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循环水排污水系统讲义、简介系统设备组成及流程:Water source coming from CW blowdown waterMechanical stirring clarification pondClarification pond Clarified water pumpMechanical filter Ultrafiltration deviceUltrafiltration pond Reverse osmosis water feeding pumpReverse (dsmiosis Freshwater bas inFresh water pumpProcess ing system of boiler feeding water水源来自循环水排污水t机械搅拌澄清池 t澄清水池t澄清水泵t机械过滤器t超滤装置T超滤水池T反渗透给水泵 T反渗透装置T淡水池T淡水泵T锅炉补给水处理系统。、 Mecha nical stirri ng clarificati on pond 机械搅拌澄清池Technical principle 工艺原理由于循环水中存在大量|ca (HCO 3)2投加石灰去除暂时硬度和部分镁离子/氨氮/等离子,反应方程如下:1) Remove the temporary hard ness:去除暂时硬度:Ca (HCO3)2 + Ca (OH) 2 = 2CaCO3 J + 2HOMg (HCO 3)2 + Ca (OH) 2 = 2CaCO3 J + Mg (OH)2 + 2H?O2) Remove the CO2 in the water to reduce erosi on:去除水中的 C02,减少腐蚀:C02 + Ca(0H)2 = 2CaCO3 J + H03) Neutralize the superfluous coagula nt, promote coagulat ing effect and work as coagula nt aids:中和过量的混凝剂,增强混凝效果,起到助凝剂的作用:2+ -2+|4Fe +4(OH) + O2 + 2H2O = 4Ca + 4Fe(OH) 34) Remove the _colloidal silicon in the water 去除水中胶体硅:H2SQ3 + Ca(OH) 2 = CaSiO 3 J + HO三、机械搅拌澄清池运行监督1) Efflue nt of the mecha ni cal stirri ng clarificati on pond: TUB5NTU; PH value should be con trolled at 10.1-10.3, if it is over 10.3, the dos ing amount of the lime should be reduced or mud discharge be carried out.机械搅拌澄清池出水:TUB5NTU;PH 控制在10.1-10.3,女口 PH超过10.3应降低石灰投加量,或进行排泥。加硫酸时控制pH符合反渗透进水要求即可,现规定为6.5-8.5.过滤器用次氯酸钠泵冲程、频率根据超滤出水余氯控制,一般为0.1mg/l即可,注意:余氯高将造成还原剂的及杀菌剂的浪费及反渗透的运行风险,当还原剂加药泵故障时,余氯进入反渗透将造成不可逆转的伤害。四、超滤化学反洗时的监督进酸时pH控制2.5,进碱时控制pH为12,超滤反洗次氯酸钠泵冲程、频率最大即可。五、Supervision about reverse osmosis device operation反渗透运行监督1) Record the readi ng of every pressure meters every 2 hours.每隔2h记录一次各压力表的读数。2) Record the readi ng of product water flowmeter, thick water flowmeter and product water con ductivity an alyzer every 2 hours.每隔2h记录一次产品水流量表、浓水流量表的读数和产品水电导率表的读数。3) Record the PH value of RO iniet, electrical conductivity, temperature and remnant chlori nity every hour and record the SDI value of RO inlet every 4 hours.每隔1h记录一次RO进水pH值、电导率、温度和残余氯含量,每隔4h监测一次RO进水的SDI值。4) Every time whe n start the RO device, the in let valve should be ope ned slowly for preve nting the reverse osmosis membra ne from being damaged by the sudde n high pressure.每次启动RO设备时,应缓慢开启进水阀,以防止反渗透膜因受瞬间的过高压力而遭到破坏。5) Pay attention to static back pressure valve and it is forbidden the side pressure of pure water is higher tha n the pressure of the inl et (stro ng brine) side.操作中应注意静背压,不允许净水侧压力高于进水(浓盐水)侧的压力。6) Whether in operati on or not, the dehydrati on of the reverse osmosismembra ne must bepaid atte nti on to, because if the reverse osmosis membra ne dehydrates it will lead to irreversible damage.不论在运行或停运时,都必须注意防止反渗透膜的脱水现象,因为反渗透膜一旦脱水, 会造成不可恢复的损伤。7)反渗透控制指标:反渗透进水流量=90T/h,淡水流量55-60T/h,浓水流量25-30T/h,进水余氯 0.05ppm,SDI3,电极电位 17backwash 1:丄3 m m0swash2IBbackv/ash 2i Is Im0 rrftFlush 3 丘:m0 magIEGenerate water by filter300 Im0 m09Repeat step S lRepeat step I 丄 3/超滤在投运时,应注意两套设备不能同时投运,当一套产水约5分钟后,投运另一套设备;在投运过程中,当超滤反洗时,过滤器产水无法进入超滤,此时应打开一台运行过 滤器的正洗排水或一台过滤器冲洗时间延长即可避免系统憋压;当超滤停运后,必须点击停运按钮使超滤反洗后再备用;当超滤运行达到设定的反洗次数后,超滤将停运,此时画面出现加碱反洗及加酸反洗,人工确认执行步骤,设备厂家要求为第一个14周期进入加减反洗,第二个14周期进入加酸反洗。注意进酸时pH为2.5,进碱时pH为14, 超滤反洗次氯酸钠泵满冲程即可。MONOProcess FlewResultsStepPreset Tnn aActjalTimestop1stopping operation:o.fi0tns2Stop:严m| 口m0s3Low pressure rlnsing2电芒:m| am0s斗Bdukup:m0m0sope5Low pressure irinsingl:15.0m1 0m0sation6operation:30000m0soperationStopResetStart OsatyNO.1 Reverse osmosis deviceSemiManual当反渗透
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