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Module 1 Unit 2 Growing painsPeriod 6 Words and expressions ( 2 )Studying aims: 1. Enriching our vocabulary.2. Mastering some key words and expressions.Self education(自主学习):Task 1: Read and recite all the new words and expressions on pages34-38.Task 2: Write down the parts of speech of the following key words and their meanings:handle _ error _ caf _ chat _ harm _ insist _ selfish_ last_ distant _ annoyed _ normal _ confused _ physical _ limit_ patience_ balance_ tend_ adolescence _ Team work(合作探究):Please fill in the following blanks.1. foolish (adj.) (n.)傻瓜 2. misunderstand (vt.) (过去式.) (过去分词.) (反义词)_3. freedom (n.) (adj.)自由的,空闲的 4. argument (n.) (vi.)争论,争吵 5.forbid( vt.) (过去式.) (过去分词.) 6.wisdom(n.) (adj.)明智的,聪明的 7.independence(n.)_ (adj.)独立的_ (反义词)_Target detection (目标检测):Please fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the below.(有两个为多余选项)。 be supposed to, do with, in charge of, go out, be hard on, instead of, look around, now that, turn up, shout at,1. Upon landing on the island, he stepped out of the plane and _ to see if anyone was there.2. _ it has stopped raining, we can continue right away with our walk.3. The light in her room _, which made the old woman very nervous.4. He had promised that he would come to my party on time, but he didnt _ until the end of the party.5. I _ go back home early because today is a special day.6. You are wrong to _ the child. You should explain his mistakes gently to him. 7. They have been playing football all afternoon _ getting on with their studies.8. Who is _ the factory while the manager is away?
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