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真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。山东省东平明湖中学2014届九年级英语上学期寒假作业(无答案) 人教新目标版一、单项填空( )1. _boy on _bike is _honest boy.A. A, a, the B. The , the , an C. The , the , a D. A, a , an( )2.I really dont know _. A.which topic to choose B.what to choose topic C.which to choose topic D.what topic to choose ( )3.The boy promised_ late for school again. A.to not be B.not to be C.not being D.being not ( )4.How long have Mr and Mrs Smith_? -For more than twenty years .A.married B.had married C.got married D.been married( )5.The time _ watching TV every day is about 2 hours . A.spend B.spent C.spending D.to spend( )6.Things are _ on the moon _ on the earth . A.as heavy, as B.not so light , as C.heavier, than D.much lighter , than ( )7.I want to buy a comic book but there were _ left at the bookshop.A.no one B.nothing C.anyone D.none( )8. Although Maths is very difficult, you cant .A. give in it B. give it in C. give up it D. give it up( )9. I have to do before the exam, so I cant watch TV now.A. a lot; a lot of B. a lot; a lot C. a lot of; a lot D. a lot of; a lot of( )10.I often hear Mary _ in her room.A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sang( )11.They knocked him down and _ him of his bagA. rob B. robbed C. steal D. stole( )12.He has difficulty with his English. _, he often fails in his exams.A. so that B. as a result C. however D. yet ( )14.They _ carefully, but _ nothing.A. listened, hear B. listened, heard C. listened to, heard D. listen, heard( )13.He said that he had met her two years _.A. before B. ago C. later D. after( )14.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you.A. whether, If B. if, whether C. that, Whether D. when, if( )15.After the exam, many students wondered if they _ it.A. passed B. have passed C. had passed D. past( )16.What do you think _ him _ all the time that day?A. makes, cry B. makes, crying C. made, crying D. made, cry二、根据句意和首字母完成句子1.The police found the v_dead because of bleeding too much. 2.Everyone enjoyed the trip e_ Millie, she felt sick . 3.If you are an animal lover , you might be a bit d_when you hear tigers are being killed. 4.It is o_that he isnt interested in this story at all . 5.Different people have different TV viewing h_. 6. People _ (发现) that the power of colour can improve their life.7. Some students dont understand why they cant get parents _ (支持).8. He didnt _ (认识到) his mistakes until he was asked to his teachers office.9. The early _(移民者)in American were mostly from Europe. They took many Indians there.10. Close your eyes and _(想象)youre at the seaside now.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.He _(be) a top student since he went to school .2.He has a strong _and likes to be the leader . ( person)3.China is _( develop ) faster these years . 4.The band played many songs ,_( include )famous songs .5.You might find it a bit _(disturb)while _(watch) the programme.6.She spent the last few years of her life working_(close) with UNICEF to help poor children in the world.7.His success brought his parents a lot of _.( happy) 8. I saw lots of sheep while _ (travel) in Australia last year.9. _ (luck), the lost watch was found and sent to the owner at last.10. Tigers are in danger because of the _ (lose) of living areas.四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.我经常找不到足够的时间来做我想做的事情 . I often_ _ _ time to do the things I want to do.2.不要嘲笑那些犯错误的学生。 Dont_ _ the students _ _ _.3.许多学生疯狂迷恋电脑游戏,结果是他们对学习毫无兴趣。 Lots of students _ _ _ computer games ,_ _ _,they are not interested in their subjects . 4.不到明天是不可能宣布这个结果的。 The results_ _ _ _ tomorrow .5.他倾诉所有精力于教育事业。He devoted all his _ to _.6.两个小时的会议使人觉得乏味. A_ meeting made us _.7.Amy 昨天一整天都情绪不好,也不跟任何人说话.Amy was in_ _ _yesterday and didnt _ _ anyone all day . 8.我们生活在一个充满颜色的世界里。 We live in a world _ _ _.9. 我们必须尽最大努力阻止人们污染环境。 We should _ our _ _ _ people _ the _.10. 三分之二的学生对学英语感兴趣。_ of the _ _ _ _ _ English.五、完形填空Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be 1 to raise
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