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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 高中英语阅读课流程阅读课应该是我们的传统课,是核心课,也是成熟的课型。大家对阅读课模式已经深入人心,但对其内涵还需要进一步解读和完善,尤其是青年教师。一、读前(Before reading ):leading-in1. 导入,简洁明了,直奔主题,目的是激发学生阅读兴趣。这次老师们导入都没有超过三分钟,把宝贵的时间留给了阅读,留给了学生。非常好。有的利用图片,视频,话题等直接引入。2预测本文非常值得预测,而且课文中也提示这样做。预测之后检查预测,就形成了fast reading,同时告诉他们阅读策略。但并不是每篇文章都需要预测,要根据文章话题,结构而定。3.生词处理生词是否要处理(目的和需要)?何时处理好(时机)? 怎样处理(方式)?阅读课的目的是为了理解,培养阅读能力和阅读微技能。生词处理的目的也应该为了阅读,为了更好的理解文本而服务。生词是否需要处理要根据生词的量而定。如果太多影响学生理解或即使学生猜测也不能理解的话,就很有必要处理,绝不能回避。本文共39个生词,既有生僻词汇,专有名词,也有重要词汇和重点短语,因而需要处理。何时处理好(时机)?分散与集中相结合。根据文章需要可以在读前如专有名词,在读中如 skimming, scanning中进行。如在回答问题中,在问题中,在答案中让学生通过句子和上下文进行猜测或者在同义词替换,或者举出一个语境来猜测。也可以在careful reading集中处理。 怎样处理(方式)?给出英语解释;在语境中猜测如use up。My money has used up, and I have to ask parents for help. I have run out of my money, and I have to ask parents for help. I have no money now.用图片的方式在问题中或回答问题中进行。如alternative energy ,利用图片展示wind energy, water energy, solar energy然后在组句Wind energy, water energy and solar energy are the forms of the alternative energy.这样学生就可以理解了。再例如,问句What people wont have to pay for?中 wont have to pay for means free of change。在长难句翻译中猜测。All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others will be provided free of charge. Free of charge means for free or neednt pay for.直接给出汉语意思。部分不影响篇章理解的词汇可忽略。二、读中(while-reading )Input:有序输入(top-down-top) 分层阅读并限时进行。限时要有依据,文本有多少单词,高一学生需要几分钟,高二学生设定几分钟,高三学生要几分钟。这些不仅要根据文本的长短,还要依据本文的生词量多少,文章的题材(说明、议论、记叙、新闻报道等),文章的篇章结构等,总之看这篇文章的难易程度,综合设定时间。Skimming for a general ideaScanning for specific spsfk informationReading for detailed informationReading for structureCome closer to the text(top)Come into the text(down)Come into the text(down)Come out of the text(top) 限时的目的是让学生学会调整阅读策略,从而培养学生的阅读习惯,从而内化出自己的阅读微技能,提高阅读能力。略读(skimming):有称跳读,是一种非常专门和实用的阅读技巧。skimming在牛津词典当中的解释是:“read quickly, noting only the chief points”在韦氏词典里的的解释是 “to read,study,or examine superficially supfl and rapidly;especially: to glance through (as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot”Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. Youre probably not reading it word-by-word。 Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time.Skimming is a reading strategy. When we skim a piece of reading, we read it very quickly in order to get the general idea of the reading. When we skim, we skip the unimportant parts. Therefore, when we skim, we usually only look at titles and headings,subtitles,pictures and diagrams, and important sentences ( usually the first and the last sentences of a paragraph)in the reading. Skimming takes only a minute or two, and it helps us get the general outlineof the reading and follow the writers ideas more easily. It is a way to prepare us for a better and detailed understandingof the writers ideas.这就是一种整体阅读的方法(come closer to the passage)。通过阅读形成对文本的main idea的理解,从而对语篇整体把握。Skimming的任务是解决Whats the main idea of the passage?/ What is talked about in the passage?/ What does the passage mainly talk about? Whats the topic sentence of each paragraph?/Whats the main idea of each paragraph?它有以下几个特点:a.以极快的速度阅读文章,寻找字面上或事实上的主要信息和少量阐述信息。b.可以跳过某个部分或某些部分不读。c.理解水平可以稍低一些,但不可太低。略度可以利用下列技巧:a.要利用印刷细节,如文章的标题,副标题,小标题,斜体字,黑体,脚注等对文章进行预测略读。预测略读要了解作者的思路,文章方式(模式),以便把握大意,有关的细节及相互关系。b.以一般阅读速度(200-500每分钟)阅读文章开头的一二段,力求抓住文章大意,背景情况,作者的文章风格,口吻语气等。c.阅读每段的主题句和结论句。抓住了主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以求得阅读速度。d.注意转折词和序列词。转折词如however, moreover, in addition ;序列词如firstly, secondly等。通过抓住每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意。而对于记叙文来说,每段的中心句是比较不好找的,那么大家在阅读的时候就应该抓住故事发展的线索以及故事的起因、经过和结果。在阅读的时候一定要注意,不管后面的题目里有没有考查主旨大意或要求选最佳标题,我们都必须通过抓住每段的中心意思从而掌握整篇文章的大意和中心思想因为文章里的每个单词、每个句子、每个段落都是为这个中心服务的,无论是考查细节理解或是推断或作者态度,都离不开这个中心思想。寻读(scanning):是一种从大量的资料中迅速查找某一项具体事实,或一向特定信息,如人物,时间,事件,地点,数字等,而对其他无关部分略去不读的一种快速阅读技巧。寻读与略读不同,略读时读者对材料一无所知,寻读则是在读者对材料了解的情况下进行。寻读带有明确的目的性,有针对性的选择问题的答案。scanning在牛津词典当中的解释是“glance at quickly but not very thoroughly ”在韦氏词典当中的解释是:“ to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item(scan the want ads looking for a job)”家里有扫描仪的朋友可能知道scan的意思是“扫描”。其实“扫描”和两本字典里对于这种阅读方法的描述并不矛盾为了寻找某一特定信息而大致地快速地浏览。Scanning is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. You search for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know what youre looking for, so youre concentrating on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases.Scanning is also used when you first find a resource to determine whether it will answer your questions. Once youve scanned the document, you might go back and skim it. When scanning, look for the authors use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words, first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italicsitliks斜体, or in a different font(字型 字体) size
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