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2022年考博英语-北京航空航天大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题There are( )differences between theory and practice.问题1选项A.legibleB.ladenC.radicalD.medieval【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。句意:理论和实践之间有根本的区别。故选C。2. 单选题We( )a figure of a man clinging to the mast of the ship.问题1选项A.discernedB.dispatchedC.dissipatedD.diminished【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意:我们( )那个倚靠在船桅杆的人。discerned 认出,识别;dispatched 派遣,分派;dissipated 驱散,放荡;diminished 减少,缩小。因此,A项符合句意。3. 单选题For some time past it has been widely accepted that babiesand other creatureslearn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological “drives” as thirst or hunger. In other words,a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort,not otherwise.It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce re- sults in the world with no reward except the successful outcome. Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to “reward” the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements,such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So hebegan to study the childrens response in situation where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement “switched on” a display of lights一and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many as three turns to one side.Papouseks light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the in- teresting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would “smile and bubble” when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of lights which pleased them, it was the success that they were achieving in solving the problem,in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.1.According to the author, babies learn to do things which( ).2.Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby( ).3.In Papouseks experiment babies made learned movements of the head in order to( )4.The babies would “smile and bubble” at the lights because . ( ).5.According to Papousek, the pleasure babies get in achieving something is a reflec-tion of ( ).问题1选项A.are directly related to pleasureB.will meet their physical needsC.will bring them a feeling of successD.will satisfy their curiosity问题2选项A.would make learned response when it saw the milkB.would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drinkC.would continue the simple movements without being given milkD.would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink问题3选项A.have the lights turned onB.be rewarded with milkC.please their parentsD.be praised问题4选项A.the lights were directly related to some basic “drives”B.the sight of the lights was interestingC.they need not turn back to watch the lightsD.they succeeded in “switching on” the lights问题5选项A.a basic human desire to understand and control the worldB.the satisfaction of certain physiological needsC.their strong desire to solve complex problemD.a fundamental human urge to display their learned skills【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.文章第二段指出:Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.婴儿学会做某些动作,是因为这些动作在周围世界能产生成功结果,除此之外,并无其他奖励。据此可知,婴儿能学会做那些会给他们带来成功的感觉的事情,C项正确。2.根据题干关键词“Papousek, studies”定位至第三段:Then he noticed that a baby who had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure(有足够牛奶喝的婴儿尽管会拒绝牛奶,但仍会愉快地继续做学会的动作)。因此,没有得到牛奶的婴儿会继续做简单的动作,C项正确。3.根据题干定位至第三段:He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement “switched on” a display of lights(普塞克很快发现,如果他们的动作能“打开”灯,四个月大的婴儿也能学会左右转头)。因此,让婴儿转头是为了把灯打开,A项正确。4.根据题干“smile and bubble”定位至第四段:they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would “smile and bubble” when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of lights which pleased them, it was the success that.bring it under intentional control(当打开光源时,婴儿们尽管会“咯咯笑着吐泡泡”,但他们有时不会转过头来紧盯灯光。普塞克推断,让婴儿们感到愉悦的主要原因,并不是灯光,而是解决问题、掌握技巧获得的成就感,是人类具有认识世界和有意识控制世界的基本欲望)。据此可知,婴儿会笑是因为他们成功地打开了灯,D项正确。5.根据题干定位至第四段:Papousek conclu
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