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第二单元How do you e to school?一、教法建议二、抛砖引玉单元双基学习目标.词汇学习: moon,sun,ship,another,sea,by,walk,foot,train,fine,clean,eighth,on,foot,by bus,by bike,by car,by train,by plane,by ship,the sun,the moon,fifth,land,usually,air.语法学习:复习、巩固一般现在时态.交际英语: How do you e to school? How many students e by bus? Its a fine day for a walk. Oh.dear! Thats right.指点迷津单元重点词汇点拨 1.moon月亮,月球 The earth is bigger than the moon.地球比月球大. 点拨mooncake月饼,moonlight月光,两个都是合成词. 2.sun太阳,阳光 The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起. Dont read in the sun.别在阳光下看书. 点拨sunrise日出,sunset日落.该词与moon同,前要加定冠词,因为均是世界上独一无二的. 3.ship船 Im going there by ship.我将乘船去那里. There are a lot of soldiers on this ship.这艘船上有许多士兵. 点拨该词还可作动词表用船运.如:by ship乘船. They are going ship the machines to Shanghai.他们打算把这些机器用船运往#. 4.another再一,又一,另一 Will you have another cup of tea?你要再喝一杯茶吗? Thats quite another matter.那完全是另一回事. 点拨该词可作代词作,意思同形容词.如: 5.land陆地,土地,田地 Ill go by land.我将从陆路去. The land in this area is sandy.这地区的土地是沙士. 点拨该词亦可作动词,表登陆,目岩,降落.如:by land通过陆地. The pilot landed the plane safely.驾驶员使飞机安全着陆. We landed at London.我们在伦敦着陆. 6.by乘 1他乘飞机去那儿. He went there by air.他乘飞机去那儿. 2在旁边,靠近 e and sit by me.来坐在我旁边. His house is by the sea.他的房子在海边. 3经,越 We went by the gate.我们走过这个大门. He walked by me.他从我身边走过. 4到,到为上,在之前 He will be back by three.他将在三点钟以前回来. He ought to be here by now.他此刻应该到了. 5用,靠,被 He makes a living by teaching.他靠教书为生. 点拨该词作介词意义广泛,在不同的场合有不同的意义.另外,它还可作副词用.如: He went by without a word.他一句话没说就走过去了. 7.walk走,步行 Mh father is walking in the garden.我父亲正在花园散步. 点拨这个词还可作名词表走,散步讲.如: Would you like to go for a walk?你愿意出去散散步吗? The shop is a short walk from our house.这家商店离我家要走一小段路. 8.foot脚,英尺 A dog has four feet.狗有四只脚. He got hurt in the foot.他的脚受了伤. 点拨注意该词的特殊复数形式是feet. 9.parent父亲,母亲 Heres a letter from your parents.这里有一封你父亲的来信. 点拨注意该词常用复数. 10.train火车 I like to travel by train.我喜欢乘火车旅游. The train arrived on time.火车准时到达. 点拨乘火车用by train,中间不加the.如:take a train乘火车.单元词组思维运用 1.by bus乘公共汽车,是介词短词. 在句子中作状语.如: I came back by bus.我乘公共汽车回来的. Shall we walk or go by bus?我们是步行去还是乘公共汽车去. They went to Beijing by train.他们乘火车到去了. We shall go to Shanghai by air.我们将乘飞机去#. 提示by在这里表示运动的方式、手段,是凭借,依靠,利用,由的意思.如:by bike骑自行车,by sea由海路.注意:表达这个意思时,by后面的名词要使用原形,也就是说不能变成复数,也不能加冠词,但可以说:on a train,in a car,on a bike. 2.on foot 步行,徒步 提示介词短语,在句子中作状语,此处名词foot须用单数.同上词只是介词的使用不同. They left the train at Xian,and went home on foot.他们在西安下了火车步行回家. Do you go to school on foot by bike?你是步行上学还是骑自行车上学? 3.have meal吃饭 Usually I go home to have my meal.通常我回家吃饭. I had a meal with Tom yesterday.我昨天与汤姆一起进餐. 提示表示吃饭的吃在口语中常用have或take. 4 e from来自,是的人 提示短语动词,不用于进行时,类似于be from. He es from America.他是美国人. His money came from a rich uncle.他的钱财来自一位富有的叔父. 5.get to 到达,到 We get to school at half past seven day.我们每天七点半到校. When will the train get to Shanghai?火车何时到达#? 提示词组中的to是介词不是不定式.另外get to中的to也可是不定式,构成getto do,此时表示逐渐怎么,表示过程相当于e to do.一、 学海导航学法指要单元然型思维明晰 1.How do you?你是怎样? How do you usually e to school?你通常是怎样来上学的? 注意:how是副词,在此表示方式或方法,作如何,怎样讲.如: How does he go to work?他是怎样去上班的? How did you get there?你是怎样到那里的? 2.What about?怎么样? What about you?你怎么样? What about=How about,是怎么样的意思,用来征求对方意见或询问消息、情况等.如: What about going shopping over there?去那边购物怎么样? What about your new plan?你的新计划怎么样了? How about a cup of coffee?来一杯咖啡如何? Im going to the park.What about you?我打算去公园,你呢? 3.Dont you?一般疑问句否定式的句型 Dont you usually e to school by bike?你平常上学不骑自行车吗? 1这是一个一般疑问句的否定式结构,这种句型常用来表示提问人的惊讶、怀疑、邀请、赞叹等.这种疑问句有两种形式: Have you not any brothers?或Havent you any brothers?你没有兄弟吗? 在日常生活中常用简略形式,即把nt和句首的be、have或助动词连在一起,构成isnt,havent,dont等.如: Isnt a lovely day!这天气多好啊! 2回答一般疑问句在否定结构时,英语用Yes和No.与汉语用肯定词或否定词的习惯不同,在英语中,yes后接肯定结构,no后接否定结构.试比较: Dont you know English?你不懂英语吗? Yes,I do.不,我懂. Havent you any brothers?你没有兄弟吗? Yes,I have one.不,我有一个. 4.How many?多少? How much?多少? How many people can you see in the picture?在图中你可以看到多少人? 注意:how many后要跟可数名词的复数,而这句中的people是个集体名词,故没有复数形式.如: How much water is there in the glass?杯子里有多少水? 注意:how much后接不可数名词.单独使用时,还可表示多钱.如: How mu
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