文化意蕴的词语与语言风格The Yangs VersionThe HawkesVersion红RedGreen,golden龙DragonRemoved三从四德All retainedSubmissions removed恃才侮上CommendatoryDerogatory米饭、锅、碗All retainedChanged神仙,阿弥陀佛Taoism, BuddhismChanged to Christianity语言风格Symmetry and metaphor retainedChanged to the plain, concise and direct style诗歌韵律abcb retainedChanged to abab scheme3、翻译策略比较 Comparison of Translating Strategies杨宪益夫妇Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang戴维霍克斯David Hawkes较多直译More Literal Translation较多意译More Free Translation注重语义翻译Emphasis on Semantic Translation注重交际翻译Emphasis on Communicative Translation倾向于异化翻译Tendency to Foreignization倾向于归化翻译 (有时改写)Tendency to Domestication文化传真Cultural Facsimile文化适应Cultural Adaptation4、 翻译目的及读者比较 A Comparison of Aims of Translating and ReadershipTranslatorThe YangsDavid HawkesPurpose ofTranslationPromoting Chinese culture(Occupational Task)Introducing Chinese literature(Personal Interest)Target ReaderMainly educated oversees ChineseGenerally native speakers of English五、红楼梦译本对比的启示Enlightenment from the Contrast1. 翻译是文化交际。 Translating is inter-cultural communication.2. 译者的文化背景对翻译有很大影响。 The translators cultural background exerts great influence over translation.
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