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2022年考博英语-安徽大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Would you please( )on your second point?问题1选项A.indicateB.elaborateC.precedeD.count【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项indicate“表明;指出”;B选项elaborate“精心制作;详细阐述”;C选项precede“领先;高于”;D选项count“认为;算数”。句意:能不能对你的第二个要点进行?对第二个要点还没有领会理解,需要进一步做解释。因此B选项符合题意。2. 翻译题61. American scientists have for the first time taken stem cells from human embryos that are genetic copies of living people. The goal is to create better treatments for disease. But the work has raised ethical concerns about making genetic copies or cloning. Cloning a human being is illegal in more than twelve states. Most scientists have rejected it, but some medical researchers are performing what is called “therapeutic cloning” to try to fight disease. Still that method is banned in seven states.62. One state where “therapeutic cloning” is not banned is Oregon that is where researchers at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland were able to put human DNA into modified human eggs: thus they produced embryos that were genetically the same as the people who had donated their DNA.63. The stem cells taken from the embryos which can be developed into any tissue in the body are called “master cells”. Scientists have already known how to use chemicals to cause master cells to develop into any tissue in the body.64. The idea is that doctor could use tissue created this way to replace diseased organs. The new body tissue would be a genetically match of the person receiving it and there would be no danger that the patients body would reject the new tissue which can happen with normal transplants.The scientists believed the stem cells could give doctors a new way to treat Parkinsons diseasea degenerative movement disorder. They believe they could use this genetic material or DNA from a skin cell of someone with Parkinsons disease to create a personalized treatment.Alta Charo is a bioethicist at the University of Wisconsin Law School, she believes it is too soon to say, whether the use of embryonic stem cells for personalized medicine would become common. Scientists could in fact find other less controversial sources of stem cells; however, she supports the use of stem cells to treat disease.65. She said, “I think that would argue for using them. I think there are moral obligations to people who are here among us, who are sick and in need, trans-political concerns and public relations, and perception problems around the very earliest first two or three days worth of development of an embryo-like entity.”The researcher on the cloning of human embryos to harvest stem cells was published in the journal “Cell”.【答案】61. 美国科学家首次从基因复制的人体胚胎中提取出干细胞,其目标是为了创造更好的治疗办法。但这项成果引发了关于基因复制或克隆的伦理担忧。62. 俄勒冈州是未禁止“治疗性克隆”的州之一。该州波特兰市的俄勒冈健康与科学大学的研究人员能够将人类DNA植入经过改良的人类卵子中,由此制成的人类胚胎和捐助DNA者在遗传基因上相一致。63. 从胚胎中提取的干细胞,能够被培育成任何人体组织,被称为“万能细胞”。科学家们懂得如何利用化学物质使万能细胞发育成任何人体组织。64. 这种想法是医生能够使用这种途径制成的人体组织来替代病变器官。这种新的人体组织和接受移植者在遗传基因上相匹配,不会发生病人身体抗拒新组织的危险,而正常移植往往会存在这种风险。65. 我认为利用它会引发争论,我认为,对于我们当中的人来说,对于那些生病和需要帮助的人,对于跨政治的关注和公共关系,以及对于胚胎样实体最初两三天的发展所产生的认知问题,都是有道德义务的。3. 单选题He doesnt drive yet, but he wants( ).问题1选项A.the own carB.the car of his ownC.an own carD.a car of his own【答案】D【解析】考查own和冠词的用法。own用作代词时是限定代词,用在所有格之后,强调某事物的个人所有或私人性质;需要和of连用。因此可以排除AC选项,句中的车是泛指,并非特指,可排除B选项,句意:他还不会开车,但他想要一辆自己的车。故选D。4. 单选题The service operates 15 libraries throughout the country, while six( )libraries specially serve the countryside.问题1选项A.mobileB.driftingC.shiftingD.rotating【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项mobile“可移动的,易变的”;B选项drifting“漂流的;飘动的”,一般是指由风或者水飘动着;C选项shifting“不断移动的,不断变化的”,也可以变换形态;D选项rotating“旋转的”。句意:这项服务管理全国15所图书馆,其中6所图书馆专为农村地区服务。这里的形容词修饰的是后面的libraries图书馆。移动图书馆有专业术语为mobile library,因此A选项符合题意。5. 单选题A healthy life is frequently thought to be( )with the open countryside and homegrown food.问题1选项A.tiedB.boundC.involvedD.associated【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项tied“系”;B选项bound“弹回;限制”;C选项involved“涉及;包括”;D选项associated“联系”。句意:健康的生活往往被认为与空旷的野外和自家的食物有。A healthy life“健康的生活”与the open countryside and homegrown food“空旷的野外和自家的食物”是有关联的。A,B,C选项均不与with搭配使用,可排除。be tied to“束缚于;捆绑于”;be bound to“必定会”;be involved in“涉及;陷入”;be associated with“与有关联”;因此D选项符合题意。6. 单选题The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.The result is assurance. Consumers and producers know that they can enjoy secure supplies and greater choice of the finished products, components, raw materials and services that they use. Producers and exporters know that foreign markets will remain open to them. The result is also a more prosperous, peaceful and accountable economic world. Decisions in the WTO are typically taken by consensus among all member countries and they are app
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