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如何由教师为中心转化为以学生为中心的英语课堂教学How to Shift from a Teacher-Centered to a Learner-Centered English ClassroomContentsAbstract .1Key words .1I. Introduction.1II. Background Information.2III. The Comparison between the Traditional Approach and the Learner-Centered Approach .33.1 The Traditional Approach of Teaching.33.2 Learner-Centered Approach.53.2.1The Definition of Learner- Centered Approach.53.2.2 The Key Feature of Learner-Centered Approach.53.2.3 The Advantages of a Learner-Centered Classroom.63.2.4 The Significance of Learner-Centered Approach in China.6IV. Causes for the Adoption of the Learner-Centered Approach in China.64.1 Considering the Teaching Method .74.1.1 Giving the Poor of Instructions .74.1.2 Failure to Monitor, or to Monitor Sensitively 84.1.3 Failure to Give Feedback .84.2 Considering Teachers Qualification .8V. Advice on How to Shift from a Teacher-Centered to a Learner- Centered English Classroom .85.1 Using the Communicative Approach.85.2 Creating Comfortable Classroom Atmosphere.115.3 Using Group Work .115.4 Producing More Qualified Teachers.13VI. Conclusion .13References.14How to Shift from a Teacher-Centered to a Learner-Centered English Classroom摘要:语言教学的目的是使学生能使用目标语言进行交流。学生是学习的主体, 所以外语课堂教学应尽可能以学生为中心。随着语言教学不断交际化方面发展,传统的教学模式受到挑战, 文章主张英语教学要以学生为中心, 并讨论了为何要以学生为中心, 提出了如何以学生为中心的几点建议。关键词:英语教学; 以学生为中心; 交际法Abstracts: The purposes of language teaching are to enable students to communicate in the target language. Only the learner can learn. Therefore English classes should be made as learner-centered as possible and the learner-centered approach is advocated nowadays. With the teaching of language being more and more communication-oriented, the traditional classroom teaching is facing a big challenge. This paper proposes a new teaching idea of the “learner-centered” and analyses its reasons, and also puts forward several methods as to attaining this teaching idea.Key words: English teaching; learner-centered; communicative approachI. IntroductionToday, along with the increasingly economic and scientific development, English is becoming more and more important in our study and life. Unfortunately the purpose of teaching and learning English has not been realized. Many people still take it for granted that they learn English just because it is part of the school curriculum. Their only aim is to get high marks in the final entrance examination but mot communication.At present, the key to deepening the educational reform lies in whether the traditional teaching method, which dominates teaching practice in the language classroom method can be broken.In traditional teacher-centered English classroom, teachers are to impart language knowledge while students are always on the receiving stage, so its hard for the students to give full play to their initiative. The teacher should provide students with a lot of simple, useful, interesting language materials about daily life. The students can learn it in the English mother tongue atmosphere easily. Just as a language education professor said: “Tell me, Ill forget, show me maybe Ill remember, involve me, Ill understand.” So, let the students take part in the activities, and then they can understand what they are learning. In English teaching & learning as a mother tongue, the teachers break the traditional “teacher-centered” mode, to take its place is the “learner-centered” mode, which based on the students, is more flexible and the students are the masters of English learning. In English teaching & learning as a mother tongue environment cooperative learning can help students shorten the distance from learner-centered learning to solidifying the new knowledge and shorten gap between the individual learning abilities.II. Background InformationWith the current liberal policy of opening to the outside world, English Language Teaching (ELT) is increasingly popular in China. Furthermore, with the recent success of Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization and winning for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, there is an obvious consensus among the nation that English is a necessity for almost any modern Chinese. Despite the apparent achievements of Chinas ELT profession for the last couple of decades, there are still unsatisfactory aspects in teaching the English language at the tertiary level; some government officials have made their complaints about these in public. This makes it more urgent that current teaching methodology should b
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