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单元:Unit 5 课题:What do they do? 课时: 3 课型:新授【教学内容】 Cartoon time, Checkout time & Ticking time【教学目标】(一)知识目标1. 巩固本单元话题“Jobs”和“Introduction”中所涉及的句型及日常交际用语。2. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,读懂其中的趣味之处。3. 通过调查,巩固并灵活运用句型What does your do?及其回答Hes/Shes a teacher/writer/factory/worker/ 4. 会用英语介绍自己的父母及亲戚的职业并以小作文的形式正确地写出来。(二)能力目标1. 学生通过小组合作,学会自主复习前面几个板块的内容。2. 能在教师的指导下,表演Cartoon time中的故事。(三)情感目标 能够在阅读过程中体验到阅读的乐趣,激活思维。【教学重点】能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能在教师的指导下表演故事。【教学难点】会用英语介绍自己的父母及亲戚的职业并以小作文的形式正确地写出来。【教学准备】单词卡片、课文录音等。【课前先学】导学案P45第一部分第二部分作如下调整后再让学生完成:二、对照Ticking time部分,完成下列任务。1. I can talk about jobs. I can talk about _(数量) names of the jobs. Theyre _.2. I know verbs sometimes end with “s” or “es”. workworks makehaveteachdo flywatchdrivegolike【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Play a guessing game.My father works in a hospital. He helps sick people. What does he do?My mother works in a school. She teaches Maths. What does she do?(T-Ss, S-Ss, work in groups)Write the names of the jobs on the blackboard.2. Ticking time (1)According to the guessing game and Fun time (p.52), talk about jobs in pairs, then finish ticking time (P.57 No.1). I can talk about 4-5 kinds of jobs. I can talk about 6-7 kinds of jobs. I can talk about more than 8 kinds of jobs.3. Talk about the third-person-singular form of the verb and finish ticking time (3).T: Well, we can talk about many kinds of jobs. Now, lets talk about the third-person-singular form of the verb, well check the exercise in your exercise book. (先校对导P.45自主先学第二部分,然后让学生以小组为单位讨论总结动词第三人称单数的变化规律。) I made some mistakes. I did well in the exercise. I did well in the exercise and I can say the rules.Step 2. Presentation & PracticeCartoon time. T: Boys and girls, what does your father do?T: Look! Here comes Bobby and his friend John. (Present the pictures of Bobby and John.) We know that your father is a /your father is a But what does Bobbys father do? What does Johns father do? Please listen to the tape. (1) Listen and check.(听录音后组内校对导P.45自主先学第一部分。) (2) Read and answer. What do the fathers like? Who makes cars? Are there many cars in the street? (Warm tip: Try to underline the key sentences.)(3) Discuss and mark. (小组讨论,为每幅图中的Bobby配上合适的表情) Choose some sentences to read aloud, give the students some demonstrations, let them know how to read vividly. (4) Imagine and say. T: If you were Bobby, what would you say? (5) Read and act.Read after the tape.Read in groups.Show it in class.(小组互评)Act it out without books. Read it fluently and vividly with actions.You made some mistakes. Step 3. ProductionCheckout time. (1) Do a survey. T: Bobbys father is a doctor, what about Toms father? Is he a doctor, too? Lets do a survey. Open your books at P.56, you can ask and answer like this. A: What does your father do, Tom? B: Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. And you can report like this. Toms father is a doctor. He helps sick people. Understand? T: Toms father is a doctor. What about Toms mother, uncle and aunt? You can ask me. (学生问老师,得出答案,分别是:writer, worker, teacher, 完整地呈现师生间的示范,并指导学生进行汇报。) T: What do your classmates parents and relatives do? Please do a survey in groups. Report it in class. (2) Finish Ticking time (2). I can ask “What do/does do?” I can answer “What do/does do?” I can ask and answer “What do/does do?”Step 4. ProgressThink and write.(1) Introduce your parents and relatives in oral.(2) Write it down on P.57.(3) Revise the composition in pairs.(4) Write the composition on the exercise book.教师先给出谜面,让学生猜测,然后启发学生自己制作谜面,让学生猜,最后让他们以小组为单位,进行猜谜游戏。猜中说“Bingo!”并击掌表示。黑板板书时,请班级中的后进生说出单词是如何拼写的。可能对“doctor”和“nurse”这两个职业的描述,学生有所混淆,教师建议学生谜面中要加以说明。对于学有余力的学生,可以适当补充一些单词:a policewoman,a boss, a shop assistant等,当然,也可以对culture time中提到的“cop”和“fireman”加以活用。学生同桌互说职业类单词,进行同桌互评,如果学生不理解教师意图,可给出范例:Miss Green is a nurse. She helps sick people.教师要放手让学生自己去讨论、自己总结规律,然后引导他们根据评价标准以小组为单位进行评价,及时完成书本P.57Ticking time (3).动词变第三人称单数变化规律:1. 一般情况下,直接加s,在清辅音后读/s/,在元音和浊辅音后读/z/,如:work-works,drive-drives;2. 以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的,加es,读/z/(特别说明:go, do后加es,但读音为/gz/,/dz/),如:teach-teaches, watch-watches;3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,再加es,读/z/, 如fly-flies;4. 特殊变化形式,如:have-has。自主先学部分比较简单,组内可以完成校对任务。课堂上的再次阅读回答问题部分要求学生学会边阅读边圈画关键词、句,针对学生的回答,教师要善于追问:How do you know that? Can you read the key sentences?Bobby在每幅图中的表情:1. 开心 2. 得意3. 惊讶 4. 沮丧这是一道需要学生进行想象的开放题,学生可能会有各种各样的答案,只要有道理,教师都应给予肯定。学生可能的答案:Oh! My God!/ I think my father need a plane./ Oh, its late. My father cant help sick people today./指导学生看书,找出调查所用的语言,学生可能只找了如何进行问答的话语,而不知道如何汇报调查结果,教师一定要引导他们读书本表格下方的汇报用语。书上关于Tom的调查未完,接下来由学生问老师,调查Tom的妈妈和叔叔阿姨的职业以起到师生示范的作用,每一次调查结束,让学生进行一个小汇报,关于T
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