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高中英语选修六单词及语言点总结单词总结Unit 1 Art一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. The word “honesty” is an a_ noun.2. Which do you like better, his paintings or s_?3. There are many art g_ in New York.4. They are put on an e_ of French paintings next week.5. An a_ country is always ready to start a war6. His a_ is to be a successful writer. 7. Youll soon be c_ that she is right , though you think not now.8. The prisoners a_ to escape, but failed.9. The keys are in the p_ of the boss.10. She was the f_ of everyones attention at the party.11. In the picture the tree is the s_ of live while the snake stands for evil.12. He has lost his b_ in the God.13. The expert p_ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.14. He made a r_ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马)15. Im afraid I have never been much of a _(学者).16. You look r_ (可笑的)in those tight jeans.17. The professor made a _ speech. ( 可能引起争议的)18. Was Johnson _ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ?19. Would you please let me know your p_ address( 固定地址 ) ?二根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。focus on feel like look through in the flesh break away from scores of lead to a great deal in possession of consequently convince of full of on the other hand bunch 1.When she wore the dress, Jane _ a princess.2.They are _ urgent problems at present.3.The thief managed to _the policeman.4.Your explanation has _ me _ a clear understanding.5.I was _ a magazine in the bedroom when she called me.6.You cant be _ the house until all the papers have been sign.7.I got up late and _ I was late for my plane for Beijing.8.I have _ CDs at home. Would you like to come and enjoy some.9.The film star looks thinner _ than in the photograph.10.We should value it , because it has cost us _. 11. He hurried home, _ fear. 12.We couldnt _ him _ his mistake.13.On one hand I valued his friendship, but _ I disliked his self-pride and selfishness.三. 句子翻译。1.“福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。” Mr. Foster has never been to China._, he knows very little about it.2.他劝我应该学法律。He _me that I should study law. 3.她有丰富的教学经验。She has _ _ _ _ teaching experience. 4.足球比赛的比分是四比一。The _ in the football game was 4 - 1.5.我们有相同的宗教信仰。We share the same _ .Unit 2 Poems一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.If you taste some seawater, you will find it s_-2.We must consider a problem in all its a_.3.She lives in a charming c_ in the countryside.4.Li Shizhens Bencaogangmu has been t_ into many languages.5.Most girls like wearing a d_ ring.6.Her face become red with_(生气), and she couldnt say anything.7.The deep _(悲伤) she felt was obvious in the expression of her face.8.A voice came from _(黑暗), but she couldnt see anyone.9.My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra _(温暖).10.If you are easy to get lost, youd better take a _(指南针)with you.11.No word can c_ my thanks to you at the moment.12.We have learned a new sentence p_ in this unit.13.The _(背诵) habit must be formed when you are young.14.An _(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation.15._(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well.16.The music is written in a _ (节奏) of three beats to a bar.17.Im _ (等待) their reply.18 The songs of birds _ (唤醒) me.19. Dont take it seriously, he was only _ (开玩笑)20. English is a _ (分支) of Germanic family of languages.二 . 根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。run away take ones eye off make up of make sense stay up inspire run out of be popular with at least by chance go over take it easy 1.We should often _ what we have learned, or we will forget it later.2.As a matter of fact, not all the theories _.3.Without saying anything, that boy _quickly.4.Its bad for your health if you often _ too late.5.The little boy didnt _ the toy.6.Until now, we still havent know what kind of thing _it.7.That beautiful song _ the teenagers.8.Whatever the result may be, _ we should try our best to do it.9.Perhaps everyone can make a serious mistake_.10.If we continue to destroy and waste the natural resources like this, we will _it sooner or later 11._, it isnt so bad as you expected.12.His noble example _ the rest of us to work harder.
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