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2022年考博英语-广东工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题During the decades after the United States Civil War, a host of technical advances made possible( )and uniformity of railroad service.问题1选项A.and a new integrationB.for a new integrationC.that a new integrationD.a new integration【答案】D【解析】考查语法。B项made 后面没有了宾语;C项that后面没有谓语,无法构成从句;A项made 后面没有了宾语,而且and 前后也不是平行结构。故D项正确。句意:在美国内战之后的几十年里,大量的技术进步使铁路服务重新整合保持一致性成为可能。2. 单选题Hillary Clinton on Tuesday stressed that the battle for( )equality and preventing violence against women needs to be a priority for both women and men.问题1选项A.scandalB.genderC.egoD.asset【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。scandal丑闻;gender性别;ego自我;asset资产。由“and preventing violence against women 防止对妇女的暴力行为”可推知前半句是提倡男女平等。故B项正确。句意:希拉里克林顿于本周二强调,男女平等和防止针对女性的暴力行为的斗争应该是男女双方的首要任务。3. 单选题In the world of big business; James Linton is precocious in the extreme. Just two years into the job of reviving one of the most illustrious names in retail finance, RoCom, he has found himself a key player, in one of the richest and certainly most audacious deals in the industry PTLs takeover of RoCorm.PTL is paying 25 a share for RoCom-approximately 40 percent more than the market value of the sharesand its offer document boasted that “PTL attaches great importance to key employees having appropriate performance related remuneration.” Initially wary about the takeover, Linton has now negotiated a hands-off agreement with PTL, which confirms its intention to leave him very much to his own devices to continue building the business. All this and he will not turn 38 for another fortnight!Although Linton is credited with turning RoCom around, this is more a matter of work in progress than actual achievement. Yet he does seem to have instituted the biggest top-level shake-up in its near 70-year history, promoted some big-hitters amongst key staff and transformed RoComs way of doing business.Linton has, however, warned that the takeover is by no means a guarantee of future success; indeed, deteriorating market conditions suggest that the way forward will be anything but smooth. Linton recently ventured the hypothesis that being shareholder owned had, in recent years, helped the business focus and argued that the sectors experience of rival takeovers was not encouraging. Indeed, the recently reported performance of rival organizations such as Maften Limited has not promoted the no-Linton.It may have been his ideas about independence that made Linton address RoComs 900 staff on the day the takeover was announced, rather than doing high-profile media interviews on what was immediately seen as a fantastic deal for share-holders. He is acutely aware of the need to nurture his staff if the business is to succeed, something which is not lost on them. This is not a management-school dictum. It is a genuine belief that every member of staff has contributed to the firm and enabled it to net 1.9 billion from PTL. Other CEOs say he is arrogant, but this probably reflects the fact that Linton may find talking to them difficult. He is also ferociously intelligent, and, while in others this could appear intimidating, in Linton it awakes further admiration amongst loyal employees. They clearly do not feel they have to grovel in front of this mastermind, and claim that although hes incredibly dedicated to his work, he has an affable manner.Linton boasts that staff turnover rates at RoCom have remained low for the industry, at about 12 percent since he took over as CEO two years ago. “People have a real affection for RoCom, and that runs right through the office here. They all want us to be number one.” he says. He is aware of the possibility that the collegiate ethos he has worked so hard to create, the meritocracy on which he thinks much of RoComs success depends, could be destroyed if PTL is too heavy- handed. He will need all his skills to keep RoCom on course, particularly when attention has immediately focused on the possibility that Susan Marshall, its respected investment chief, might be the first casualty of the takeover. Whatever the future holds for RoCom, we are certain to go on hearing a lot more of James Linton.1. What is PTL doing, according to paragraph 2?2. What do we learn about Lintons work at RoCom in paragraph 3?3. What does Linton say about RoCom in paragraph 4?4. Which of the following is said about Lintons management style?5. How does Linton feel about the takeover, according to paragraph 6?问题1选项A.Allowing Linton to run RoCom in the way he wishes toB.Purchasing majority of the RoCom shares on offerC.Giving all RoCom staff regular bonuses to promote motivationD.Drawing up new employment contracts for RoCom employees问题2选项A.He has achieved more than anyone in RoComs history.B.He has widened the range of RoComs business activities.C.He has taken on a number of new employees.D.He has made cha
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